• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Iriba's Avatar
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      Same here, maybe it's because i had this weird dream lol
    2. Mismagius's Avatar
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      Cool, I'm a death note and Harry Potter fan too.
    3. Chickadee23's Avatar
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      Haha ya it's brutal. By the way I checked out what they may signify the other day. Something about uncleanliness, renewal and tenacity. I think it mean confronting an aspect of your life that is undesirable (in my case). But you were eating one so hmmm....They also can be a a pun in smoking weed dunno if this helps
    4. Iriba's Avatar
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      lol, cockroaches even torment us in dreams :p
      Well you were paralyzed so it must be awful :/
    5. Chickadee23's Avatar
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      I once had the most horrifying dream about cockroaches! I was laying on my bed and one inches its way towards my face, but I was paralyzed and couldn't move. I will never forget that dream. Yours sounds just awful too I wonder if they signify anything hmm...
    6. Cinder's Avatar
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      I think it is more of a case of missing details than your dream being incoherent. Just keep on improving your recall, and believe it or not your dreams will begin to make more sense.