• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    DJ Comments

    1. SubakiYumo's Avatar
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      'That's super cool! I'm suprised that you were able to maintain lucidity for so long and remembered to try so much even- in my first lucid moment I was like OMG I'M DREAMING and flew around in circles completely out of control and lost lucidity after about 15 seconds.

      Congratulations, such an excellent feeling isn't it?'

      Oh, yes! Amazing! i'm only sorry I couldn't do it again the next night!:
    2. Emiko's Avatar
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      Great job on your first time! You accomplished a lot in this dream. Congratulations! :-D
    3. <span class='glow_FF0000'>J.D.</span>'s Avatar
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      Congrats! The hands are always fucked.
    4. epdawg62's Avatar
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      Good job! Your first LD lasted a lot longer than the first five or so that I had. Keep practicing and the length of your lucid dreams will greatly increase with time. Right now my average lucid dream lasts about twenty minutes (in dream time at least).

      I love false awakening dreams because I enjoy exploring and analyzing my house to see how similar it is to my house in real life.
    5. menelvagor's Avatar
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      That's super cool! I'm suprised that you were able to maintain lucidity for so long and remembered to try so much even- in my first lucid moment I was like OMG I'M DREAMING and flew around in circles completely out of control and lost lucidity after about 15 seconds.

      Congratulations, such an excellent feeling isn't it?