I think It's new anyway...

Anyway, I should Introduce myself, I'm Sio. I've been lurking around these forums for the better part of a year trying to get a LD, with almost no luck.

I gave, MILDS, WILDS and WBTB each a few months of try's, I could just never get it to work. Even when I reality checked often, and wrote down my dreams, I would invariably fail to reality check while dreaming, and hence never LD'd.

Well.... Last week, I finally moved my computer up from my basement to my bedroom. This gave me an idea.... All my previous attempts had failed because I failed to realize that I was dreaming when I was dreaming. Their was simply nothing to tip me off. So...... I set up a alarm on my computer to play a fairly short, distinct beep once every half hour. It starts at 5:00 PM, and continues until 8:00 AM. Everytime I hear it, I simply stop, do a quick reality check and resume what I was doing. Theory being, you don't really have to remember to RC every so often, that's what the beep is for. And If you hear it while your dreaming, that should do the trick.

I realize this is somewhat similar to the commercially available Head thing that you wear when you sleep and can help give you LD's. This method Has the Following Pros/Cons.

Worked on my first day
You actually know what your listening for. (since you'll be hearing it for hours before you go to bed)
No clunky headpiece.

Will disturb anyone else in the room
Hit or miss as to whether you get the sound during a dream.

The sound I used...

The Alarm Program I used...

This is my second day trying this, the first day I tried it I (last night) I had my first LD in as long as I can remember. It was highly personal so I won't recite it.

Anyways.... Best of luck everyone.