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    1. #1
      Dream Immunity spiritofthewolf's Avatar
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      My Meditative Mind State [How It Produces LD's]

      Hey Folks,

      I thought it might be a good idea to sort of explain my meditative mind state, and how it helps me produce LD's (or remember more dreams)...

      Some people may think for you to meditate that you have to sit quietly with your legs crossed and relax... That really isn't the case at all...

      If you think about it, every single person meditates even if they don't notice it.. It's called Day Dreaming...

      I have stated many times before that I am a huge day dreamer.. I sometimes will be driving home in the car, and be so deep in thought, that when I come to, I sometimes ask myself "How did I get to this point without getting into an accident?"

      It's quite simple... My subconscious mind...

      Let me put it into perspective...

      Half the time I am driving, I am driving a route I take every single day.. Usually going to work at night.. It's boring, not a lot going on, so I just drift off into day dreaming, letting my conscious mind relax...

      All the while (even though my conscious mind is busy thinking) my subconscious mind (knows the route i am going) and without noticing it, it automatically goes in that direction...

      Like auto pilot on a plane... When the pilot wants to take a break (conscious mind) auto pilot (subconscious mind) kicks in and takes over.....

      Now how does this all add up into Lucid Dreaming?

      Well put it to the test...

      First, take something you think about a lot, more then anything else.. It can be anything.. (a movie, game, girlfriend/boyfriend..) and keep that in the front of your mind through out the day.....

      When you are about to go to bed, please take a second to go to the bathroom, even if you do not have to, try... The reason being is, so that when you wake up from sleep in the middle of the night (from a dream, or no dream) you can just stay relaxed in your bed...

      While laying there in bed, think of the one thing that you constantly think about more then anything else.. Don't try and tell yourself "This is what I want to dream about.." Just lay there and day dream about it... Right there you are putting yourself into a meditative mind state (each time you day dream)

      When I day dream, I can sometimes sit there and see what I am day dreaming with my eyes open.. It's hard to explain, it almost looks like a very very light transparent "Movie".. What I see is exactly what I am thinking about inside my head...

      Why I am asking you all to take the one thing you think about the most, and sit and day dream about it is, because if all plays out well.. You will eventually dream about it more..... It would make sense that the one thing you day dream about the most through out the day, would be inside your dreams... The only difference between the two is, that most of time you are awake day DREAMING, and not fully asleep DREAMING....

      The trick is to get your day DREAMS to be reflected inside your DREAMS, to where you might encounter the one thing you think about most while awake...

      I don't know if makes sense to anybody or not, or how I am even going to end this article.. I am just trying to explain the best way possible, my everyday thoughts, and how I try to accumulate then into my dreams...

      For Instance.. I recently posted a thread talking about my best friend (who is female), and who I am just head over heels in love with.. She in the 1 person I DAY DREAM about the most.. The night prior to that post, I ended up having 5 dreams... Every dream either had her in it, or was about her in some way... Why? Because she is constantly on my mind....

      It's so strange explaining things like this, because I don't want people to think that I am "Gifted" or "Special"; I am not... I am just like every one here at dreamviews.. I just have noticed the smallest "Needle in the hay stack" things, that help out when it comes to Lucid Dreaming... And what I still can't figure out is, everything to me is like second nature.. It just happens... Why? I don't know..

      Part of the reason (or maybe most) is because I am such a big day dreamer.. I let my mind take off, and I think up new ways to improve my own minds capabilities (if you want to call it that) and it gets imprinted into my mind....

      The bottom line is..We are all still constantly dreaming.. It don't matter if we are dead asleep, or wide awake.. Take the things of our DAY DREAMS, and attempt to connect it with our sleeping DREAMS....

      Like a battery.. Positive (day dreams) and Negative (sleeping dreams).. If you can find a way to connect them together.. You have a greater chance of producing Energy (Lucid Dreams)

      Positive (Day Dreams) + Negative (Sleeping Dreams) = Energy (Lucid)

      I hope this helps some of you, and I hope it makes sense.. If you have any questions, or are left confused and want to know more, please PM me and I will gladly respond...

      Thank You

      LD Count: 300 since 2005, average 40 LDs a yr
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      My most infamous tutorial: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-cont...ide-3-1-a.html

    2. #2
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      Wow, this is a really cool way to do it. I actually daydream about my dreams and think about them all day. I really do think it helps me get lucid, because I'm always thinking about dreaming, wondering if I'm dreaming now, or wondering about what I'd do if I was dreaming.

      When I was a kid I would daydream about flying around shooting fireballs. I would spend about a half hour every night before bed telling myself I would have a lucid dream, and fly around shooting fireballs. It took a while, but eventually it started to take affect, and now I can pretty much tell myself to remember to lucid dream as I'm going to bed and I will have a lucid dream.

    3. #3
      Dream Immunity spiritofthewolf's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Naiya View Post
      Wow, this is a really cool way to do it. I actually daydream about my dreams and think about them all day. I really do think it helps me get lucid, because I'm always thinking about dreaming, wondering if I'm dreaming now, or wondering about what I'd do if I was dreaming.

      When I was a kid I would daydream about flying around shooting fireballs. I would spend about a half hour every night before bed telling myself I would have a lucid dream, and fly around shooting fireballs. It took a while, but eventually it started to take affect, and now I can pretty much tell myself to remember to lucid dream as I'm going to bed and I will have a lucid dream.

      That is awesome! All it takes is a little bit of practice and patience, and your sure to get some sort of results from it.. Thank you for taking the time to read!

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      trainee lunar6's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by spiritofthewolf View Post

      I hope this helps some of you, and I hope it makes sense..
      yes, it makes perfect sense, very thought provoking, thank you!

    5. #5
      Dream Immunity spiritofthewolf's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by lunar6 View Post
      yes, it makes perfect sense, very thought provoking, thank you!

      That is my only intention.. To help and try to expand people's way of thinking

      thank you for taking the time to read it!

      LD Count: 300 since 2005, average 40 LDs a yr
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      My most infamous tutorial: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-cont...ide-3-1-a.html

    6. #6
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      Wow spirit! I can relate. I often...snap to and wonder where on earth I was during a big fat day dream. I love day dreams, and have quite a lot of them being imaginitive kind of person that I am.

      SO glad that my mind isn't messed up. I should really try this!
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    7. #7
      I U
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      Being in the meditative state has me directly in touch with energy.

    8. #8
      Dream Immunity spiritofthewolf's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by I U View Post
      Being in the meditative state has me directly in touch with energy.
      You have me interested. Could you possibly explain more by what you stated?

      Thank you

      LD Count: 300 since 2005, average 40 LDs a yr
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      My most infamous tutorial: http://www.dreamviews.com/dream-cont...ide-3-1-a.html

    9. #9
      Dream Immunity spiritofthewolf's Avatar
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      I don't drive, but I often get into that same daydreamy deep meditative state you were talking about when I'm walking to work. I have a very boring 30 minute walk, and I swear sometimes I'm so intent on what's going on in my head, that I don't actually see where I am (though my eyes are open) and I don't hear the music playing in my ears.

      I sometimes come out of that state a few times during my walk and there'll be a completely different song playing than the one I recalled listening to before I slipped into that state.

      I see the images of what I am thinking about before I see the actual route that I am walking.

      It's so relaxing

      I actually started to wonder, though. I thought that this was hampering my success of having LD's. Because I live so much of my day inwardly, my overall awareness has been severely decreased lately.

      Granted, I've had about 4 LD's in a month (which is 3 more than I had before I found this site )... what do you think?

    11. #11
      Dream Immunity spiritofthewolf's Avatar
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      I think so far from what you are telling me, that your doing a great job.

      The key is to try to find the way where you balance your self out (Mind, Body, and Soul).

      I can't really explain it that great, but once you get to that point of "Awareness" You will realize that you don't need to "Try to LD" but instead, be one with the lucid dreaming notion

      Follow Me?

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      Quote Originally Posted by spiritofthewolf View Post
      Follow Me?
      Kind of

      Conceptually, yes. But I don't think I'll really understand it until I'm there, y'know?

    13. #13
      Dream Immunity spiritofthewolf's Avatar
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      yah, you will know when you have found it, it sort of clicks like a light bulb in the back of your head.

      It might help to sometimes go outside late at night and just close your eyes and listen to the earth, while taking deep breaths.. This always just puts me into a state of "Peace and Relaxation"...

      If you have any questions, feel free to PM Me

      LD Count: 300 since 2005, average 40 LDs a yr
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      Quote Originally Posted by spiritofthewolf View Post
      It might help to sometimes go outside late at night and just close your eyes and listen to the earth, while taking deep breaths.. This always just puts me into a state of "Peace and Relaxation"...
      I do this alot at work I work alone (as security) and sometimes, I just go up to the roof for 10-15 minutes for some night air and a breather (and sometimes it helps wake me up, on night shifts ).

      I absolutely love the dark, quiet and tranquility when I'm out there

    15. #15
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      I think you have meditation confused with automation.

      In fact, if you were truly meditating on your daily drives, you would have the opposite effect of waking up from your daydream in the middle of the route and wondering how you got that far. No, you would actually know perfectly where you are, where you were, and where you are headed.

      It's simple to explain: meditation is the state of being mindful. "Mindfulness," the complete awareness of your surroundings, is meditation.

      Driving a car or a jet plane on automatic is hardly a meditative state of mind. This daydreaming occurs because you are so used to driving a car that your brain can run it on automatic without fully being there in the present. This opposes meditative qualities, and really gets further from mindfulness than anyone who is a practicioner would want to be.

      Now, for something you think about a lot, such as your lovely lady friend... I agree that it can put you in a meditative state of mind; a contemplation. But daydreaming is not meditation! Making up scenes in your head and playing them out is not meditation. The autopilot your mind switches into is a lower form of human functioning, whereas meditative aspects strive to function at a higher level.

      If you were to meditate upon driving a car, you would be aware of your body touching the seat, your foot on the pedals, the cars around you, the road (and the bumps in the road), the wind as it passes your car, your hands on the steering wheel, the steering ratio, and every other little thing involved in driving a car. When sleeping, you may be aware of your body against the bed, your breathing, whatever is behind your eyes, this is helpful during sleep and lucidity because it trains you to be aware of the transition from waking body to sleeping body.

      You may enjoy reading the first few chapters of this online book, entitled "Mindfulness in Plain English." It may give you a greater understanding of mindfulness and meditation.


    16. #16
      Dream Immunity spiritofthewolf's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Rebelution View Post
      I think you have meditation confused with automation.

      In fact, if you were truly meditating on your daily drives, you would have the opposite effect of waking up from your daydream in the middle of the route and wondering how you got that far. No, you would actually know perfectly where you are, where you were, and where you are headed.

      It's simple to explain: meditation is the state of being mindful. "Mindfulness," the complete awareness of your surroundings, is meditation.

      Driving a car or a jet plane on automatic is hardly a meditative state of mind. This daydreaming occurs because you are so used to driving a car that your brain can run it on automatic without fully being there in the present. This opposes meditative qualities, and really gets further from mindfulness than anyone who is a practicioner would want to be.

      Now, for something you think about a lot, such as your lovely lady friend... I agree that it can put you in a meditative state of mind; a contemplation. But daydreaming is not meditation! Making up scenes in your head and playing them out is not meditation. The autopilot your mind switches into is a lower form of human functioning, whereas meditative aspects strive to function at a higher level.

      If you were to meditate upon driving a car, you would be aware of your body touching the seat, your foot on the pedals, the cars around you, the road (and the bumps in the road), the wind as it passes your car, your hands on the steering wheel, the steering ratio, and every other little thing involved in driving a car. When sleeping, you may be aware of your body against the bed, your breathing, whatever is behind your eyes, this is helpful during sleep and lucidity because it trains you to be aware of the transition from waking body to sleeping body.

      You may enjoy reading the first few chapters of this online book, entitled "Mindfulness in Plain English." It may give you a greater understanding of mindfulness and meditation.


      I guess overall I am just trying to explain "My Mind" and how it works and goes about in everyday life.. And when it comes down to it, I don't know where to label it as Meditating, Automation, etc... There are other things that I could explain more in depth to you, and maybe you could have a better explanation then me, but I don't have time to do it right now ( I am cleaning )

      All I know is I can bring myself to Pure Inner Peace and Tranquility with in a matter of seconds, any time I choose... I will explain that part later.. But thanks again for the reply and I will check out that book!

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    17. #17
      I U
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      Beleive all is energy; then when you still your mind, you are one with it.

    18. #18
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      This happens to me when I am playing Guitar Hero. I will just be playing a song, then I will start thinking about something else. All of a sudden, the song will be over, and I find myself with 100% completion.

    19. #19
      Old Seahag Alex D's Avatar
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      Really really interesting idea there, I'll have to try it tonight and report back!


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