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    Tales from the sun chaser.

    1. Lucid Demon Slayer

      by , 01-01-2012 at 11:11 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      In betwix the start of this dream and the last one, I got some offer to kill nightmares, or demons in lucids. I didn't get much details, and I'm not even sure if I said I would agree to it...maybe I did. I don't even remember who offered me the job. All I knew was it was wbtb time.

      The void fades, and I'm in my room, but I'm not sure if the dream has started, or I'm just having super vivid HH. Either way, I get my usual falling through the bed sensation, but visually, it's off the charts. The ceiling gets farther away, it's as if the entire house is getting bigger, or I'm getting smaller. Along my decent, my bed passes through a flock of bats. And finally it stops. At it's peak, the room had to be about 80 feet tall.

      The room is about normal size now, but everything around me looks almost black and white. All the items in my room are old and dusted, and it looks like no one has been here for ages. I head out, and I'm in a totally unfamiliar hallway. I travel down it a ways, and see this open room. I call out asking if anyone was there, and these two women, that almost blended in perfectly with the background start moving and talking. One of them greets me, and asks me who I was looking for. I told her my objective, and she said that there was nothing to kill there at all, and everything was peaceful. I got a little confused and told her my orders were to get lucid and they'd be in the first place I'd lock for....and stopped mid sentence.

      This woman, who was covered from head to toe in grey and white paint, double checked and asked me if I was sure what I needed to do. I said yes and she stepped back, and the other woman got beside her, and I knew it was going to be go time. They both ran at me, and I was punching and kicking, but it had no effect, when finally the first lady got up close and started chocking me with one hand. (She was going for this move several times during the fight but I was keeping her at bay.) Anyways, she says something to me about how conventional techniques wouldn't work, and something else. Then it felt like my life force was being drained some how. I grabbed hand and got out of the choke hold, and broke her arm in several places. And blood started pouring out of my throat. I covered my throat, but I could feel it gush out between my fingers and cascade down my shirt. I started hurrying away, and told myself, "this isn't real, whenever I remove my hands, the bleeding will be gone". When I did, it was.

      (the scene changed on it's own)

      I'm in the next door neighbors yard, and there are two huge chests that are moving. They have skulls floating around them, and I'm guessing this is their true form. I pulled out a katana, and slashed at both of them, and something opened up...it looked almost like some sort of worm hole that I would get sucked into if I wasn't too careful. My second guess was they'd probably absorb any magic I'd try to throw at them. I double checked my surroundings and made sure there was nothing else to fight and slowly paced around them. All of a sudden, one of them shot thiis yellowish energy ball at me, and I reflected it with my katan. It flew back at the box into the hole and made some sort of strange noise. I did the same thing with the other one, and they both went dormant. After a few swipes of my blade, they both disappeared.

      I was really happy it was over, but I was so anxious about my next mission. Then suddenly, a leafless small tree appeared. There was a box attached to it, and it had all these unread letters. I think I heard the voice of the person who was in the void with me telling me that I could check this tree anytime between missions. I was having a hard time figuring out what they said, but I know one of them were tickets, and I deleted one on accident.

      The scene changes and I'm at some huge place surrounded by other lucid dreamers. They all seem very aware, and they all have that look on their faces like they know what I've been up to. I'm walking around and everyone is just so cheerful....I am too naturally, but man....it's just like happyville or something. Anways, I'm thinking I have to meet up with my DG or something to get the rest of the information, when someone asks me about how I got here. I told them, and they were impressed that I already got my first mission. He said everyone there was waiting just to get accepted, or some got in, but didn't go on a mission yet.

      I continued on, and group of people (one girl with short black hair, a guy with long brown hair and maybe two others) that had a "been there done that" look on their faces told me to come with them. One guy grabbed me by the back, picked me up and started running really fast. I started asking questions, and talking about what was going on, but I don't remember what was said. I know at one point i was saying "I really want to kill something again", and everyone was laughing. He let me go and they told me they would see me on the bus. I continued walking, and man, I don't know....my swag had to be maxed out. All the girls there were smiling at me...and it seemed like everyone in general knew me. I wanted to ask them who they were and what not, but I wanted to make the trip in time.

      I came up to a room that had a guard there dressed in blue. He was making sure everyone who entered had their tickets, and I saw the cool group enter ahead of me. Something was telling me I'd probably be next to them, and when I entered, I saw my nephew there. I told him "man, I knew you'd be here, what have done so far". He told me that he was mainly just sparing against other people. And he asked me about what I did, and I told him, but there was some other guy who started talking like right when I almost finished the story. I finally finished it and told him I needed to find out where I was sitting. I grabbed my ticket and started reading it as the dream faded.
    2. We taking over

      by , 12-30-2011 at 10:55 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I had a dream earlier where I was at school, and there were all types of events going on. Some kids had a band, and they were singing old songs from the 60s and 70s. There was this group of girls (one of them were A) they were asking us a bunch of questions. I remember wanting to help them over the fence, but I couldn't hop fences like I was earlier in the dream. Oh and something else about slipping and landing in garbage.

      There's a group of us and we plan on taking over this castle, but it's modern...like an airport or something.
      ‎Oneironaut is there and he's in charge. We have a cache of weapons we pick from, and I think I gain just a low amount of lucidity because I pull out a Deadpool mask and two katanas. Basically we rushed in there, and took the place over by sections. There was this open courtyard type area, and this area with stairs on the outside of the building. I was patrolling between the two areas and making sure no one tried to play hero. Most of the fighting took place at the courtyard with the initial rush. There was sooo much killing to be had. When I got to the area with the stairs I got into a couple of skirmishes, and then I had to shut a few people up the only way I knew....my katanas. One of the solders was trying to tell me that O wanted as many people alive possible, and I completely ignored the guy and went on telling people cheesy lines like "you're next to taste my blade".

      Wait wait hold up...some recall is coming back. The mission wasn't a head on attack. I remember being disguised as some kind of monk, and I got to the stair area without being spotted (O's group was still way ahead of us) Then some lady pointed out "what kind of monk wears grey". I threw my uniform up in the air like on those ninja movies, and headed back towards the courtyard, and we all had to loot up with weapons as quickly as possible.....THEN we started laying people out. I think the solder came back to tell me to stop killing everyone because O had everyone in his sections in check. After my onslaught, I searched around and saw sooo many people just sitting there. I think (or maybe i wanted it to be) one room had a bunch of people he was going to execute, and another he was just going to set free. Oh, and I remember killing one guy and one girl from two different couples and telling the survivors to become a couple.
    3. Destruction Mage

      by , 12-28-2011 at 12:04 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I find myself in my room as usual, and when I head outside, there are a bunch of wizards/mages or whatever in the middle of the road. Everyone out there is just casting random stuff, and I fly out there, and basically tell them all to fight me.

      Obviously, being in the middle wasn't a good idea, so I started to work my way to the outside. I tried using a frost aura, and it was pretty sweet. Snow-like ice was perpetually shooting out of my feet in all directions at a marginal distance of about 2 feet. It didn't do much damage, so I kept that rolling while throwing fireballs at them. My hands were on fire, and I kept alternating throwing motions with each hands to fling them. The mages were returning fire, but I was pretty much invincible, or my aura was more of a defensive thing. Either way, I figured it would be a good time to work on my short range teleporting. I tried it, and flew backwards about twenty feet, dodging some of the mages magic. I tried it again, and went back forwards. It was almost like flying except I didn't have to think about it at all...I was up in the air about a foot off the ground and I traveled to my destination.

      I thought about it again, and felt that it was really just some form of low altitude long jump, so I decided to try something else. Everytime they got a lock on me, I would focus on being at an area, and close my eyes. When I opened them, I would be roughly at that spot. Now this, felt like teleporting! I did it over and over, while trying to hone in on what exactly is happening other than just badassery. When I close my eyes, I can see smoke, and when I open them, I'm where I was looking at. It seems pretty simple, but this has taken me a long time to learn.
    4. Goddess Of Death

      by , 12-11-2011 at 11:25 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm in a lake with a few people who look like they're dressed up like Storm Cloaks. The water is really muddy at the shallow end where we're at, and we're about to head out and kills some people. Someone warns us that the enemy is near by, and we all duck underwater and start swimming to our objective. I notice that I have scuba gear, but no mask and decide to take a few breaths.

      I don't think anyone else has this stuff, and it seems weird, but not noticeable at the moment. We reach our destination, and there are a few people in the lake... for who knows what, but we all pop out of the water at the same time for a surprise attack. My group has all the people in dispatched, and I'm the one who is running around killing each one of them. I have this curved blade, knife in length and I'm going to work with it. The knife is very thin so I have to make sure that I'm holding it horizontal to get between the ribs. Each strike, I can feel the blade rip through all the layers of tissue and give way once it enters the lungs.

      I remember one person didn't die right away on my account, so I had to stab her again, and I told her to accept deaths cold embrace. And just then, I heard a voice in my head claiming she was the goddess of death. We had this conversation about everything that was going on...and I think I made a few jokes with her, but at the same time I started getting a little scared. The whole killing people, while talking to her, thing was getting really weird. Once I finished my handy work, I headed on shore, and started looking for her. There was a parking lot full of vehicles, and I kept holding the conversation while searching the area.

      Finally I came across this one guy who was at my computer class, he was talking into a mic and sounding like her. I still don't know how he was making that voice in my head though.....so weird.
    5. Dino Crisis

      by , 12-11-2011 at 05:02 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So I'm talking to these Dominican chicks about music, and they bring up some artist...that sings a song, and I decide to look up who sings it. After several minutes of searching, the groups name turns out to be "Dominican Republic". Obvious laughing and teasing ensued.

      I had a pet cougar, and it had to be maybe a few months old, and I was trying to teach it how to be more passive. Around me, it would be okay, but sometimes whenever it did things, it would let those claws out. Around other people, it was pretty aggressive. Anyways, I was missing my pet dinosaur, and D was asking me about it. I told him that it was still small, and I had it for a while. I think we discussed moralities of having one.

      Finally we found it in my front yard, and he was asking about how big it gets when it's old. I told him i had no idea, but I'm assuming they used some sort of growth regulation for them. It's been a while since I've been around it, so it's totally feral at the moment and things just seem too quiet.

      All of a sudden a 20 foot tall Dilophosaurus walks up to the drive way, expands it's hood (and obviously I'm running at another direction while tons of dc's are just standing there looking) and spits at the crow. Most of the crowd starts screaming and runs in the exact opposite direction I was running, and they get eaten off by another Dilo that was ready to flank them. They have excellent foot speed, and I know that it's either they're going get to me, so I decide to give them one hell of a fight before I died.

      When I got to the back yard, I saw a couple of huge boomerangs that I quickly picked up. I stopped running because my back yard leads to a big open field, and I know that it's going to be game over when I get there. I turn around and there's a smaller dinosaur about might height coming at me. I quickly threw the boomerang at him and it staggered him a bit. It returned on the ground next to me, and I ran and picked it up and threw it again. This time it was too high. The boomerang twirled above it's head for a few seconds and returned. Just then the dinosaur kept creeping up and all of a sudden, it caught about three arrows to the chest.

      I looked over, and there was this guy in a cosplay Link outfit. Amused and relieved, we headed back towards the area where the crowd went. Completely owning anything in our path. I was using the boomerang as more of a sickle if anything, and I saw a bow and arrow on the ground, but I told Link to ammo up. I just had a feeling we'd come across a sword or pole I could use against them.

      The dream ended there, but I woke up wondering what happened to my pet cougar.
    6. Handing out beatdowns

      by , 11-23-2011 at 04:36 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Low level lucid...I'm just knocking out tons of DCs in as few hits as possible. Waves of them are coming, like some old kung fu kick. Effortlessly I bring them down with kicks and punches, and only a few times I actually had to block or dodge. This dream went on forever, I'd say I took out around a few hundred DC's.
      Tags: deild, fighting, wild
    7. Alright stop....fightin' is bad

      by , 11-13-2011 at 05:47 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm with J, and some random guy wants to fight. I don't know whats up with him, but all of a sudden like four other people start walking up. J looks at me and says "i don't know about this one cuzz". He's obviously bluffing, because I've seen him take on more people that were bigger than these guys.

      Either way, I say something to tell the guy that I don't want to fight, and he follows me and keeps talking trash. (All apart of my plan to separate them just in case I wanted to just hand out a beat down in just enough time before the next person arrives). Instead, all these clowns start punching regular people for no reason.

      I walked off into another room, and there was this girl doing the same thing. WTF. She's doing the same crap...waning me to fight her, and punching random people. When she got close to the door, I elbowed her and shoved her out.
      Tags: fighting
    8. telekinesis and me

      by , 10-15-2011 at 03:19 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I don't remember where the previous dream ended, and this one started, but it was pretty disturbing. The parts that are worth talking about is playing contra, but we did something to the nintendo that made the graphics arcade quality. I also said something about dreaming, but I'm not sure if I was totally aware.

      I don't remember what happens between that and the next part but....

      I'm lucid, and I don't remember RCing or anything so it's safe to assume it was a MILD. I remember walking down this long hall, and getting into an argument with these women. It almost seemed like I was at a nurses station in a hospital because of the floors. I remember flying off upright like magneto, and entering another area that was full of people. The flight felt so weird this time it felt like something else was holding me in the air, instead of that "my own power" type feeling.

      So I'm in this room, and I started playing around with the objects in there, making them float, and fly. I remember picking up this shoe and throwing it, and I stopped it just before it hit the ground, and made it return in my hands. Then some random DC walks by and grabs me by the balls! He was saying something to the other DCs about how I wasn't so powerful after all, and he walked off.

      After that I lost all focus and I couldn't do anything. I went to a table that had a chess board to work on my skills. I moved individual pieces around one by one until I was able to get them off the ground. Then I flattened all the pieces, and turned them into a pile of quarters. I stepped back some, and lifted all the quarters about a foot off the table, and put them back on it. Then I tried lift the table, and was successful on the second attempt. From what i was learning, it seemed like I was "focusing in too hard" for what I was trying to accomplish, and that's why it wasn't happening.

      After that, some DC came up to me, and decided it was plan B time, but it got weird. We found a quiet spot, and by the time we started going at it, she sort of turned fried chicken bones. WTF.

    9. super long DILD

      by , 10-07-2011 at 02:05 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I don't know even know where this thing started. I remember talking to this Indian guy on the phone about the appointment I had today. They said it was at 11:30...I didn't think much about it.....I can't figure out for the life of me when I actually got lucid. I remember throwing things around with telekinesis and flying. There were a lot of DC's. I was in a fight with one....one of those super tough ones, but I don't know what happened...maybe that triggered it.

      I summoned LL to find out what her problem was, and as soon as she showed up, some other girl was about to fight her. I broke them up, and there was big crowd behind both of us, and one of the guy DC's was looking at me like he wanted some. I told him he was barking up the wrong tree and as soon as he tried rushing me I gave him a three piece combo, and made this fence materialize between us. I decided to test my hand at flying, but I put a twist to it. I was flying magneto style for a bit. Music started playing, so I continued dancing, while flying. It was like I was walking on air. I saw my car below, so I landed on it, and flew off with it while it was under my feet. It was harder to get a good altitude with the car though, and when I landed I saw my fathers truck rushing me. I stopped it with my bare hands and woke up
    10. Tower Defense

      by , 09-07-2011 at 04:11 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Recall is a bit shoddy throughout, so I'll just start from what I remember....

      I was with my cousin, and we were doing or discussing something that I'm not totally sure about when this psycho arrives. There are two helicopters heading for these skyscrapers, and this guy plans on destroying the towers himself. One of the copters had a rope hanging from it so I ran and grabbed on to it. I anchored myself to the ground and watched the helicopter crash into a nearby cow pasture. The psycho guy just showed up, and he knew I was going to stop the other one, so he pulls out a box cutter, and my cousin throws me one and we square off.

      I thought back to my JKD training, and tried to stay relaxed. The guy trusted at me with his box cutter and I slapped his arm away, while grabbing it one motion, and went to cutting up his entire arm. He trusted again, and this time I was able to disarm him. I grabbed the other box cutter, and he punched at me. I cut off all the fingers of his hand, and he said "are you just going to slice like that all day?" Then I went and cut off the ones he was holding out on the other hand during his little statement. He tried to kick me, and I grabbed his leg and stuck my box cutter in as deep as it could go. And the guy actually cheered for me.

      I knew this was some sort of odd distraction from the other helicopter, so I headed off and there was some huge gun trying to shoot lasers at me. I used eye lasers to counter and destroy it. The psycho guy said he could do the same thing, and started shooting lasers at the last remaining helicopter. He did it over and over, and eventually the helicopter crashed right on top of him...killing him.
    11. lizards and stuff.

      by , 09-06-2011 at 02:50 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember swimming....wrestling with this thick juicy black girl...but I left. I was running around school. It seemed like my old elementary in a way, but things about it were different. I was jumping and sliding across things like I was grinding with my skates on. I got to an area where there was some musical/play thing going on, and I was back stage. There were a few piano players taking turns running off stage and tagging out to play different songs on two different pianos. I listened for a while, and continued on. I came to an area where I was outside, and there were offices that had no roofs, and they were below ground level.

      I didn't know where I was, but I had that "I have to be somewhere" feeling. When I headed back inside, a huge lizard fell out of the ceiling. It was about the size of a cooler, and it was wrapped up in moss. The lizard started charging me, and of course I'm already thinking about how to kill it. It gets close and snaps at me, and I dodged it. It snapped at me again, and then I stepped on it's head. I pulled a pair of bandage scissors from my pocket and tried to cut it's head off, but it slipped away. It started gnawing away at my boot, and I managed to slice it on it's side, exposing some white meat. I could feel the draft of wind knowing the next bite was probably going to teeth to flesh, and when it struck, I woke up.
    12. lab action

      by , 08-24-2011 at 02:20 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I think I was in a lab...with all these medical people. There was some sort of violence going on, and people kept throwing grenades. I never got to see the enemy, but there were explosions left and right. I started to wake up.....and I went right back into the dream, and the DC's ask me what was I doing, and I told them "coming back to make it last longer". Maybe for a split second I was lucid, but I couldn't stabilize the re entry long enough to actually see if it worked.

      I also had these reoccurring dreams last night that every person I met turned out evil, and we'd end up in a gun fight.
    13. two nights ago

      by , 08-20-2011 at 07:49 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being on some battle field, and just owning tons of soldiers. I was only armed with a a katana. I also think I was Kasumi from Dead or alive....or maybe she was just there....I can't even describe the amount of butt whooping I handed out in the dream. I just remember killing a whole bunch of people, dodging bullets, moon jumping, and throwing my sword at the last guy remaining who was about 100 meters away.

      I also had a dream that night where I was arguing with my family =/
    14. 7-8 july

      by , 07-08-2011 at 10:11 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Had a DILD yesterday.....flying around at supersonic speeds. Maybe to prove to myself I could.

      Also had my first fight dream in a while today. Some guy kept talking crap and wanted his friends to jump in, and one of mine said they would jump in too. The first thing i did was knock the guy who he was talking to out, and then I proceeded to work on him. He couldn't do anything and his punches were coming at me in slow motion. Also, his friends never jumped in.

      I also made some kind of profound statement in the dream about life, love, and the world in general. ugg I wish i could remember it.
      Tags: dild, fighting, flying
      non-lucid , lucid
    15. outer space man

      by , 07-04-2011 at 04:55 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      So I looked out of the window, and noticed the sky was weird again, and knew I was dreaming. When I walked outside, it felt like I had shades on and hood...everything was really dark. I didn't know what to do other than pretend to pull them off. I tried it a few times, and then I just removed my shirt. Day shifted into night, and the sky was beautiful. There were hundreds of stars in the sky, and there were clouds swirling around that looked like Chinese dragons. I saw a space ship, and decided to follow it. All of a sudden, I'm in outerspace flying at hyper drive speeds. It slows down, and I find myself aboard it. There are these aliens and humans there, and I just went through destroying all the aliens. Eventually it was time for plan B.
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