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    Thread: Gothlarks Wild

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    1. #1
      Truth Seeker Achievements:
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      Gothlarks Wild

      Dang this post was evidently deleted because of the forum switch and evidently so were loads of other techniques located in the research forum, so I will type it up once again. As in the last thread this is credited towords Gothlark a member here who used to write tutorials, and these are all his direct qoutes.

      This is probably done easier on your back, I do beleive you can think clearer and I don't have to worry about rolling to your other side, practice if you like before bed or in the middle of the day, just don't expect imeadiet success, really you should never expect that, I recommend using this with WBTB or even deild if you want it to be super easy and get the feel of what it might be like, when your more awake.

      Ok this post will be in seprate parts first is the visualizing which consists of basicly imagenation trying to stimulate a dream, then the "zone out" portion were you try to enter the dream and leave the real world behind.

      I things you can do with this or absolutly magnisifcint if mastered, you can wild during the day, you can do it in very short periods of time and you may beable to be in lucids for hours, to days, to years (lets just say a very long time is possible, ofcourse all with the help of the illusions of false memory) ok this is it:

      "okay, I personally WILD by willing myself into a meditative state and imagining a scene, then integrating my senses into it
      so I'd feel something, smell something, taste something, hear something, and see it of course
      for a newbie, basically the same thing, but draw it out for a long time... do each sense for like five minutes, and put a good half an hour or an hour into the meditative trance

      to WILD instantly like I do, I have to use all the senses
      no order necessary
      but I like to do visuals and sound first
      then feeling, then taste, then smell
      just because they strike me as being most dominant in that order
      and easier to simulate since we think about them more
      takes more focus on the later ones, but by then it's easier since you've got the others backing you up
      for vision it's obvious, imagine the dream scene... same for hearing, listen to your voice in the dream... listen to birds chirp or wind moving
      and yes, you can do them all at once if you're good enough with meditation, but I'm trying to make it practical for someone new to the method
      now, for feeling, I like to feel a gritty or wet surface... something that would stand out
      walking through damp grass
      running your hands along a bumpy wall
      taste... I often taste what I'd normally taste in my mouth... dry saliva (bad dry mouth during the day)...
      but you can also try eating something
      I tried eating bark once, that was gross
      I'd recommend a pie or something that suits the scene
      for smell, smell out the environment from the scene... in a forest? smell pine..."

      "it's best to just be a passive observer until things stabilize
      be aware of the fact you're dreaming but don't act on it, just watch for a while
      you don't get involved in it right away, you just kind of give your mind the set up, then let it drift but you have to stay consciously involved just not trying to FORCE it it takes a while to get the balance
      the best possible course of action is to be actively passive
      just takes practice
      let things happen, but be thinking observingly
      passively set the movement into motion"

      I wanna be the very best
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    2. #2
      Look away wendylove's Avatar
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      Thanks for posting this again, I am having some trouble and had to sleep deprive myself to get some homework done and forgot how to do this. I think you should request to make this part of the tutorial section. Gothlarks technique seems to work and it might help some non-lazy people.

    3. #3
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      Yeah maybe I will, but I'd like some people saying this is successful but yeah alot of lazy people on here, no offence to you and all the others who put effort in. What would be really cool is if I could get gothlark to post it, in better form, but this still works, I'm curouis do you do this on your back or side, because when I do it on my side I have trouble with this, and gothlark told me to do it on my back, but I thought it wouldn't matter, and it may not and I'm just really prone to falling asleep well trying to mentaly process a dream scene.

      I wanna be the very best
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      To lucid dream is my real test
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    4. #4
      Look away wendylove's Avatar
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      Thinking about it sleeping position doesn't matter as I have done this on my back and front, however I don't sleep on my sides.
      I'm just really prone to falling asleep well trying to mentaly process a dream scene.
      I find if your visualization is weak the first five minautes then the best thing to do is get up and get untired. What I really want to know from Gothlark is what do you visualize, I do mine random, however I visualize myself walking and flying around my street where I live. Their is a memory technique called the method of loci so I am good at visualizing places.
      you don't get involved in it right away, you just kind of give your mind the set up, then let it drift but you have to stay consciously involved just not trying to FORCE it it takes a while to get the balance
      the best possible course of action is to be actively passive
      just takes practice
      let things happen, but be thinking observingly

      passively set the movement into motion"
      I'm having most trouble around here, last night I nearly wild without WBTB. I have to get the balance right, however with more practice I think I can.
      The main problem I have is in the dreams everything is dark most of the time, and it takes ages and a lot of control to make things light. On the up side everything is realistic expect touch and everything is long my last lucid dream lasted twenty minautes.
      P.S. If you can get Gothlark to quote more it would be great.
      Last edited by wendylove; 05-05-2007 at 06:08 PM.

    5. #5
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      It'd be best to start zoning out when your visions are fairly stable, I can try to ask him what exactly does he do in these visions, but I beleive he told me he just walks around, it's exactly what you do pretty much and what he described as what to do in each sense that would be effective. he described himself walking forests and such, if you want to know more you cna always contact him directly through msn or E-mail, or even I can ask answers to your questions I'm not sure about.

      These are all the qoutes I have on this computer though I got a whole chat log of qoutes on another comp, but alot of them are in there.

      okay, I personally WILD by willing myself into a meditative state and imagining a scene, then integrating my senses into it
      so I'd feel something, smell something, taste something, hear something, and see it of course
      for a newbie, basically the same thing, but draw it out for a long time... do each sense for like five minutes, and put a good half an hour or an hour into the meditative trance

      it's best to just be a passive observer until things stabilize
      be aware of the fact you're dreaming but don't act on it, just watch for a while
      to WILD instantly like I do, I have to use all the senses
      if you wanna learn to be more visual, start with imagining a movie of a book you're reading, or any kind of story just make it into pictures in your imagination as you read
      you don't get involved in it right away, you just kind of give your mind the set up, then let it drift but you have to stay consciously involved just not trying to FORCE it it takes a while to get the balance
      the best possible course of action is to be actively passive
      just takes practice
      let things happen, but be thinking observingly

      no order necessary
      but I like to do visuals and sound first
      then feeling, then taste, then smell
      just because they strike me as being most dominant in that order
      and easier to simulate since we think about them more
      takes more focus on the later ones, but by then it's easier since you've got the others backing you up
      for vision it's obvious, imagine the dream scene... same for hearing, listen to your voice in the dream... listen to birds chirp or wind moving
      and yes, you can do them all at once if you're good enough with meditation, but I'm trying to make it practical for someone new to the method

      now, for feeling, I like to feel a gritty or wet surface... something that would stand out
      walking through damp grass
      running your hands along a bumpy wall
      taste... I often taste what I'd normally taste in my mouth... dry saliva (bad dry mouth during the day)...
      but you can also try eating something
      I tried eating bark once, that was gross
      I'd recommend a pie or something that suits the scene
      for smell, smell out the environment from the scene... in a forest? smell pine...
      confidence and paying close attention to your experiences to determine your own personal reality
      meditating's about focus
      yep, well, the relaxation's kind of necessary for the focus
      so relaxation is a mean not a result really
      lol, never focus on everything
      you either focus on one thing or nothing
      focusing on everything is a completely different form
      focusing on one thing is like a form of self-hypnosis... it's to focus yourself on something
      to focus on nothing is to clear your thoughts and just focus into your inner space, divoid of physical stimula or mental stimula... mostly used for spiritual things, but very good for self-control as well
      passively set the movement into motion
      WILDing is kinda a midground between one thing and nothing
      you have to unfocus on one thing
      like I said, you have to set it into motion, but just let it go from there
      make your subconscious work on it
      passively observe your thoughts as if they weren't your own
      but try to make any thoughts unrelated to WILDing float away from you
      without ever focusing on it
      just observe it
      tough to explain, but yeah
      cause you're going into your inner space like with no focus meditation, but you're trying to make yourself get dream stimula rather than no stimula

      I wanna be the very best
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    6. #6
      Look away wendylove's Avatar
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      if you want to know more you cna always contact him directly through msn or E-mail, or even I can ask answers to your questions I'm not sure about.
      what is his Msn and E-mail address.

    7. #7
      Truth Seeker Achievements:
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      I wanna be the very best
      Like no one ever was
      To lucid dream is my real test
      To control them is my cause


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