Hey naiya, regarding the method of mild with visualization you are in a dream and you become lucid etc etc... Is it OK after doing this practice procedure... Next to it to do another practice like, you visualize your room.while saying the mantra, "when I appear in a different place other than my room it means I am dreaming"? When doing both these practice... Will it make the first practice less effective?
Woah, you were recently online. Glad to see that you still drop by from time to time Naiya ^_^!
thank you for wonderfull LD guides. they are very helpfull (: goooood luck
Nice to see you online! You are like a celebrity around here.
I saw you were in irc last night. Nice to see you back!
Thanks for your great guides ! ^_^
Clear some space in your inbox please. Need to PM you a few questions, thanks
Listening to your podcast
Luminescent sun chaser
Updated 01-23-2013 at 02:33 AM by Naiya