So I was just reading some posts on this forum and I got this kind of "light bulb" moment. In all the months I have been reading things about WILDing I have heard so many people say "just observe your thoughts but don't pay to much attention to them" or what others call "passive thinking". I was getting so annoyed with this though because I couldn't figure out what it meant for the life of me. But there was a post on here a couple days ago that got me thinking. This person asked if it was ok to let the mind wander while doing a MILD (which I do). So as I tried my hypothesis out last night it worked.
What I did was the usual WBTB after 5 hours and just laid there thinking over and over again the phrase I would use to MILD. And as long as I didn't focus to hard on it other thoughts, completely random, started popping into my head and about 20 min later I WILDed. I think this is also why counting works for some people. I hope this helps some people