Hello there.
I think I've finally Isolated my WILD problem. (I always seem to forget what happens while im trying lol)
I usually get up at about 5-6 hours after sleeping with an iPod alarm (trying to enhance my autosuggestion though) and I dont really get differing results between 4 min and 20 min.. I either fall asleep, or if I concentrate enough, I get the following results:

I lay in bed, counting my breaths. at about 50 or so, I start to feel tingly (which I previously mistook for SP)
and then I lose track counting, and I get these weird HI scenes like there alot of people in a store all trying WILD and there were instructors around and stuff.
(I usually get alot of HI scenes and sounds just going to bed normally)

Anyhow, I just keep losing track of my counting, getting these weird scenes of people trying to WILD,
count again and so on. The strange thing is I remember manipulating these HI scenes, but I couldn't move my dream limbs, although at this point some of my limbs feel like they are floating, or just tingly, and I feel like im in the middle of moving my real limbs and my dream limbs.

I remember trying to "zoom in" or grab a dream object, which resulted in enhanced tingliness of my limbs.

after getting frustrated with about an hour of this, I wake up myself up from the half dreaming state im in,
and I find myself real dizzy. I try just to go to sleep normally, but once im in WILD mindset, I catch myself going into HI, and concentrate, not letting me go to sleep. although I did fall asleep eventually, this is nothing compared to a .3 second drop out like usual.

What am I doing wrong? How long should I keep counting? Should I count and not get sucked in to the HI?
