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    Thread: Psychic-y stuff

    1. #126
      THE anime nub :D What??Me??'s Avatar
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      I don't know, but it's cold
      Nope. Tried and true mainer. A new soul..... Yippe, skippe.

      And check out the new avatar and sig pic.

      Quote Originally Posted by Portalboat View Post
      So, that means you'll have boobs bigger then all of theirs combined? Because all of them have pretty big boobs
      Quote Originally Posted by Mario92 View Post
      Now that I'm done shrieking like a little girl, this sounds like fun.

    2. #127
      Emotionally unsatisfied. Sandform's Avatar
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      I'm Bradley Thompson -- and I'd like to thank you for joining me on this course.

      Now, if you listen closely over the next four lessons, you'll discover just how easy it is to tap into your natural psychic ability and use these skills to create a better life.

      Can YOU imagine having --

      * the power to make things happen just by thinking about them!

      * the ability to change anything you want in your life!

      * the skill to solve all your problems!

      Imagine no longer! You HAVE that power and those skills. In fact, you were born with them.

      * So why not turn imagination into reality? *

      It's a great question - and in this mini-course, you'll move closer toward achieving that. But first - I want to blast the lid on some of the weird myths that have become linked with psychic powers over the years.

      Have YOU heard of any of these...?

      * * *

      MYTH NO. 1 -- Psychic powers are Dangerous

      This is totally FALSE. Skydiving, bungee jumping, vaulting over the Grand Canyon on a motorcycle or plummeting down Niagara Falls inside a barrel: now THESE things are dangerous! But your psychic abilities are innate, meaning you were born with them. When you learn more about these powers you're really only learning more about yourself. The only danger involved is that you might discover ways to lead a happier, healthier lifestyle.

      MYTH NO. 2 -- Psychics are really only Witches under another name

      Again, this is completely UNTRUE. Your psychic talents are 100% natural and this course helps you tap into those talents that are already there. Your psychic skills will help you remove stress from your life, help you make the right choices and decisions about events in your life and give you the power to help other people. It won't show you how to cast spells or get in touch with the devil: those things have nothing to do with the psychic world AT ALL.

      MYTH NO. 3 -- Psychics can get possessed by evil spirits.

      Absolutely FALSE. Your psychic adventures may bring you into contact with beings from the spirit world, but for the most part these will be loved ones who have passed over and who now wish to get in touch. There is absolutely NO evidence ANYWHERE that anyone who has developed his or her psychic skills has ever been taken over or possessed by an evil spirit. Period!

      * * *

      You already have psychic abilities. Everyone does. You were born with them. Despite the efforts of television and Hollywood to sensationalize things, there's nothing supernatural or mysterious about it. If you're still uncertain, ask yourself these simple questions:

      * Have you ever entered a room and felt an immediate atmosphere, a chill in the air or a sense that something had just happened?

      * Have you ever been somewhere or seen something and knew every detail about the place or thing, even though you knew you'd never been there or seen it before?

      Most of us would answer YES to both of these experiences. But how can you explain them? What is it that makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, or gives you butterflies in your stomach? The answer is, of course, your psychic abilities, warning you of danger or helping you make sense of situations.

      So how can you tap into your psychic powers on demand, so you can gain those sort of insights exactly when you want?

      Well, it's a scientifically proven fact that as soon as you close your eyes, your brain starts producing alpha waves.

      Why is that important?

      Because those alpha waves are the basis for creating the perfect conditions to connect with your psychic powers! If you could learn to create those conditions for yourself whenever you wanted to, you'd be able to develop and exploit your psychic abilities to their full potential.

      In the next installment of the course we'll chat more about this principle - and demonstrate how easy it is to gain access to your psychic powers. We'll also be giving you the secret to unlocking those powers once and for all.

    3. #128
      Emotionally unsatisfied. Sandform's Avatar
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      Now, in the first installment we looked at some of the myths surrounding psychic abilities and helped you understand how these abilities are completely natural and a part of who you are. We also hinted at how you can create the right conditions to help develop and exploit your psychic powers to their full potential

      And the secret to creating those conditions and unlocking your psychic powers is ... meditation!

      But what exactly is meditation, and how can it be so powerful?

      Meditation is basically a way of learning how to focus. When you're focused you can shut out the physical world and let your intuition and sixth sense come storming through. And that's where all your psychic power comes from.

      But to some people meditation is an inexplicable practice that remains surrounded in mystery and misconception. It's seen as either too complicated or too time consuming to be of any real benefit in our modern way of life. This is so far from the truth, however, that we feel the need to shatter all those myths immediately and set your mind at rest!

      * * *

      MYTH NO. 1 -- Meditation takes years of practice and requires super-human powers of concentration.

      This is totally false. Meditation is simply a skill that anyone can learn. It takes little more than the ability to breathe deeply, close your eyes and focus on something. You can focus on a color, a shape, a sound, an object, a face, or anything that helps you block out the world around you.

      You don't need to wear fancy clothes or chant silly incantations. But then again, you can if you want to. And that's another point to remember. Meditation is a personal experience: you do it the way you want to by following the techniques that suit you and your lifestyle.

      MYTH NO. 2 -- In order to meditate, you have to empty your mind.

      This is also completely false. You probably already realize that it's physically impossible to empty your mind. No matter what you do, there's always something going on in there. Even when you're asleep your mind is working away, sifting through information from your day and sorting things out for later use. Rather than thinking about emptying your mind, instead you should think about filling it with just ONE idea and trying to focus on that. That's what REAL meditation is.

      The ability to focus on a single thought is probably the only difficult part of meditation. And once you get the hang of that, with help from all the exercises included with this course, you'll be able to meditate almost anywhere and at any time that's convenient for you.

      MYTH NO. 3 -- Real meditation requires you to get into the Lotus position.

      Are you kidding? Meditation is a thoroughly personal experience. It doesn't require you to position your body in any special way. Crossing your legs in a way that is incredibly uncomfortable is NOT going to help quieten your mind!

      There are many schools of meditation and special exercises from "international meditation gurus". However the simple truth is that whatever works for you, works for you. There are no right and wrong ways to meditate.

      Now - as well as helping you focus and gain access to your psychic potential, meditation also brings with it a whole stack of benefits that will improve your health and well being almost immediately. Here are just some of the by-products you'll enjoy when you meditate regularly...

      * increased relaxation

      * instant stress relief

      * better concentration skills

      * a more positive outlook

      * looking and feeling younger

      * more creativity

      * greater spontaneity

      * emotional security

      * more energy

      * clearer ideas about what you want

      * enhanced problem solving skills

      Once you're relaxed and your mind is open to possibilities, you'll begin to notice things you might have previously taken for granted.

      Now, I'm going to show you how easy it is to learn how to meditate and unleash your secret psychic power source, your INTUITION.

      Let's start with the simplest focusing technique there is: deep breathing. This exercise is the basis for all your meditation work and the key to helping you lead a more intuitive life.

      Whenever you do any of the exercises in the Be Psychic! books, make sure you have a comfortable place to sit in a quiet room where you won't be disturbed. Many of the exercises are meant to be done while you're at work or when you're out and about, but you might find it difficult to practice the focusing and meditating exercises unless you can shut out the world in a relaxing and peaceful environment. But don't let that put you off: once you get some experience behind you, you'll easily be able to focus - even in the most hectic situations!

      * * *


      Make yourself comfortable as you sit on a chair or on the floor. Keep your back and spine as straight as possible to allow energy to flow freely through your body.

      Breathe in slowly through your nostrils only, keeping your mouth closed to help make this easier. Exhale slowly through your nostrils as well, feeling the air as it enters and leaves the body through your nose.

      Focus on your breathing. Feel each breath enter and exit your nasal passages. Feel the air filling up your lungs as your chest rises and falls.

      Continue to breathe deeply in this manner until your mind is calm and your body is relaxed. If your concentration wanders at any time, try to bring your thoughts back to your breathing again.

      * * *

      Okay, it's a pretty basic exercise -- but it illustrates two points.

      Firstly, how easy it is to focus and, secondly, how meditation doesn't have to be a long and complicated process.

      If you managed to complete this little exercise then you'll know that it takes only a few minutes to relax and find something to focus on. And that's what meditation is all about.

      Once you begin meditating on a regular basis, you'll be able to calm your mind and body quickly, putting yourself in exactly the right state to activate your intuition. This isn't as difficult as it sounds, because your intuition has been guiding you to make decisions and solve problems all of your life.

      Think about all the people you know in your life.

      Why are some of these people more successful than others?

      Because they follow their instincts, listen to the voices in their heads, go with their gut feelings and rely on their first impressions. In other words, they work WITH their intuition and not against it. Of course it can be difficult to start listening to your intuition when you've spent a lot of time ignoring it, and that's where "Be Psychic!" can help.

      When you trust in your intuition and follow your instincts you'll be making a significant change in the way you approach and resolve situations in your life. Possibilities will open up before your very eyes, giving you the perfect foundation with which to explore your other psychic talents, including clairvoyance, telepathy, healing and mediumship.

      In your next installment we'll be showing you how to see into the future and to read minds. But if you're eager to get started right away, download Be Psychic! NOW and begin unlocking your psychic potential immediately!

    4. #129
      Emotionally unsatisfied. Sandform's Avatar
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      Welcome to the third lesson in your four-part Be Psychic! mini-course.

      In the first installment we showed you how easy it is to learn to meditate and the benefits this can bring to your physical and emotional health. Then in part two we demonstrated some simple techniques for relaxing and focusing. We also talked about ways you can lead a more intuitive life and begin to follow your intuition instead of ignoring it.

      In this installment, we're heading straight into the good stuff -- how to see into the future and read minds!

      Now, if you think seeing into the future is impossible, then you're in for a pleasant surprise!

      Not only is it possible, it's actually easier than you ever imagined. It takes practice, of course, but heck -- what doesn't?

      Try these simple tests out on yourself throughout for the next day or two. Don't worry about being right: just go with your instincts and let your intuition guide you.

      Remember, first impressions count!

      * * *


      * Guess how many pieces of mail you will receive on any given day.

      * Guess how many of your colleagues at work will be wearing ties/ hoop earrings/ black shoes/ skirts/ hats etc. Pick a different item each day for variety.

      * When the phone rings, guess if the caller will be male or female, young or old, someone you know or a stranger, pleasant or cantankerous!

      * When you're out shopping, guess how much your receipt will come to. Guess what the salesperson's name is.

      * When you're driving, guess what the car in front of you is going to do next.

      * * *

      The idea is to guess by *asking your intuition for answers*.

      Then simply go with your first impressions. Don't second guess yourself and try not to change your mind. The more times you attempt these and similar exercises, the more your intuition will guide you and the easier it will be for you to listen and accept it.

      Keep in mind that being 'right' isn't the only objective, although obviously that will make you feel terrific!

      The important point to remember is that by allowing your intuition (your gut feelings and first impressions) to guide you, sooner or later you will become so 'tuned in' to it that your guesses will become more and more accurate. And then you really WILL be able to predict the future. How cool is that?

      Once you're able to follow your intuition you'll automatically become more receptive to psychic stimuli, whatever the source. That means it will be easier for you to access your clairvoyant and telepathic skills.

      Remember, clairvoyance refers to the psychic ability to have visions, whether these are actually seen with the eyes or experienced through the third eye. Telepathy is of course the proper name for what has become more widely known as mind reading.

      Now, mind reading is not a new thing...

      People have been doing it for centuries. You yourself have probably had the same thought as another person at the same time. They might have even remarked to you something like 'you must be psychic!' And they were right: you are!

      Unlike some of your other psychic powers, mind reading requires at least two people, a sender and a receiver. Naturally you don't need to read your own mind, so there has to be at least one other person involved. You'll probably discover that at first you're better at one aspect than the other, in other words that you find it easier to send or receive messages. But with practice you can learn to do both equally well.

      You can use this simple exercise to find out which one of these is your stronger talent.

      * * *


      * When the phone rings, if you know who's on the other end before you pick it up, you're probably a good receiver.

      * If you're thinking about someone close to you and they get in touch with you soon afterwards, particularly if it's sooner than they would normally do so, then you're probably a good sender.

      * * *

      As you can see, none of the exercises are overly complicated, and neither are they filled with ritualistic nonsense or confusing jargon. They're practical, down to earth things you can do almost anywhere and at any time of day. But the best part is that your skills will improve immediately once you start practicing.

      Here's another exercise you can try, and this one MUST be performed when you're out and about, hopefully in the biggest shopping mall you can find.

      * * *


      * Sit in a coffee shop or restaurant at one end of a shopping mall while your friends or family go off and get on with their shopping.

      * Give them time to disappear, and then set off when you're ready to find them.

      * Focus on your thought energy and concentrate on one person at a time.

      * Visualize the person's face and imagine the sound of their voice.

      * Send your thought energy out to the person you're looking for.

      * Listen and feel for any response to your thought energy.

      * As soon as you get any kind of signal, go where it takes you.

      * * *

      Once again, this exercise is practical and straight forward. All it requires is a bit of effort on your part. It may take you some time to achieve real proficiency at this, but think how fantastic it will feel when you've accomplished it!

      In the fourth and final installment I'll be revealing some of the features contained in your "Psychic Toolkit", including the seven tools and techniques you can use to solve ANY PROBLEM. I'll also give you some tips on how to activate your third eye, the source of all your psychic power.

    5. #130
      Emotionally unsatisfied. Sandform's Avatar
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      Welcome to the fourth and final installment of your Be-Psychic! mini-course!

      I hope you've enjoyed this glimpse into some of the secrets of the psychic world -- and how you can use your personal power to lead a better and more fulfilling life.

      In the first part of the mini-course, we shattered the myths surrounding your psychic abilities, abilities you were born with. Then in the second installment, we looked at the basic ingredients for meditation and gave you your first simple exercise to help you focus. The third part of the course revealed how you can see into the future and provided you with some preliminary techniques on mind reading.

      In this final installment, I'm going to chat about one of the unique features of my "Be Psychic!" course --

      - The Psychic Toolkit!

      This kit contains seven different techniques to help you get the most from your psychic abilities. Each one comes with its own exercises or a how-to guide enabling you to make use of them INSTANTLY.

      These tools and techniques will help you get answers to any question, discover secrets about people's personalities, create your own future, communicate with spirits, improve your relationships and much, much more. You'll also find out methods to combine techniques for more power and effectiveness.

      One of these techniques is called Dowsing, a form of divination which has become quite commonplace over the years. We've all seen someone dangling a wedding ring from a piece of thread over a pregnant woman's belly, in an attempt to tell if the unborn child will be a boy or a girl; or the man with a fork-shaped stick trying to locate water in the desert.

      These are both examples of how psychic techniques have become interwoven into the fabric of everyday life.

      * * *


      The dowsing technique is one of the simplest ways to get answers from the psychic world. To make your own 'pendulum' all you need to do is to suspend a wedding ring, earring, or any other object which has significance to you from a piece of thread or thin string. Then you ask questions that you already know the answers to, taking note of which way the pendulum swings when the answer is 'yes' and which way it moves when the answer is 'no'. Once you understand the Yes/No responses, you can confidently ask your questions and trust that the answers you receive are genuine.

      So go on - try it yourself!

      * * *

      Let's move on now -- and if you've ever been to a medium, you'll know that he or she may use some of these tools and techniques to gain information about a client before performing a reading.

      The "Be Psychic!" course includes a whole week's worth of material devoted entirely to the subject of mediumship, and as if that wasn't enough, the section concludes with instructions on how to contact your own spirit guides -- easily and safely!

      Now, most mediums make contact with the spirit world through clairvoyance and other psychic methods. In the last installment we referenced the third eye, also known as the brow chakra, located in the center of the forehead. (If you're not sure what chakras are, don't worry: they are explained in detail in the first part of the "Be Psychic!" course.)

      This brow chakra is a psychic's most powerful link with the psychic energy and the energy of the spirit world. And so it makes sense that you need to be able to 'open' your third eye and let those energies in.

      I've included plenty of exercises to help make it as easy as possible for you to open your third eye and access your sixth sense and clairvoyant skills.

      Here's just one technique you can use to stimulate and gently open your third eye...

      * * *


      * Close your eyes and relax.

      * Do some deep breathing to help you focus.

      * Keep your eyes closed and try to picture the third eye (or brow chakra) located in the center of your forehead.

      * Imagine a beam of light coming -into- the brow chakra and opening it up gently from outside.

      * Keep calm and try not to force anything. Let the light enter your third eye and expand within it.

      * Remain relaxed and try to get a sense of what you are feeling.

      * * *

      Using simple and effective techniques such as this, you'll soon be able to tap into your psychic potential -- just as easily as you can dial a telephone number or read a book.

      It'll become your literal sixth sense. When you open yourself up to your own amazing potential, you'll be able to easily read minds, predict the future, Astral Travel, and heal people and animals!

      Was there ever a course that gave you so many ways to develop and use your psychic skills as quickly and efficiently as this?

      * I personally don't think so! *

      Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little about what the Be Psychic! course contains and how it can help you to tap into your natural psychic powers. I hope you enjoyed this four-part mini course and that it has whetted your appetite to explore your potential even further through the complete course.

    6. #131
      THE anime nub :D What??Me??'s Avatar
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      I don't know, but it's cold
      Quote Originally Posted by Sandform View Post

      MYTH NO. 1 -- Psychic powers are Dangerous

      The only danger involved is that you might discover ways to lead a happier, healthier lifestyle.
      Dont you know anything?!?!?! That is VERY dangerous!!!!!!!! (Lol)

      Quote Originally Posted by Portalboat View Post
      So, that means you'll have boobs bigger then all of theirs combined? Because all of them have pretty big boobs
      Quote Originally Posted by Mario92 View Post
      Now that I'm done shrieking like a little girl, this sounds like fun.

    7. #132
      Member ChaybaChayba's Avatar
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      I was the last person to believe in psychicy stuff, but since so many people were talking about it all through history of human kind, at one point I was thinking that maybe theres some truth behind it. So anyway, I started trying it out, and the more I try it out the more it works! It still could be coincidence, so I'm not drawing any conclusions until I have near 100% success rate. But for the short time I've been practicing it, it's given results quite fast, but my mind still refuses to believe it.

      I figured out, theres no point in doubting or believing, I will have to find out for myself through practice. Because personal experience is the only way to be sure..

      That mini-course you posted is very interesting Sandform, I wish I read that part about meditation earlier, I can confirm thats very true... it's amazing how much bullshit goes around about meditating.
      "Reject common sense to make the impossible possible." -Kamina

    8. #133
      I love kebap Ilumirath's Avatar
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      I saw this Mexican guy on TV who coud shoot like 10cm of blue lighting sparks out of his fingertips. Realy awesome

      When i was younger i woud set 5 ancient cans all different of size in front of me, in the first littlest can i woud put a little white ball, i woud take a step backwards and say som random shit and when i looked back in the can the ball woud be gone and i looked in the 4 other ones and in 1 of them was the ball. Though i cant do this anymore for som reason when i didnt do it for a couple of years. I learned this from my cousin i first didnt believed it he showed me it and i thought it was som trick, wich seemed it wasnt after i tried it, i always did it when i was bored and never failed.

      Ive always believed you can do anything you want, even the so called "impossible things" cos, we were made by God like God. Though you may come short with your life as som may take tenthousands of years of practise and understanding. Im gonna try them when i die

    9. #134
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      Quote Originally Posted by ChaybaChayba View Post
      I was the last person to believe in psychicy stuff, but since so many people were talking about it all through history of human kind, at one point I was thinking that maybe theres some truth behind it. So anyway, I started trying it out, and the more I try it out the more it works! It still could be coincidence, so I'm not drawing any conclusions until I have near 100% success rate. But for the short time I've been practicing it, it's given results quite fast, but my mind still refuses to believe it.

      I figured out, theres no point in doubting or believing, I will have to find out for myself through practice. Because personal experience is the only way to be sure..

      That mini-course you posted is very interesting Sandform, I wish I read that part about meditation earlier, I can confirm thats very true... it's amazing how much bullshit goes around about meditating.
      You will never have a 100% success rate. It works. Probably less so when the moon is less big.. at least in my experience.

    10. #135
      ray is offline
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      um...i'm not reading those huge posts...what are they about?
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    11. #136
      I love kebap Ilumirath's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ray View Post
      um...i'm not reading those huge posts...what are they about?
      Youll find out when you read them

      Fuck! People are lazy these days...

    12. #137
      ray is offline
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      but they are soooo long!
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      "you fuzzy little man peach!"-Old Greg a.k.a. scaly little man fish

    13. #138
      THE anime nub :D What??Me??'s Avatar
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      I don't know, but it's cold
      Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo? What is your point i mean come on you have to read them to learn something! And i thought I was the lazy one.

      Quote Originally Posted by Portalboat View Post
      So, that means you'll have boobs bigger then all of theirs combined? Because all of them have pretty big boobs
      Quote Originally Posted by Mario92 View Post
      Now that I'm done shrieking like a little girl, this sounds like fun.

    14. #139
      Emotionally unsatisfied. Sandform's Avatar
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      I dance with spirit wolves often, it is quite liberating, but only if you're naked.

    15. #140
      ray is offline
      oh quam sancta... ray's Avatar
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      i'm just teasing jeez...
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    16. #141
      THE anime nub :D What??Me??'s Avatar
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      I don't know, but it's cold
      So am I! ;P

      Dance ninja monkeys! Dance!

      Quote Originally Posted by Portalboat View Post
      So, that means you'll have boobs bigger then all of theirs combined? Because all of them have pretty big boobs
      Quote Originally Posted by Mario92 View Post
      Now that I'm done shrieking like a little girl, this sounds like fun.

    17. #142
      Below are Some Random Schmaven's Avatar
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      That "Be Psychic" kit that the mini-course is from looks like it has a lot of good stuff. The only thing is it's $99, and that's $99 over my current budget. Also, I'm weary of such things being possible scams. But the site looked legit. One day when I find I have an extra Benjamin laying around, I'll probably buy it. If it does turn out to be a scam, at least I wasted my money on something potentially worth investing in.

      If anyone knows for sure if that stuff is legit or not, let me know
      "Above All, Love"

    18. #143
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      I've heard/read many times that such occurences are more common during puberty/among adolescence or begin in adolescence. I believe it was said it is because during puberty your brain becomes more active, and you use parts that you haven't before. Also because your emotions tend to go wild, and strong emotions can open up new things I guess. Its also shown that 'poltergeists' tend to occur within the households of adolescent girls more common than any other environment. And that the activity usually mostly involves the girls. >.>

    19. #144
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      Quote Originally Posted by Schmaven View Post
      That "Be Psychic" kit that the mini-course is from looks like it has a lot of good stuff. The only thing is it's $99, and that's $99 over my current budget. Also, I'm weary of such things being possible scams. But the site looked legit. One day when I find I have an extra Benjamin laying around, I'll probably buy it. If it does turn out to be a scam, at least I wasted my money on something potentially worth investing in.

      If anyone knows for sure if that stuff is legit or not, let me know
      Anything that expensive is probably a scam.

    20. #145
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      Quote Originally Posted by DeathCell View Post
      Anything that expensive is probably a scam.
      That's what I was thinking. But I guess you get 3 books, and some CDs, and there's a 30 day money back guarantee. If you go to a book store, you could easily spend $99 on three books, so that doesn't seem too unreasonable. But I still have my suspicions.
      "Above All, Love"

    21. #146
      THE anime nub :D What??Me??'s Avatar
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      I don't know, but it's cold
      Come on people! Don't tell me I've tapped your psychic-y knowledge already!

      Quote Originally Posted by Portalboat View Post
      So, that means you'll have boobs bigger then all of theirs combined? Because all of them have pretty big boobs
      Quote Originally Posted by Mario92 View Post
      Now that I'm done shrieking like a little girl, this sounds like fun.

    22. #147
      Emotionally unsatisfied. Sandform's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by What??Me?? View Post
      Come on people! Don't tell me I've tapped your psychic-y knowledge already!
      If you fuck a raccoon your third eye opens...but I've never seen it happen first hand.

    23. #148
      ray is offline
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      lulz lets hope not..........thats some radioactive raccoon to make you grow a third eye not to mention i would hate to even read about someone doing that.witnessing it would be absolutely horrible. XD
      Last edited by ray; 09-07-2008 at 01:38 AM.
      adopted: illidan
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      The beatles r mine 4evers!!!
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      "you fuzzy little man peach!"-Old Greg a.k.a. scaly little man fish

    24. #149
      THE anime nub :D What??Me??'s Avatar
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      I don't know, but it's cold
      Thank you ray for being sane. Lol.

      Quote Originally Posted by Portalboat View Post
      So, that means you'll have boobs bigger then all of theirs combined? Because all of them have pretty big boobs
      Quote Originally Posted by Mario92 View Post
      Now that I'm done shrieking like a little girl, this sounds like fun.

    25. #150
      THE anime nub :D What??Me??'s Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2008
      I don't know, but it's cold
      Does anyone have anything elsse to add? Any stories or additional knowledge or.... ANYTHING??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

      Quote Originally Posted by Portalboat View Post
      So, that means you'll have boobs bigger then all of theirs combined? Because all of them have pretty big boobs
      Quote Originally Posted by Mario92 View Post
      Now that I'm done shrieking like a little girl, this sounds like fun.

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