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      it no worky
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      Hahaha SPIDERCAT!
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      omg merlin, that cat going down vertical you posted on ophelia's VMs, precioussssss : ))
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      Ooooh, not long til summer break now!
      Have you managed to stay relaxed in the final stretch?
      Hope you're doing well!

      Our weather has been all over the place, we had a 39 degree day and then rain and thunderstorms, but we've had some nice spring weather in between!
      How is it in your part of the country?
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      Hee hee, you like!? I was hoping to induce some RCs with that one! I wanted to do it for a while but was even more inspired after reading Hyu's dream where that happened, and Timbo59 made it for me!

      I've been good, but less active lately because of some internet issues. It's really affected my LD frequency too, I had a pretty bad month compared to the last few.
      I'm looking forward to getting more involved again soon!
      I hope you're doing well and uni isn't too stressful!
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    About Dark_Merlin

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    About Dark_Merlin
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    My father was taught by his father in a lot of ways of meditation and awareness. He's passed some of this down to me through my childhood, but only now am I starting to really question. I've always had a knack for dreaming, and I think LDing is the best place for me to start on my journey.
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    View Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Hiding in the Dark with the Ray-gun of Time

    by Dark_Merlin on 08-01-2014 at 11:13 PM
    I had this little dream I remembered but hadn't written in my journal last night.

    It was late at night, I was outside and it was dark and gloomy, just barely bright enough for me to see my surroundings. I was on the run, I had some people chasing me, there was a scavenger hunt of some sorts going on and I had just grabbed a plastic bag which had a bunch of ham in it and ran away. I was scared that I was going to be caught, so I ran as fast as I could around some buildings and found a field of grass behind them, and layed down as flat as I could in the grass, knowing that someone would come looking for me. I figured I was low enough not to be seen, but the plastic bag of ham out to my left might have been more visible. I stayed still for a good few minutes, worry running through my mind. I could hear voices coming closer, and they sounded like a couple of old buddies I had from high school. I jumped up and sprinted away to my right towards a small office building, but inside was an older thin man, who was working security.

    Inside was small and brightly lit, with a desk in the corner and the walls barely decorated. He saw me and immediately sounded the alarm, crap! I knew there was only one thing to do, shoot him. I shot at him, and a bunch of people ran inside. I knew suddenly that I had messed up, this shouldn't have turned out that way, and I had to fix it up. The people chasing me ran in to the office and saw what had happened. I reached in to my pocket and pulled out a small parabolic dish attached to a handle, this was a special ray-gun which had the ability to reverse time, but I had no idea how it worked. I assumed that if I pointed it in the direction of the man I shot, he would simply reverse and be alive again. I pointed it and pulled the trigger, but not just the man went backwards, but everything in the room was affected, including me. It created some really strange distortions as things started going in reverse, people walked out of the room and the dead man came back to life. When I decided I had gone back sufficiently far, I released the trigger and waited. This time there was no alarm, and the officer seemed rather happy instead. It was very bright, as though it was now day time and the sun was glowing through the window lighting up the room. The people who had run in though, alerted me to the fact that not everything was as it seemed, and I could feel some strangeness throughout my body. I knew that reversing time would have adverse effects, and it felt as though my hand had turned to goo, even though it still looked fine. One of my friends who ran in pulled out their phone and showed it to me. One half of it was normal, but the other half was distorted, with the letters and numbers sliding off of the phone. Whoops!

    48th Lucid - ToTM November

    by Dark_Merlin on 11-24-2011 at 11:35 AM
    The beginning of the dream eludes me, but my memory begins with me already lucid. I am in a place I've never been before, a small pasture, surrounded by hills on 3 sides and leading to the ocean on the other. Opposite the ocean is a small house/cottage up on the hill, I began somewhere near here. Knowing that I was dreaming, I decided to go for a bit of a fly. I jump up in the air and propel myself forward - the wind flapping my clothes and hair. I took a dive towards the ground and flipped upside down, flying backwards down the hill. I drop, gently rubbing against the ground as I continue to push as I fly. I remember thinking about the strange warmth it produced instead of pain, and how it shouldn't tear the shirt I was wearing. I get back upright and fly back towards the cottage on the hill.

    Inside, fOrceez's little brother is set up as a clue to complete the ToTM, as he's completely dressed in Mjolnir armour from the Halo series. Oh, right! I should do the ToTM! I look in a mirror and start to create the armour around me. Almost like in Iron Man, the armour starts latching around my arms, legs, body and head. I can still see perfectly clearly, no helmet or visor obstructs my view - but I'm now decked out in full yellow armour!

    I move my arms around, jump up and down, it was incredibly light and offered no resistance - feeling as though it actually increased the speed and power of my movements. I go back outside and look out over the hills. I point my hands down at the ground and push - this is one of the first times I've tried to use Iron Man rocket-style flying but boy is it good. I flew around the hills for a while, and some time later lose lucidity - though quite how I am not sure.
    lucid , task of the month

    Successful WILD! Trick or Treat and Questions About My Dream Guide

    by Dark_Merlin on 10-06-2011 at 06:19 AM
    Successful WILD! Trick or Treat and Questions About My Dream Guide (WILD)


    I wake up at 8:24, from a dream about meeting a girl. I spend about 10 minutes writing it down, and lay on my front just to sit and think about the dream for a while. All of a sudden - BAM - I'm hit with a massive wave of vibrations. I of course, decided to go with it - and I decided to try using an AP exit technique. I stayed still, allowing the vibrations to deepen, and started visualising pulling up on a rope, and pulling myself out of my body. The vibrations intensified, and the lowered briefly. I kept going with the visualisation until I really felt myself start to slip out. Infront of my eyes, a hallucination started.

    I saw a CRT computer monitor, perfectly square, with a bunch of symbols on the screen, one was a clown face, then others just squares, spheres, a pyramid. I began to feel the vibrations lower, and the hallucination solidified properly. I asked it - "Who is my dreamguide?" A picture of my cat appeared on the screen. I asked again "Who is my dreamguide?" A picture of the music teacher from the Simpons appeared, an older man with grey hair around the sides. It is possible that I asked again - but I can not remember correctly if I received a reply.

    I decided here to take a chance - I wasn't sure how deep in the dream I was, and I didn't know if I would wake if I tried to move. I threw off my covers and stood up. I could feel my body but I couldn't see - am I awake? My eye mask fell down on my face, and I shifted it, and took it off - my bedroom appeared before me. It was night, I stood in the middle of my room, I looked in the mirror - whoa I look weird, I must be in the dream. I tried to count my fingers but it wasn't working - screw it. I plugged my nose and breathed in and out, I forgot how much fun this was! I used body awareness to stabilise further - centering myself into the dream.

    Oh! The Task of the Month! I faced my bedroom door, "Trick or Treat!" I said, and opened the door. It was just my family room - nothing abnormal and nothing to receive. Damn. I walked up the hallway to my parent's room. "TRICK OR TREAT!" - I reached out and went to slide the door open, and it flew off as though I had kicked it down - awesome! Inside, they are both asleep. Dad rolls over and turns on a lamp next to his bed, and I notice that as the lights come on it becomes day - that saved a bit of effort.

    I walk over and stand next to my mum's side of the bed, Dad rolls over and searches next to his bed. I look at my hands - I needed to shape shift aswell, one of the gods? Zeus. I try and make a large lightning bolt in my hand, but get a blue glow and a few sparks. I don't even know how to shapeshift! I'll just do it later.

    "So who IS my dreamguide?" I ask
    Mum starts talking about something strange - about how when someone is sick, there is an association people make with them within society. She's rummaging through a small box, and I see a pillow with an apple sticker with "Sick - Sam" written on it - probably from my cousin being sick here sometime. Is that what she's talking about? I still don't understand. I end up holding my luggage bag - what dad was searching for over the edge of his bed - my trick or treat gift. I use the texture of the leather on the handle to stabilise while I talk. I didn't look in the bag.
    "Who is my dreamguide?" I ask again.
    "Well, you've been told.. me, cats," my Dad replies
    "Yeah, uh.."
    "Old Man Fudd" - a reference to the Simpsons music teacher - that's not his name.
    "And who else, I can't remember! I can't remember!"

    The dream instantly dissapears as I wake up drawing a sharp gasp.

    The messages in this dream were quite confusing. I'm not sure what to think of it. I've always thought of my cats as highly spiritual beings, but I've never thought of them as helping me with my dreaming. My father isn't my dreamguide, but has led me spiritually throughout my life.

    The music teacher, with greying hair is interesting though. In the last lucid before this, I became lucid after an older man, in a police car yelled out to me 'Isn't this weird, Alex?!' When I think back through my dreams, I can note significance of an older man. He was there when I questioned my dad if I could learn to fly, he was there when I landed from my first power slide, he was there when I met Alex for the second time. I feel that he could play a significant role in my dreams, though I haven't spoken to him more than once. I will continue to find my dream guide, speak to Alex again and find out more about this old man.

    Updated 10-06-2011 at 06:25 AM by Dark_Merlin

    lucid , memorable , task of the month

    The Camping Ground - 34th Lucid

    by Dark_Merlin on 09-13-2011 at 12:01 PM
    The dream begins in the bush with dad. We just got out of a car at the edge of a new camping ground. It is small, rounded and at the edge of the ground the tree line begins, and continues on into the forest. There is a very large kangaroo a few meters away from us, looking over occasionally. It is after mid-day and the sun is shining through the trees, creating a beautiful dappled afternoon and a joyous feeling as we arrive.

    Dad starts commenting about the camping ground. "Gee, this is pretty ugly. I thought it'd be bigger." I have memories of this place, perhaps from a previous dream or the terrain was created from a memory of bush land. I think it's absolutely beautiful, but I just talk along with Dad anyway. "It's a bit small I guess", for most of this time my eyes have been glued to the kangaroo, who is still standing around and un-afraid of our presence. To the left, there are two people sitting around some sort of camp-fire, I catch them in my peripheral vision as they stand and say "It's nice once you get used to it". Dad makes a comment about how he could take out the roo with a shotgun, and is now standing at a table where the car was parked, looking at a long box which contained a shotgun.

    Memory jumps a little here, but I assume the two people start taking us in to a large wooden cabin. We walk through a door on the left side of the building, the inside is a large hall space. A boy from school I don't often talk to - Max - walks up to me, and the first thing he says to me is "You're dreaming, you know?"
    "Oh, I am?" I wasn't quite sure - everything seemed very realistic and I hadn't realised till now the strange dream-like feeling. I could tell before I had RC'd, but I did it anyway, and plugged my nose and breathed in. Awesome!

    I turn to him, start rubbing my hands together to stabilise, and with the situation at hand I take the opportunity to ask a question, directed at the dream character but aimed to get an answer from my subconscious, I look him straight in the eyes.
    "How come this doesn't happen more often?"
    "How come you don't normally tell me when I'm dreaming?"
    "Oh, you know, uh.." He was really unresponsive.
    "Is it an effort thing?"
    I can't remember if he replied or the dream skipped, but he ended up saying
    "You know, where I'm from there's this trick with water-"
    and instantly I remembered - Yes! My goals! The ToTM!
    "Thank you!"

    I start walking backwards out of the building, and think "When I turn around, there will be water." I pictured a lake, or a large, clear puddle behind me. When I turned, there was a few trees in front of a clearing, where there was a murky, muddy puddle. I walked towards it, saying in my head "I am walking to the water" over and over.

    I stood infront of the puddle, facing towards the cabin. I stepped, trying to stand on the water and my foot simply planted straight into it. Hm. I tried both feet and failed. I believe I could have tried to lift myself out of the water after having both feet in, but I can't remember it completely and I'm not going to count it as complete. When I was done, I stood infront of the puddle again - this time for the advanced task. I started with water bending - something I've done completely naturally in a lucid dream before - but now I was thinking about it. I try and raise the water in a stream, using my hands to guide it up. It doesn't work, but I somehow make a splash in the puddle, and increase the effort and concentration I'm putting into the telekenesis. The murky water collects into one ball at eye level, gently swirling around while I increase the intensity to gather more water.

    People started to gather and I realised I needed to control two elements, and not just water. While holding the ball of water in the air, I focus on the ground and try and raise up the dirt in columns - it doesn't work. Okay, wind! I start yelling, louder and louder as they do in Dragon Ball Z, feeling as I draw in more energy. The last time I did this in a dream I woke up just before I was finished and I didn't want that to happen again so I stopped increasing the volume. Loads of people were standing around me now - one was filming. I could see the wind blowing around me but I couldn't feel it yet - and the dream was starting to fade! I put all my effort in and felt the air rushing forwards against my back - success!

    I woke up into a False Awakening, hearing an occasional dull buzzing noise. I presumed it was my phone, and turned to find out I had fallen asleep in bed on IRC with my netbook. I had been added to a private channel with ShockWave, Raspberry and a few new members I didn't recognise - I was also using webchat. I closed the windows and had a sudden panic that the lucid hadn't saved in the word document! (Which I never typed.) I woke up, as I went to check for the document, and started writing the dream out.

    String of Lucid Dreams - 12-13-14-15

    by Dark_Merlin on 08-06-2011 at 11:03 AM
    String of Lucid Dreams - 12-13-14 (WILD)


    I had just changed from my school to my friend's school, though the dream actually took place at my school. I was getting accustomed to a new group of friends, and Hamish convinced me to leave during recess and go out of the school.

    We climbed through a fence, and started walking down the street when Hamish said 'Shit! That's the principal's car!' We started running back towards the school as fast as we could. I got back in the gate and walked back up to the group. I asked Dunstan what he'd done, his hand was swolen, he said he'd broken his knuckle. We were standing in a circle beside a tree close to the fence line.

    I asked fOrceez where his group sits, but I don't think I was ever shown.


    I wake up and want to write in my DJ. I roll over and open it, take out my pen and go to write the date. What the, it's not the 31st, it's the 12th. I started writing when I noticed -
    wait, I'm in my bed. I was sleeping at fOrceez tonight. I looked up at my clock, it read 8 : 0~. I did a nose RC, aweosme! I sat up and rubbed my hands and the sheets on my bet, but when I got up my entire body felt top heavy again. I struggled against it and got up and out my door. I opened the door into my hallway, though it was a different version. Everything was poorly lit, with a green tinge. It was hot, and muggy. I felt as though I was in a chinese seafood market. WHOA. My head tilted to the side very quickly, I stumbled, fell down and woke up.

    I layed in my bed and did visualisations as I fell back to sleep. I ended up without a dream around me, floating in the void. For the first time ever I imagined a dream scene, I believe it was a beach, in which I was able to simply step into. I remember doing the nose RC in the dream. Yes! I'm lucid! WHOA-

    I wake up in a false awakening, in a room with fOrceez, his little brother and two of his brother's friends. We were all in the same room, there was a bed on each side of the room and then 3 mattresses in the middle. I got up and walked down the hallway and accidentally walked into fOrceez parents room, crap! I ran back to the room we were sleeping in and tripped and fell in through the doorway and woke everyone up. Some kid tried to elbow me in the balls, and I pushed him away.
    I told fOrceez, "Dude, I just had a DILD and then a WILD!" I got excited and noticed the dream fading.
    I'm dreaming, shit! No! Don't collapse!

    I woke up and stayed still and let my mind wonder. I started visualising. I was atop a cliff, looking over the edge and out at the stars. I look back over the edge and jump down. I free fall, feeling the air rush against my skin. I fall about half way down before I start to catch myself, and begin to float away.

    This dream then faded into a non-lucid about being in a bird-zoo at night, I was being instructed by someone to use two axes - one in each hand- to kill as many birds as possible. I was just swinging wildly at birds and they'd disappear in a puff of feathers.

    This night made me so proud, I was just so incredibly happy with it.