Ever heard of the akashic records. Its also a physics or quantum physics or what ever theory, I guess maybe like string theory. Basically that what ever has happened since the beginning of time, present, and possible futures are recorded in what's called a library of everything. A.k.a. the book of life, akashic library or whatever. There's supposedly guards that only let you see this information if you are allowed to (if you are destined to die in a week, you might not be ready for this kind of information.). So only the info that you are allowed to see is given to you if you stubble upon this place. I guess it would also be different if you were asking information about someone else's records, or a group's records...

What's your idea to access these records in a LUCID DREAM? intention or incubation dream, but what specific steps would you take? Assume I'm an medium to advanced LDer, I'm just in a dry spell right now.

google akashic records if you want more info about it then let me know how you would access them...