• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. ippoh's Avatar
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      thanks for the advice man!

      i have a few things i do in my last couple of lucids like now as soon as i become lucid i spin on the spot to stabilize but I have only performed a RC in one of them. I did the nose plug and could breathe and that really helped as well, i cant remember if i did it in this lucid or the last but i remember checking my hands one time and counting 16 fingers on one hand haha, crazy things
    2. ancientfeelings's Avatar
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      well written. so u were dreaming and eventually u became lucid, but by saying "yah, im dreaming", that was your rc (reality check). have u ever tried other rc's like checking hands, holding nose, closing your eyes, checking the time, or switching lights? i have similar problems too of trying hard to do something cool like fly but getting little results. read somewhere that if u have trouble with this, to do another reality check like check hands or whichever; or you should touch something--the wall, a dc, a plant or bench, etc--and that could jumpstart it. i want to fight in battles in future lucidity.