I'm guessing you were lieing on your side.. which could have caused the pins and needles if you were lieing on that arm |
1. After twenty minutes of lying still I felt quite strong pins and needles coming up my arm, was this the start of SP? |
I'm guessing you were lieing on your side.. which could have caused the pins and needles if you were lieing on that arm |
'Some men see things as they are and say why. I dream things that never were and say why not.'-Kennedy
Actually, when I was experiencing the pins and needles I was on my back |
You don't *have* to lay on your back, but I find it much easier to project when I'm waking up laying on my back contra my side. Also, the pineal gland releases more DMT when you're on laying on your back. |
Allow me to shed some light on this topic. You will KNOW when SP hits because its a sensation like nothing you've ever felt. Its more than just pins and needles because it is your whole body going into paralysis. Alot of times when it happens to me I also get auditory signs. However, other times SP can be followed directly with entering into a dream. The process is different for each person so its hard to explain what exactly it will be like for you. But trust me, you'll just KNOW know when it happens. Hope this helps. |
Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions. ~ Edgar Cayce
For me SP, (when I experience it) is weird. I could NOT move and something was banging on the cupboard behind me. It wasn't scary (when I think about it now it was) because I knew I was dreaming. I tried to stop it with my mind and jump out the window but failed and went into deeper sleep. |
LD = 4
Dream goals (while lucid=x non lucid=) : fly [x] go into space [ ] explore the dream world [ ] create a storyline/plot for a dream and go through it [ ] collapse a skyscraper [ ] drive a car [ ] fly a spaceship [ ] telekenesis [ ] transform into an animal [ ] drive a bike
If you enter SP, theres wont be any doubt in your mind wether it was SP or not |
Lucid Goals?... Fly [X] Kick some ass [X] Pound some ass [X] Teleport my ass [X]