Ok i want to try this but can't because im in a dry spell and im not waking up

from my alarm ext. But I want someone to try this for me. My method is Like

someone elses WBTB + my own twist. The idea is to wake up 5 and 1/2 hours

into sleep, eat a banana take B6 and drink a glass of milk with

cholcolate in it (classic B6 tech) then though try to go online and watch

psycodelic/trippy videos (This is the experimental part) and do lots of reality

checks. then about 15 min awake go back to sleep.

The idea is (since i saw things that i did and saw suring the day

appeared in my dreams) that the videos will give you some weird dreams. and

that since the dream is so crazy you will be more prone to do a reality check

and ultimately go Lucid