I have a horrible habit of starting fights in my dreams and then finding out I can't throw a decent punch. They usually land quite harmlessly on my foe and I then have to run away.

But last night I had a dream that I was part of a team hunting a serial killer. The dream had a few things in common with the TV show Dexter, which isn't surprising - it's one of my favourite shows. But it got to the point where we'd identified the serial killer and went round to his house to arrest him. I found him eventually and held him at gun point but because I was a 'rookie' I wasn't allowed bullets in my gun or handcuffs (dream logic). So I approached him and tried to pistol whip him but he was too fast and kept dodging. I didn't become lucid at this point but I did recognise a pattern and for the first time, decided to change tactic. I said "I probably shouldn't tell you there's no bullets in this gun" which confused him and I used the opportunity to quickly grab him and put him in an arm lock and just kept twisting his arm until he gave up.

Does this show better awareness? I knew it was going to keep happening that way and so I took a new approach. I'm not usually that innovative in my dreams.

First dream fight I ever won too.