Ok, so after some dabbling with techniques recently, I finally feel that my several years of on/off casual messing about with only a little success are over. I finally feel as though I am ready to start travelling in projections and LD seriously. I wondered if anyone out there with a nice bit of experience might be able to point me in the direction of some decent resources.
I'm not interested in people imposing their idea of what everything means on me, convincing me of the reality of such, telling me what can't and can be done, what is real etc... I just want advice on how I may help myself to achieve my aims - everything else I can learn for myself.
So if you've had any success with new approaches, books, insights etc.. Perhaps you could share
I've had a look at Astral Dynamics myself, but im not certain if it will help me. If anyones had any success in finding a "spirit guide" or something of the sort, it'd be great to hear of your experiences. I've had some experience of communicating with what I assume is as my subconscious, and avenues such as this are really what I want to explore. I'm not much excited about the prospect of simply blowing up DC's or playing small mindless games like that.
I believe that not everything I experience and come into contract with is neccesarily from my own mind, so I came to post in this section. I'm completely open minded to everything however.
Any help or advice anyone so I might speed up my progress?