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    Thread: Remote Viewing

    1. #1
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      Remote Viewing

      You may find the subject interesting.

      Joe McMonegale wrote a book a few years back called Mind Trek. It is his personal and military account of involvement with PSI and government spying. I had mentioned the book because in it Joe briefly talked about how he had done Lucid Dream experiment with Stephan LaBerge, author of Lucid Dreaming to see if Joe could remote view a target while in a lucid dream state. Joe did an excellent job.
      What is remote viewing?
      “Remote viewing (RV) is a skill by which a person (a "viewer") can perceive objects, persons, or events at a location removed from him or her by either space or time. In other words, one does not actually have to be there, nor does one need any so-called "physical" connections, such as television, telephone, etc., to gain information about the target. Remote viewing exploits and improves upon what is more commonly called "psychic" ability (an overused word that has accrued unfortunate connotations), and works whether the target is in the next room or on the other side of the planet. Neither time nor any known type of shielding can prevent a properly-trained remote viewer from gaining access to the desired target.”
      What Remote Viewing is Not
      “Remote viewing is not "being psychic" in the way commonly understood by the media and many practitioners of "paranormal" arts - though thanks to recent incomplete or inaccurate reports many have been led to believe otherwise. Remote viewers are not the typical "clairvoyants," "fortune tellers," or "psychics" we often hear about on TV or read about in the papers. Many of these more traditional psychics often do have amazing talents and abilities, but there is a qualitative difference between the average "natural" psychic, and a properly-trained remote viewer.”

    2. #2
      dream whacko MrGrEmLiN's Avatar
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      Remote viewing is a fascinating subject... I wonder if it's really possible...
      LD count: 25 and counting
      My new dA account: http://vibrationdreams.deviantart.com

    3. #3
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      I first hear about it about seven years ago. I was of a skeptical frame of mind
      on the outset but after having taken a course from www.hrvg.org, I lost the skepticism. You might check out their website.

      I worked through all the protocols they assigned which took about six months. It took a lot of patience and persistence. I kept an open frame of mind and kept repeating to myself the following mantra: if they can do it then I can do it!

      You are given a target identification number. You are never told what the target is. NO information is given period. You have about a week to do the target following all the learned protocols. When you complete the session you end it by snail mail, fax it, or scan and send via attachment. It must be in by a specified date. On that date you go to their website. When the target ID turns blue you can access the target to see if you got it. If the target is late, the session counts for nothing. It doesn’t matter if you nailed the target dead on or not. Of course you will have had the satisfaction of knowing you did well but that means nothing to the website. www.hrvg.org is excellent because it tries to keep the chain of custody clean and as scientific as possible. All the viewer gets is an identification number and goes from there. Amazing? Yes.

      I remember one practice target I did; I worked through the protocols and came up with very basic data like “high up looking down…..wet” I closed my eyes and went to a place behind the eyes we call blackboard and got visual of a helicopter. It was more like a drawing etched in white against a black background. I emailed my session and anxiously waited the next few days for the ID to turn blue on their website. When it did I was flabbergasted to see I had nailed the target dead on! It was a photograph of a military helicopter hovering over the flooded Holman airfield! Just good luck? Maybe But when I did another target a week later, drawing something that looked like the Hollywood Bowl in California with words like “music…..energy above the structure….clapping of hands….and went to target and found it REALLY WAS THE HOLLYWOOD bowl, I was again flabbergasted. My skepticism was waning quickly! What is the chance of hitting the lotto twice in two weeks? I did a third target, and while it was not as dramatic a “hit” as the first two, I did rather well. I had drawn a large tent like structure and actually called it a tent. There were people there. Mountains in the background. I seemed to get data like city sounds, air pollution, etc. There was alcohol.

      The target turned out to be a gathering of friends( remote viewers in Hawaii ) having an outdoor party. The photo showed it all: the tent, the people, the rich green mountains of Hawaii in the back ground, and a white retaining wall. On the other side was a main highway with cars, hence, the air pollution. On a small table next to the tent was a bottle of Jack Daniels, the alcohol.

      So yes, it is possible. I have proved it to myself more than once. However, not all remote viewing sessions turn out that good. There are failures too.

    4. #4
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      Go to this website: http://seriouskilowatt.com/archives/4.html

      or read here:

      Clap, Click and Swing
      Serious @ 7:05 pm — Filed: remote viewing, session clips, dreams, lucid dream rv
      So here we are nearly a month later. I haven’t had a single lucid dream since the one mentioned below. Until this morning. Frustrated, after more than three weeks of fruitless effort to be awake in my dreams, yesterday I did an archetype meditation on lucid dreaming. The very next night I have an LD. Go figure. But that’s a different story.


      I woke up early for a standard lucid dream induction method called M.I.L.D. (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams), invented by the good Dr. LaBerge. With dream mask in tow, I went back to sleep. Eventually I found myself in a dream and realized my disposition not from a dream mask cue, but by recognizing a ‘dream sign’ (an element of dreams that indicates you are dreaming).

      I was in my living room (that wasn’t my living room. You know how that goes) with my roommate Tony and his ex-girlfriend. I tell them I’m dreaming and they said, “Hey, that’s cool.”

      With a big smile on my face I say, “You know what that means right? You guys are just a figment of my imagination. You don’t really exist.”

      It didn’t seem to bother them much. Tony made some joke about it and we all sat around laughing about them not being real.

      It was time to get down to business. Ready to view the new target pinned above my bed back in the world of the awake. I decided I’d close my eyes, clap my hands, and when I opened them I’d be at the target site.

      I closed, I clapped, I opened my eyes and… nothing. I was still sitting on the couch with my figment friends giving me a blank look. I think, “Hmmn. Okay. In Joe McM’s account of his lucid dream remote viewing experiments, I remember he clicked his heels, opened his eyes and was at the target site. I’ll try clicking my heels then.” Like it would make any difference if I clapped my hands, clicked my heels or wiggled my damn nose! Hilarious.

      I closed, I clicked, I opened my eyes and was still sitting on the couch, now being laughed at by imaginary people and feeling rather silly.

      Then it dawned on me. I’m at my house in the dream so the target must be pinned to the wall in my dream as well. I’ll just open the envelope and look at the feedback in the dream! Too easy! Feeling like I was cheating and completely blowing protocol by opening the envelope before my session was on paper, I went over to the wall where it was pinned and opened it up. Inside was three tiny little astrology booklets. Like little novelty things. I tell Tony (who makes my paper target pool for me), “Dude. This target sucks.” He just laughs. The thought wasn’t lost on me that this may actually just be symbology or some representation of the actual target though, so I made a mental note of it.

      I’m a little fuzzy on the details, but at about this point I had a false awakening (dreamed that I woke up). I see another dream sign and suspect I’m still dreaming. I found my dream mask on the sofa and pressed the ‘reality check button’ (a little button on the mask for testing whether you are dreaming or awake. Trust me, this can be an issue. When you press it, it activates the light/sound cue on the mask. Since electronics generally don’t work right in dreams, if the cue isn’t activated when the button is pressed, chances are you’re still dreaming). Proud of myself for recognizing the false awakening, I hold the up the malfunctioning mask to my roommate and say “Ha! See? I’m still dreaming!” like the joke was on him. He didn’t seem very impressed.

      Back to business. I decide that this time I’ll just try and get information about the target the way I normally do in the waking world - sitting quietly with my eyes closed and opening myself to the target. I go outside on the back porch and sit on a swing. Closed eyes, opened to target… nothing. Concentrating really hard on wanting to make target contact I look in front of me and see a row of large trees. The uniformity of their branches strikes me. I wonder if the shape is target related and make a mental note of it. I see two trees close together that are wrapped in vines. Then out of nowhere baskets full of flowers hanging from the sky are all over the place. A hundred of them maybe, all hanging at different lengths off the ground. I start laughing, swinging in the swing and yell out, “It’s so beautiful!” And it was.

      Then I’m in an office building sitting at a conference table looking over session notes in my lab book. I think maybe the data in my dream book are target related so I make not of them. Indoor columns that arch out at the top like in certain midevil architecture and a line of text: “A quiet place, a place of study.”

      There are other people sitting at the table. They are there for a job interview. Two executives, a middle aged man and an elderly woman, walk into the room. One of the women there for an interview starts telling the elderly executive how she tried to take some courses from her in college, but the old lady wouldn’t let her in the class. A no-nonsense old lady, she starts lecturing the girl on making it happen for herself and not relying on classes.

      Then I woke up.


      Wrote down what I thought was important from the dream in my lab book, put the pen down and ripped the sealed envelope off it’s tack from above my bed. Inside, the feedback was a photo of some sort of protest. You can see the session and feedback photo here.

      Now personally, from a learning perspective I can see certain elements of my session in the target photo. Mainly the noted shape of the tree branches as corresponds to the hippie’s arms holding up the signs. I feel there was target contact, be it so vague that it’s nearly unrecognizable. I’m not one to stretch data and would of course classify this a miss, but in the end, I’m not in a lab or a scientific study. Just a guy practicing and experimenting at home. So ultimately I’m classifying it as a learning experience. Just like every other session.


      All this heel clicking has got me thinking. The only time I feel like I really made any target contact in the dream was when I sat down and really concentrated my focus, intensely wanting to make contact. Then I just looked up and there it was. No amount of clapping and doing the hokey pokey seems to be worth a crap if there isn’t strong focus behind it. I suppose I could’ve seen that one coming. Maybe just passive expecting isn’t enough to shift the scenery to the desired state even in a dream. Of course this is only after two trials, hardly enough to start drawing conclusions. Probably lots of variables, but next time I’m going to work on focusing my the intensity of my intent… or something like that.

      Keep the olives chilled folks. No martinis this morning.

    5. #5
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      Victoria B.C. Canada
      Is there a way of science explaining this? i don't mean a lame not make sence, but maybe a solid answer that can back it up with facts? Still though, i dunno if science can have a good answer for this...i mean, how can science prove being able to see stuff you've never seen in your life? brain see's what we have seen our whole lives, i doubt it can see stuff you have never seen before without some type of paranormal thing attatched to it, but i'm kinda sick of people calling things paranormal almost as much as skeptics always finding a way around it via science and denying what people wanna think with their not real facts that are proven false later on.

      Damn, sometimes it truely sux to even bother thinking....

    6. #6
      Cheese Monger Achievements:
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      2000 or so years ago, science thought atoms were bull$#!+. Today, most scientists think psychics and psions as bull$#!+. They WILL be proven wrong. (the scientists that is).

    7. #7
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      Actually there are some scientists out there putting their reputations on the line and researching PSI and remote viewing. There are a lot of pro's and con's. Many scientists don't believe there is enough statistical data from their research to warrent further interest. Other scientists feel just the opposit. In my opinion it boils down to their experimental design.

      CHeck out the following if your interested in more information:
      The Controlled Remote Viewing Home Page

      Rhine Research Center (Institute for [and Journal of] Parapsychology)

      Parapsychology Foundation, Inc.

      The Cognitive Sciences Laboratory

      Consciousness Research Laboratories

      James Spottiswoode and Associates

      The Boundary Institute

      Koestler Parapsychology Lab (University of Edinburgh)

      Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research

      Rhine Research Center (Institute for Parapsychology)

      University of Amsterdam Anomalous Cognition Group

      Look up the above on google.

    8. #8
      pj is offline
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      You might also do a search on Rupert Sheldrake, a fascinating British biologist who has extensively and scientifically studied PSI phenomena using statistical analysis.

      He has a couple good books out there too.
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      Raised Jdeadevil
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      The Fine Print: Unless otherwise stated, the views expressed are MINE.

    9. #9
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      Dear LucidFlanders:

      You said
      >Is there a way of science explaining this? i don't mean a lame not make sence, but maybe a solid answer that can back it up with facts? Still though, i dunno if science can have a good answer for this...i mean, how can science prove being able to see stuff you've never seen in your life? brain see's what we have seen our whole lives, i doubt it can see stuff you have never seen before without some type of paranormal thing attatched to it, but i'm kinda sick of people calling things paranormal almost as much as skeptics always finding a way around it via science and denying what people wanna think with their not real facts that are proven false later on.

      Damn, sometimes it truely sux to even bother thinking<

      Dear friend: all I can say is you will never know until you try learning it for yourself. Until then you'll spend your life sitting back in your arm chair wondering, while while so many other people are actually DOING remote viewing.(:-) I appreciate your being skeptical. I am also a skeptical person but I decided to be open enough to see if RV could work. My experience shows me that it does.


    10. #10
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      Hi Fordy:

      WHat part of Australia are you from.
      I spent two years down there: 1984-1986. I never wanted to leave. Of course I eventually had to go home. If I had enough money I would retire down under. I would like nothing better than get a good quality Whites Metal Detector and spend my remaining days looking for gold.

    11. #11
      FreeSpirit RooJ's Avatar
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      Hey robroy,
      As someone who has experience in this field I was wondering if you had any knowledge of the free SRV course at www.farsight.org and what you personally thought of it.


    12. #12
      Look away wendylove's Avatar
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      Remote viewing is rubbish. After the 60's all the scientific evidence done on psychic activity showed that psychic activity was as good as guess work. So what do you do when science proved you wrong change the name, creationism to intelligent design and psychic to remote viewing.
      CIA spent 20 million dollors on psychics or remote viewers and concluded it was a waste of money and shut it down.

    13. #13
      Look away wendylove's Avatar
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      Funny I just had a hit. Well, I drew a big flame and three people in front of it. The sad thing is the hit was actaully the next code, dammit.

      Shit two hits, reflexation and big puddle. Weird I was think about a puddle and drew one and then clicking it bam shocked. Seriously if I get more I might attempt to get the million dollars of Randi foundation.

      Last edited by wendylove; 06-08-2007 at 09:16 PM.

    14. #14
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      True but not 100&#37; true. The CIA did close it down but the dicision had two components to it: first CIA was under some tough scrutney due to some poor decisions they made. Political infighting had something to do with it as well.

      Second, the AIR report was flawed from the get go. They were not given all the materials because nearly everything the CIA had was classified. SOme of those materials have been declassified todate , but not all. As a consequence, the Air report made its judgement based only on what they had, a couple boxes of sessions. They never got the good stuff. Again political infighting also contributed to the CIA's remote viewing project.

      I have seen some very ompressive rv sessions done blind, meanding the reviewer was told noting about the target. The target was revealed only after he/she completed the session. I have seen some mind blowing sessions. I have seen some crappy one's as well. And THAT is a good reason in itself for people to say RV was not reliable. That said keep in mind that not all intelligence obtained by more conventional means is necessairly 100% accurate as well.

      I can appreciate where your coming from but I really recommend you do some research on the subject. There is some good material out there.


    15. #15
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      Yes, I have taken the free SRV course. It's ok but I prefer the www.hrvg.org course better. It allows for visual information where SRV, being a hybrid of CRV down plays visuals. A lot of people started with the SRV course. Interestingly enough, some of them wwent to HRVG afterward. Dick Allgire who lives and teaches the hrvg method in Hawaii started with SRV. If you want to get a start you can look into SRV for sure.

      If you contact www.hrvg.org and post a message to Dick or Glenn, they can get you in touch with the people in AUstralia teaching the hrvg method there.

      Let me know how it all turns out.
      Keep this in mind however, SRV is not CRV. CRV as taught by Lyn Buchana and Paul SMith is the real thing used by the CIA, DIA and other government agencies. SRV is Courtney Browns simplified version. He changed things to suite himself. I have no argument with that, but I don't think the method is nearly as good as the CRV original.


    16. #16
      Member delpiero's Avatar
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      to understand OFFICIAL CIA decisions, you have to understand politics.

      to understand Unofficial CIA decisions you need to read between the line.

      Program is still up and running and much more sophisticated then ever.

      It works with Echelon, radiowaves, Sattelites and HAARP. other programs use ared that you find on the web are most of them just amateurs trying to swim in a Sea of unknown.

      But for now I will just give you a simple scientific explanation.

      I have this (wireless) Palm here that I can connect on any international cellphone tower. On CDMA technology for America's and Japan, and on GSM for Europe and other countries. There is a camera on my palm and with the right program I can do live streaming using that camera.

      Basically I can be anywhere in the world under a cellphone tower and send the information to a fixed computer based somewhere else. Video and sound in real time.

      Now replace the palm with another human brain, and the fix computer with your brain sleeping. But you use the same path. And whats even cooler, you dont need any programs.


      Then realise why we commercialised the cellphones to put towers all over the place.

      But people prefer knowing electricity is made to cook dinner instead of understanding how it works.

      its the KISS way, Keep It Stupid and Simple.

      Now lets go watch Family Guy so our brain stay on sleeping mode...


      You got all my support robroy and pm one of these days, I have things to show u and tell u.

    17. #17
      Cheese Monger Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by robroy View Post
      Hi Fordy:

      WHat part of Australia are you from.
      I spent two years down there: 1984-1986. I never wanted to leave. Of course I eventually had to go home. If I had enough money I would retire down under. I would like nothing better than get a good quality Whites Metal Detector and spend my remaining days looking for gold.

      One of the good things about Australia is that it isn't crowded.

      I wasn't alive during the 80s though

    18. #18
      the angel of deaf Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by wendylove View Post
      Seriously if I get more I might attempt to get the million dollars of Randi foundation.
      Go for it!
      A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service
      and compassion are the things which renew humanity.

      ҈҈My music҈҈

    19. #19
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    20. #20
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      The Ministry of Defence has defended a decision to carry out tests to find out whether psychic powers could be used to detect hidden objects.

    21. #21
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      I really enjoyed this book


      Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook (Paperback)
      by Joseph McMoneagle

    22. #22
      Member BohmaN's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by AHiddenSaint View Post
      I really enjoyed this book


      Remote Viewing Secrets: A Handbook (Paperback)
      by Joseph McMoneagle
      So you believe in it? How was it? Tell me more please!
      Currently practicing WILD. I quote Kaniaz who said it best: "The point of WILD is to piss me off". Though, I have not given up, far from it.

    23. #23
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      Victoria B.C. Canada
      Quote Originally Posted by robroy View Post
      Dear LucidFlanders:

      You said
      >Is there a way of science explaining this? i don't mean a lame not make sence, but maybe a solid answer that can back it up with facts? Still though, i dunno if science can have a good answer for this...i mean, how can science prove being able to see stuff you've never seen in your life? brain see's what we have seen our whole lives, i doubt it can see stuff you have never seen before without some type of paranormal thing attatched to it, but i'm kinda sick of people calling things paranormal almost as much as skeptics always finding a way around it via science and denying what people wanna think with their not real facts that are proven false later on.

      Damn, sometimes it truely sux to even bother thinking<

      Dear friend: all I can say is you will never know until you try learning it for yourself. Until then you'll spend your life sitting back in your arm chair wondering, while while so many other people are actually DOING remote viewing.(:-) I appreciate your being skeptical. I am also a skeptical person but I decided to be open enough to see if RV could work. My experience shows me that it does.

      Thanks. Sorry just saw it now lol....i am a skeptic but not really. I prefer to question things, then try and answer them like a question wondering. I don't know alot of these subjects so i wont be ignorant on things i don't know.

      Bold Part - There is my life story all in 2 sentances.


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