Before I go to sleep I think about lucid dreams, tell myself I am going to have one, and imagine being in the lucid dream. All this is an attempt to plant a seed and prompt me to have a recognisable dream.

Google have just launched their new 3d virtual chat rooms and I have come up with an experiment to try with them. I have created a 3d virtual room with a chair in the middle, which looks at a picture. Behind the chair is a large hole in the hole and through it you can see clouds. The room is purposely plain so it's easier to visualise.

The idea is to spend time in the room before bedtime. Walk around in it, chat to anyone who's there about lucid dreaming. Sit in the chair and stare at the picture. This will put a very clear image in my mind of a place that doesn't exist in real life. When I go to bed I will visualise the room, which should be easy given I have been inside (virtually).

Now, if I happen to visit the room in my dream I will recognise it because it is very distinct and hopefully I will realise that it is the dream room and become lucid. Once lucid the hole in the wall will allow me to fly away through the clouds to wherever I imagine.

If anyone would like to give this a go, you can find the virtual room at:

If it doesn't work, then at the very least it's a chat room for lucid dreamers

What do you think? Could it work?