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    Thread: ???

    1. #1
      Member BDK235's Avatar
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      This is my first post and thought that it would be best to speak here rather than on the newbie board.

      I have been visiting the site now for a few days. Trying to find topics that i thought were relevant to my situation but have yet to really stumble accross the heart of what I'm feeling.

      Two weeks ago I had a nightmare that did something to me that I can not explain. The nightmare itself was intense & scary but i feel that the after effect is what is really troubling me.

      The nightmare involved me sleeping in my bed and waking up to something which i can only describe as an old witch pulling me out of bed. She pulled me to the point where both of our faces were about a milimeter from each other. When she grabbed me she had a face normal to what our minds would perceive a "Stereotypical" witch to look like. Dirty white long hair, leathery old skin and the minute our faces came close she/it was saying something and then changed to something completely different. The only way I can describe it as is pure death/evil. It took me a while to go back to sleep.

      I can't remember what she said for the life of me but the very next day I started researching something with such a pinpoint intent and I don't know why. Started off with watching youtube videos then it migrated into reading different websites related to the subject which turned into me looking into lucid dreaming and a process called ascension and now i feel that both are imperative to the survival of the human soul.

      I'm starting to think I'm crazy and obsessed. I feel lost, scared and very anxious/angry all of a sudden. Typically I'm a very calm and easy going person.

      I guess my question would be, Has anyone else had a dream/nightmare that made them obsess about researching something that was different from said dream?

    2. #2
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      The original experience you had no doubt was the result of sleep paralysis, albeit a very intense example. I too have felt "evil entities" in the room with me and seen them as well - though not in the detail you give, just fast moving black shadows that sat on me, laughed at me, and psychologically tortured me. I've even had them grab my legs and pull me out of bed. I spent a two year period seriously afraid of going to bed. I was completely unaware of sleep paralysis at the time and thought "I have a problem."

      Now, what you do with interpreting your experience is up to you. If you have strong beliefs about such things (even if they are buried deep in you) then you will only foster them and they will get bigger. Obsession of any kind regardless of how important it may seem leads to a bad end. There is a reason why any spiritual practice suggests that the middle way is best. With that in mind, I strongly suggest you end all activities in waking life that pump up these feelings - doing research about alien abduction, remembering the horror you felt, and so on. Let it go now.

      The experience you had was a product of your own cognition. It cannot hurt you directly in any way. If you find yourself in that situation again remember that anything that happens in SP cannot hurt you - you can't even hurt yourself physically in that state since your body is immobile.

      Of course it is fine for you to follow whatever path you wish. The best scenario is to take a positive outlook on your path, just like in normal life. So, avoid "heavy stuff" that makes you afraid or feel bad. It is a down trip every time. Instead, choose things that make you feel lighter. I know this sounds cliche or trite, but honestly, that is the best path when confronted with a situation like yours.

      Best of luck!

    3. #3
      DreamSlinger The Cusp's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by BDK235 View Post
      When she grabbed me she had a face normal to what our minds would perceive a "Stereotypical" witch to look like.
      That says it all right there. Dreams are entirely based on archetypes, witch is essentially what a stereotype is. (I misspelled that on purpose)

      By they way, your experience is far from unique. It's actually so common it's kind of boring. Just google "Old Hag" or do a search on these boards.

    4. #4
      Member BDK235's Avatar
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      I wasn't implying that my dream was unique. In fact it's just another run of the mill screwed up dream for me. Have them all the time. Always vivid and Intense. My question revolved around the researching that i felt compelled to do the days after the dream took place. As if something in my subconscious was willing me to do this. All of which led me to a couple websites including this one.

      I was just trying to find out if anyone has experienced the same sort of thing as a result from the dream. You don't really understand why you do something but you feel that you must.

    5. #5
      Member nina's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by BDK235 View Post
      I wasn't implying that my dream was unique. In fact it's just another run of the mill screwed up dream for me. Have them all the time. Always vivid and Intense. My question revolved around the researching that i felt compelled to do the days after the dream took place. As if something in my subconscious was willing me to do this. All of which led me to a couple websites including this one.

      I was just trying to find out if anyone has experienced the same sort of thing as a result from the dream. You don't really understand why you do something but you feel that you must.
      Haha...I do this ALL the freaking time. Really, anytime I see or hear about something new which is interesting to me (which is pretty much every other day)...I become slightly obsessed with taking in as much information about it as I can and really just learning as much as I can. I will spend hours upon hours scouring the internet and just reading various sites online, even stumble my way onto a few forums, etc. Sometimes it is even harmful/distracting to my life as I will neglect other duties/obligations until I've had my fill of absorbing as much new info as I can. Usually it passes though that same day or within a few days, only to be replaced by something different and even more exciting. Then once I get enough of the new thing, I often go back and read more about the older things. I think this is called ADD? LOL...seriously though. Maybe.

      Anyways, welcome to the forum.

    6. #6
      Member ChaybaChayba's Avatar
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      What drives you to search for information? What are you gonna do with it? Why does it make you so excited?
      "Reject common sense to make the impossible possible." -Kamina

    7. #7
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      Quote Originally Posted by BDK235 View Post
      I'm starting to think I'm crazy and obsessed. I feel lost, scared and very anxious/angry all of a sudden. Typically I'm a very calm and easy going person.

      I guess my question would be, Has anyone else had a dream/nightmare that made them obsess about researching something that was different from said dream?
      Yes, I have obsessed over many things, and a few were in dreams, but none were nightmares. The above italicized and bold text is what send bells and whistles off for me. Feeling scared, anxious, angry, and obsessed about anything isn't going to enlighten you. That only happens in the movies.

      What I was trying to say is that following anything that involves great fear and anxiety is going to lead to an obvious place. On the other hand, if you are searching out of an unknown interest that excites you and makes you feel good, then go for it.

      As mentioned already, your experience in sleep paralysis is far from unique - untold numbers of people have experienced it. To construct an elaborate story around it and then pursue that in an obsessed fashion until you are in a negative state isn't healthy or useful.

    8. #8
      Member BDK235's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ChaybaChayba View Post
      What drives you to search for information? What are you gonna do with it? Why does it make you so excited?
      I really can't say what was driving me to search for the info. All I can say is that it was like someone put a bug in my ear and said start here. Then other pages and so on and so forth until I arrived here. Which ultimately led me to scheduling an "Enlightenment 101" class yesterday. I'm excited because the information I found filled in what i believe to be the missing pieces of everything I've ever thought or felt to be true in my heart.
      It just clicked

      I think the reason that i feel lost, scared and anxious/angry is because I feel late to the enlightenment game and for some reason don't feel like I have much time to learn. I also feel this way because i don't believe that the people I truly love are going to be on board with my ultimate decision and might look at me as being off the proverbial deep end. Which might lead me to want to keep things from people in fear of judgment.


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