I have only been practicing lucid dreaming for 4 nights. the first night I was able to bost my dream recal to remember two dreams and I even think I woke my self up by telling myself I was doing a good job. I think i have always been a slight bit concious in my dreams because often I realise something dosnt make sense so I make it so that it does resulting in dreams that are longer and have a better plot. I have never as far as I can remeber become lucid though. the next night I had no dream recal at all but I was still geting used to trying to remeber them. The next night I decided to go to bed two hours earlier than normal, drink alot of water and will myself to remeber my dreams and wake up after every REM. I decided to not wory about lucidity at all and only test my recal. I woke up at 1:36 am but lost the dream I then woke up at 4:00 am and was able to remember two dreams. at 6:00 am I was able to remeber another dream. I had no lucidity in my dreams just as I wanted. This proved to me I could control my sleep patern just by willing it. Last night I decided to add lucidity to my list of autosugestions. I wanted to test If I spamed as many autosugestions and changed the wording eachtime if I would think more about the meaning and not the actual words. I dont know if thats a good idea but it was a test. my autosugestions included and mostly went in this order but I also switched order randomly.

I need to do reality checks
I realy need to do reality checks while dreaming
I realy need to become lucid while dreaming
I realy need to become conciouse
I realy need to be aware
I realy need to not wake up when I become lucid
I realy need to not get excited
I realy need to remeber my dreams
I realy need to pay atention

after I fell asleep I belive that some of them partily worked but because there were so many I had a hard time doing them exactly. I did not wake up for normal REM dreams like I did the night befor because I wanted to stay asleep till lucid and I wanted some more rest.

my light in my kitchen had not been working irl and my dad had complained about it befor I went to bed.

in my dream My dad tryed to flip that same switch but this time It completely went off. I think this reminded me to do reality checks, the first thing on my list. I belive the dream changed but the thing is I did it under my control. A DC that I will call Chad was with me but he didnt seem like a DC. We were asking a DC lady to answer questions and take a righting test at a desk that now existed. I wish I could remember the questions I asked but I now belive I was asking here how to become lucid because I couldnt remeber what I was supose to do. I wasnt lucid but I was in control. I know i wasnt lucid because I was trying to become lucid. I then realised that Chad was a DC and can remeber saying "your a figment of my imagination" now I was interigating Chad. I think I lost my attention and I very slowly woke up. It was almost exactly 6:00 which is when I was planing to get up. I had actualy forgoten this dream when I first woke up and was afraid It was going to be like the second night but I tried realy hard and remembered this much.

this dream is intreaging to me because:
a) I was atempting to do reality checks even though I couldnt remeber how do to the fact that I was trying to many autosugestions
b) I was in control of the dream even though I wasn't lucid
c) I realised that chad was a figment of my imagination even though I didnt fully realis I was dreaming, just trying to do what I told myself to do.

I need your guys help in interpreting this dream and telling me what do tonight. What autosugestion should I use? How close am I to attaining actualy lucidity and any other sugestions you have.