• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      You're dream caught my eye, particularly after reading your post about interaction with fictional characters in dreams.

      I talked about this in my layers of lucidity article how we can sometimes dream that we are in a story, game or TV show to justify a plot. It's almost like a sort of 'fake' lucidity if you could call it that. You know what you're experiencing is not a part of standard reality, but you know it's not a dream. So you have some sense of 'If I die, it doesn't really matter'. But you're not lucid either.

      To me this is a major problem because the 'Excuse' of being in a Story/Game/Movie prevents me from becoming fully lucid when I'm being attacked by aliens or zombies. But if you're really interested in interacting with characters and worlds from various media, then you might actually consider exploring and utilizing this layer of lucidity.