Tonight, I was dreaming that I was standing in front of a university, but decided to go back to my high school, seeing as I had nothing to do there yet >.>
Anyway, after making that decision, I turned around and was back at school in an instant. Now, after a few moments I started to think about how I didn't remember the trainride back, and thought to myself: this isn't right, I should make sure I'm not dreaming.
After trying to think back for a while though, I came to the conclusion that I must have gotten a different kind of train then when I went to the university (which I did dream about) and therefore, the trip had gone faster.
Although I still didn't completely trust my theory, I apparently decided to leave it at that, because I didn't get lucid and my dream simply continued.

So uh, I'm not sure what I'm trying to say, just wanted to vent my irritation I suppose... Why couldn't I just have done a reality check at that point