• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Benisking22's Avatar
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      To do with Sirius and Orion stars
    2. Benisking22's Avatar
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      There's a link with the stars and the sumerians and there's a theory of a star map from ancient maps and of ancient Egypt so don't know if there is a link I remember seeing a star map on a site and where the pryamids pointed potty I lost the website
    3. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Many nice comments benisking22! I especially liked how you have dealt with the loss of your loved ones from this physical earth. I also believe they are still close and that their souls live on.
    4. Benisking22's Avatar
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      And I hope they chime in Caldwell
    5. Benisking22's Avatar
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      I agree with vivid dreams I like it interpretation of it
    6. Benisking22's Avatar
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      The day I saw about the Bosen practical God Particle as they called it the energy that was involved in the universe even Steven Hawkins applauded I was shocked and awed also that it was a coincidence years ago that I knew and I tthought also it must be rright
    7. Benisking22's Avatar
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      We saw it out the bedroom Windows and I have big bay window
    8. Benisking22's Avatar
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      When I was younger I'm series I had an old Samsung phone with a video cam but they wasn't as good at getting tthings that are abut dark the lights in my streets went off and we had a powercut and me and my best mate who lives with me saw an Orange Amber collared orb inbetween my street we was in shock and awe wish I woke my parents it would be wide spread then untried to record it on my old phone but it was very dim it stayed there for a few seconds like ten secondos I remember it as clear as day that experience made me think I was right everythin I thought and experienced was right in the mean time I checked to see if anyone was looking out there window and they wasn't I wish they did see it 2 it would of been talk of the town and in the paper it went up over the houses and wen it went something came out not the bottom of it but the top and it went like a shot.
    9. Benisking22's Avatar
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      My gran and Grandad passed away last year and year before and another gran this year I dont know how I deal with it but I know for certain where we are from and I know that they are nit far . I Celebrate life not death I don't see there graves much I know it makes me feel misrebel inside my dad's finding it hard he can't let go I know my mum died when I was 2 but to say iv done so well never gone crazy never bought trouble to my dad I don't know how I do it its the strength inside that makes us carry on makes us live and open. Other doors to New things that's what life's about that what is given to us to explore I have simian lines in both hands a rare thing which makes it harder because of emotions etc i. Can be a gift or worse but it seems that iv done well
    10. Benisking22's Avatar
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      I ment they said that all the stars are Sun's
    11. Benisking22's Avatar
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      And I think there's aliens think of all the exoplanets they found people used to laff at me in science and say all those stars and suns seems in the future they found interesting discover. We are not alone look at the liFe on earth from big to sma'll even ants to flys and yet some people don'. Know in there minds that aliens from other planets exist that's like humans saying other animals don't exist there's all tthese wonderfully creatures on earth so different and wonderfull
    12. Benisking22's Avatar
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      And I believe we have reincarnated before I see it as a seed in the wind after another plant has gone go to find moist soil and there it is life all of our DNA fro our ancestors we are born in a pool of life all combined we are from space from a source of life that energy a seed
    13. Benisking22's Avatar
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      I believe this can happen on any world people have there own destiny And all reside all come from the same spiritual world I believe this is a special message if only people had the same dream as me there life would change forever I never wonderd about life etc I was a kid but something special must of happens maybe it was an awaking dream but I want to share this experience after this experience I was interested in the mysteries of life and I wonderd of The stars an what's behind the blackness of space that there this energy behind it the most powerfull and eternal that it was always there strange as it sounds like a mirror of lots of u within a mirror of a mirror and combine all that power and what do u have lifes wonders we cannot see every single cell with the eye only what the eye can see but I believe there's a sense deep within us and I think that's our soul
    14. VividDreams's Avatar
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      I like the idea of astral travel! I'm sure people connect in some way through dreams mostly in the real world by discussing them if someone has dreamt about someone they know for example.
      One theme in your dream I noticed seemed to be that of Aliens or like an alternate Earth with more evolved people on it who are connected living in peace and sustainably rather than depleting the worlds none renewable energy & polluting the Earth, fighting wars etc. Nice dream indeed Maybe it was a glimpse into the future or a contact with aliens through the dream world is one theory.. I have to update my own dream diary soon, have about 10 dreams written into my phone I haven't transferred to here yet!
    15. fogelbise's Avatar
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      Very cool dream! There are definitely people who believe in astral travel or traveling to alternate realms and I am not sure if I believe that it is possible but I am open to that possibility. At the very least your mind can take you to some amazing places while dreaming! Maybe one of my DV friends will see this post and chime in as well.
    16. Benisking22's Avatar
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      no noones religious in my family iv always wondered about the mysterys of life though id say im more a spiritualist and like modern science kind of approach. I will have a look its ok im usualy busy with work and gym.
    17. VividDreams's Avatar
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      Sorry for the late reply, I will try and read some of your research. I know your not religious but did you have a religious upbringing at all or know anyone like a family member who's religious? I will also subscribe to your dream journal to keep up to date with any other entries you make. Please feel free to read some from mine.
    18. Benisking22's Avatar
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      The thing is though I'm already in love with a woman in real life. I'm also posting my old dreams.
    19. Benisking22's Avatar
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    20. Benisking22's Avatar
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      and i fount that therees actualy a sword that belonged to solomon thers a link to all of this even the dream with swords and ritual ect.
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