Last night before it fell assleep i herd a really loud voice(somebody was calling my name, screeming my name in my ear as soon as i herd this i feel into a deep state of hypnogogic imagry where i was seeing things and i felt as though i was numb, and it all happened at once the voice was so loud it felt like it would bust my eardrums and as soon as i herd that i feel into a deep state(im not real sure what this is called could somebody explain)) when i was actually in my dream(not lucid) i was in pe(for some time now i have been going over in my head to play football or not to play football, i really feel as though i need to but i dont want to. In the dream all of the sudden it was football season and when everyone went to the field i was still standing in the locker room when one of the coaches from climson(that i never talked to but have seen twice walked up) he had i guise some kind of sign up sheet in his hand as though he was signing me up for football and i actually told him how i felt about football, and he said so u want me to sign u up(like the coaches always are(not listening, sometimes)) he looked up and said "It really all depends on what you want to do" that really hit me i just stood their and stared at him and then the dream ended, this is when i wondered if that could of been my dreamguide(this football coach that i had never talked to before but had only seen twice) and now i think that is my dream guide. I think i am deciding not to play football because the choice really relys on me, its all up to me. This is the first dream that actaully made sence to me and im glad that i have experienced it.