Dear fellow explorers

I have trained lucid dreaming fro about 1 year on and off. Sometimes I practice and other times i do not practice at all.

However I started practising again. And yeah something really spooky or strange happened.

It is morning around 8 and I am waking up. I am snoozing as always and start to think of doing an OBE. I have to mention I have only had 1 very short OBE and 3 near OBEs (the tinkling sensation phase). This morning I experience two OBEs.

The first one starts with the tinkling sensation and I ask "how many are you" and I intuitively get the number 10 or 11. Why i asked how many are you I really do not know. After I posed the question I get the numberer 10 or 11 and feel the presence of a group of people or entities waiting and the thought of paper and pen springs to my mind. It was like one of them was writing. It is important to note that I do not see anything it is all feelings and intuition that I sense. As I get a little scared or overwhelmed because of the experience I wake up and feel the sleep paralysis decreasing in my body. Strangely enough I think that my legs are hanging over the edge of the bed side only to find out that they are not they are actually in the bed. Not out over the bed side as I were feeling. Kind of an post out of body feeling.

After waking up I am evaluating my experience and found out that I felt I was actually communicating with some one on "the other side". A group that was waiting for me and they were working with something and were quit intellectual and had important knowledge/information. What it was i do not know. I get pretty hooked and want to try again so I do.

The second experience also starts with the tinkling sensation and I kind of drift away from my body. I feel that I am letting go of my body. This time the "OBE" provides me with information in audio and not feelings and intuition. It is much more direct and external that before. What I experience during the altered state is a voice speaking to me. It is in the same pace or rhythm as when a priest is saying his prayers. The voice is not in any language I have ever heard. But if I had to compare it with something it would be arabic or Greek of some-kind. I do not know the arabic or Greek language so I find it strange and cant understand it at all. What is more strange to me is that the voice only appears in my right ear. I really take notice of it and try to tune in to it. He still talks to me in my right ear and as I become fully aware of the experience I wake up and the voice slowly stops as I become awake.

To be honest I really do not know what I am supposed to do with this experience. At one point I am exited but also a bit scared of the unknown. But deep down I just want to know a bit more about what the group i felt the presence from and the man who was talking to me in a unknown language.

What are your thoughts when you hear of my experience?