Hello guys! Long time no see. It's funny how when you really try to do something, it ends up being impossible to do. However When ever it never crosses your mind, you end up doing it in the most amazing way possible. For the past week or two, before I gave up on the task completely, I had been trying to find someone to dream share with. The funny thing is, I shared a dream with someone I havent talked to since Highschool. I'm in my Sophomore year in college now. I don't know if it's allowed, but I am going to share my experience, aswell as his because ours were a little different!

Mine: It's The last day of Highschool and I am just conversing with all my friends in the parking lot. While We all are excited, No one really wants to celebrate until later, so we all just go our separate ways, for now. I don't remember how I got home (I'm assuming I just teleported for the sake of my dream?). But while I'm at home, I realize I'm hungry, so I decide to walk to Mcdonalds. I choose to walk in the Alley to save time due to the zig zagging roads in the front. As I near the end of the alley, I notice a group of shady characters toss a football around and speak in rather expletive and annoying tones, and I figure that its best to avoid them. I try to climb a neighbors fence, but there was this weird force that wouldnt allow me up to a certain point, thus, heading forward and hoping for the best. I noticed a familiar face, Sean, and quickly call out to him so the others could figure I meant no harm. He looked and reveled at my appearance like we were the best of friends being united. He asked what I was doing, and I told him I was going to Mcdonalds and he insisted on tagging along. I agreed, and just like that, all of his friends disappeared. As we walked, he mentioned that he didn't eat anything all day, and I kinda thought he had it rough so I already knew I was paying for his meal. To lighten the mood, I whole heartedly mentioned that I havent eaten all day either "Yea, all I had to eat today is the gum I am chewing right now", then we both snicker. "I'm glad it still has its flavor. I don't know what I would do if it hadn't". As we both laugh, we began reminiscing about our middleschool and highschool terms. We finally get their, but before we go inside I ask him why I didn't see him at the school that day, and he just stared at me. Then he fades and I wake up.

Sean's (pasted from facebook, and edited by me for grammar reasons): The dream starts with me chilling with my friends. I really didn't like those guys, but they were the only ones I could find. I offered throwing around a football because it was the safest thing to do. While we toss it around, I see you walk out from the alley. You have your graduation Cap and Gown on, and a golden aura around you. LoL, I thought you were an angel at first, calling out to me, saving me from these douche bags. As You walk up, I realize that thats my boy Roy, and I saw the Cap and I knew your "I want to pass everything" looking ass just came from Harvard, or Yale. You have a big grin on your face until you see the company around me, then you garner a smug look for the rest of your walk towards me. I ask where you going. You say Mcdonalds. I say I want to come and you say. 'As long as it's just you, they look like thugs". I faintly agree as I notice you obviously think very highly of yourself and lowly of me and the homies. As we walk from the pack, I mention that I didn't get a chance to eat today. Abruptly, you ask 'is it because you don't have any money? I GUESS i''l pay for you'. It felt good that you were willing to help me out after our long term of not hanging out, but I was really questioning your moral character. You then change the subject and the mood with something funny. I can't remember what it was, but I was dying laughing the whole way there. we finally get there, and you open the door to Mcdonalds. As you do, I hear you mutter "LOL, so what? You were too stupid to graduate?" I was more shocked than anything. I chuckled as you walked through the door and screamed "F**K You too, LMAO"

I looked him up on facebook the next morning and messaged him. I told him I had a dream about him and he said the same thing to me. I told him to tell me what it was about, before I showed him mine, and look, its crazy. I sure did sound like an a-hole though