Just wondering, because after a weekend of camping with my school and getting hardly any sleep plus walking for 6 hours, my recall has taken a hit and I find visualising dream scenes before sleeping really difficult, not to mention on the first two days when I got back into LDing and tried to WILD, I was able to pretty much get into the conscious-sleeping state, the only issue being it wasn't in a dream cycle, but now whenever I try, I'm way too tired to stay aware.

So yeah, I'm just wondering if it'd be a good idea to get a few extra hours sleep until the end of the week to make up the lost sleep and maybe cool off the LD practising, and was wondering if anyone else had the same thing happen to them. I'd also like to know if it's a scientific thing, i.e. does your body give you less REM sleep when tired?

Anyway, thanks and happy dreaming!