Hello and welcome to my DILD tutorial! (Dream Induced Lucid Dream)
Let me start off by saying that this is 100% my work, not copied from any sources. It may provide information similar to others, but that is purely coincidence.

So, you want to learn how to have DILD's? Well first off you're going to need a few things, the most important being a dream journal. Every day you wake up, whether it be 1:00 AM or 12:00 PM, you have to write down every detail of what you remember in your dreams, it may be just a feeling, it may be a whole epic story, no matter how short, how long, how unimportant it may seem, write it down.

The next thing you need is a sharpie or some other kind of marker that can stay on your skin for a whole day. What I want you to do is write down on the palm of your hand "Am I Dreaming?" I want you to write it neatly, or as neat as you can, and I want you to write it on a spot where it won't fade easily. (Putting any part of the phrase at the base of your fingers or some other part where you bend often each day will make it fade faster)

Next, i want you to chose a reality test, the first one is a MUST if you want to follow my lesson, and that is reading what you wrote down on your hand, turning away, then rereading it. The next one I want you to chose from this list:

*Plug your nose and try to breath in without sing your mouth.
Reliability: 5/5 Speed: 5/5 Discreetness: 4/5 Overall: 4.67

*Look at a digital watch, then look at it again, did anything change?
Reliability: 4/5 Speed: 4/5 Discreetness: 5/5 Overall:4.33

*Look at your hands, see if you can find anything strange such as an extra finger.
Reliability 4/5 Speed: 3/5 Discreetness: 5/5 Overall: 4

*Jump up, do you float down?
Reliability: 4.5/5 Speed: 4/5 Discreetness: 1/5 Overall: 3.16

*Try to fly. (Just try to visualize it)
Reliability 3/5 Speed: 4/5 Discreetness: 5/5 Overall: 4

Picked one? Good. You are now ready to start!