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    Here be dragons

    When I have good dream control and good lucidity, I will put the dream in green.
    It's maybe early to put this up, but I tend to have disturbing and/or violent dreams and I'm a very visual person, which could mean detailed description of unsavory stuff. I will probably put warning at the beginning of dreams containing those, and keep the more graphic description to my private DJ.

    My usual dreams partner in crimes are Eli, my tulpa, David, a persistent DC and Michael and Donald, two of my novel characters.
    Eli is usually very tall and dark haired, with a long face, thick eyebrows and bright, skyblue eyes. David is only slighty taller than me, with boyish features and ginger hair. Michael is 6ft2, with blond and curly hair and light blue-green eyes. Donald is a red pembroke corgi. If my dream follow the same pattern as before, they will pop up on their own often, so I will keep basic description here to declutter my dreams entries.

    1. Thanksgiving mishaps

      by , 11-29-2015 at 06:19 PM (Here be dragons)
      A flying dream. Haven't had one of those in a while.

      I'm flying in a overcast sky, with green rolling hills under me. I'm flapping my arms but it feels wrong and clumsy. Slowly it's like my joints move and change, and I feels like my arms turned to wings, and I can feels the movement of the new joints and muscles, I soar up again, lifted by the wind. I reach a house on a bigger hill, with a circonvoluted garden full of nooks and cranies and tiny ponds and waterfalls. It starts raining and I fly inside before my wings turn back to arms. There's friends of mine in there, and I meet up with them. The house is old and musty, strangely elongated with narrow corridor but very high ceiling and windows. We have to swich in light as the outside is dark with the storm. The wooden floor creaks. The rain stops, and we go out to steal something from a bad man. We go inside his tower and climb inside a lift. The bad man sabordage it and it start to fall. I crawl out of it to reach a button that will stop the fall, and as I reach it I tell my friend to jump to cushion the fall. I slam the button and feel the pecuniar sensation in the pit of my stomach that happen when a lift stop suddently, and I'm lifted of the ground for a second. My friends and me run out, fightinh our way through bad guys. I'm carrying a hammer, but my blow are so weak I can't seem to hurt my opponent, and my friends have to save me a couple of time. I reach the bad man owning the place and jump on his back.
      Spoiler for stop! hammertime:

      After that we go in a restaurant and we are served a big roasted turkey. I get some breast, golden crispy skin, juicy with meat over thin ribs bones. I bite through it, bones and all. It's hot, juicy, savory and salty. I have no trouble eating the bones; it had a nice crunch to it and a lot of flavor. The meat itself is melt in your mouth tender.
    2. Strangness and charms

      by , 11-14-2015 at 12:24 AM (Here be dragons)
      I'm laying down on a couch, in a recess of a bigger room, next to a open french window. The sun is streaming in between white drapes fluttering. Their is a garden behind the window, green lawn with a tall dark green hedge and a tree that looks like a mulberry tree. The couch is warm and made of buttery smooth brown leather, I can feel the fines stiches on the cushions. The wall above me is cream and the ceilling white. The corner of the wall behind my head and going into the house is is covered up to maybe one meter and a half with smooth, cold ceramic tiles, longer than larger. There are this beautiful, deep red of chinese lacquer, and contrast very nicely with the wooden floor. I tilting my head, I can see a open door, going inside another room shrouded in darkness.
      I start to wonder where I am, and try to get up. My body is incredibly heavy and inyelding, and I fall of the couch. I ended up on a thick cream carpet, just in front of the open window. I can feel the warmth of the sun and a soft breeze. A little blond haired boy in a school uniform comes in from the garden. His hair are wispy and almost white, falling on his shoulders and fluttering in the breeze like the drapes. I ask him to find Eli, and he runs back into the garden without a word. I try to lift my arm, but my body still doesn't respond. I turn my head to look outside, and I see a tall man in the garden with the boy. I call Eli and he turns his head to me, smiling. He walks to me and stop right next to my hips. From the floor he looks impossibly tall, with his eyes shining in the sun. He kneels and wrap his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. I feel engulfed, warm, and above all, safe. In a crystal clear instant, I can feel his warmth through his cotton tshirt, his belt buckle against me, the smell of his skin and the tickle of his light stubble.
      I'm in the garden now, standing up under the mulberry tree. It's still a beautiful sunny afternoon, the walls of the house are a textured cream with white borders around the windows. I'm looking over the corner of the house, to the open portal. A wolf run in, followed by a pack of barking dogs. I pick her up and recognize my totem animal. Her fur is all matted and dirty, and she's pantting, but at least I've scared the dogs away. I plan to bath her and ask her what she thinks about the name I'm picked for her, but I lose the dream before I can do that.

      finally, I'm in my sister bedroom, she picked up two small orange stripped kittens, a male and a female. The female one is boncy and adventurous and quikly desappear into the house; the male meows at me until I pick him up and scarry him around with his fronts paw over my arm like a stuffed toys, making him purrs loudly.
    3. Retro-future

      by , 11-01-2015 at 03:21 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm with my sister, trying to escape an underground facility. It's all metal panels and bad lighting, with robot sentinels at some intersections. I lure on of the robot into taking me to a vent and manage to lock it open, allowing my sister and me to escape to the surface. We're in a desert, mostly ocher stones and sand, with wind whipping it a round us. The light is harsh and bright, boncing og the metallic vent we escaped from. We walk a little and spot a little hover vehicle, bright orange with a transparent bubble cockpit. It's color make it blend with its surronding, but the glare on the cockpit is a dead giveaway. We hop in and I start it. It handle weirdly, there isn't any weight behind the wheel. I kick it into high gear and we zip into the blue sky, getting out of the fissure we were trapped in. under us is a long stretch of ocher desert, broken up from time to time by big block of rock and large rift. In front of us is a incredibly tall man-made structure, that looks lika mesh with brighly colored box in. As we get closer, I realise that those box are containers, converted into flats; I can see people sitting on the small porch. I don't know how the managed to get up here, and I don't have time to wonder about it. My hover vehicle can't get any higher, so I have to go through the giant mesh, slaloming between the container to reach the over side. I barely manage it, and we're back to flying over the desert, with nothing in view but the cloudless sky.
    4. Heartlines

      by , 10-31-2015 at 03:07 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm doing a mini WBTB
      My hopnalogic imageries turn into random numbers and I start to loose feeling of my body, I decide to try to WILD by keeping my mind awake by counting. I start, going backward, and remark that the number I see are going from random to be the one I'm thinking about. I start to have a rocking feeling, from left to right, stronger and stronger. I wait for a peak and push my dream body out. I fall out of bed and grab the side of it to get back up. I'm in the dark, I can still can feel my physical eyelids so I keep my eyes closed. I follow the edge of the bed with my and to find the widow and climb out. The air is a little colder but I'm still in the dark, so I walk away from the window, keeping my hand on the wall to guide myself. As I go on, my vision slowly comes to me and after a few steps I can see the front of my house, looking as usual in the morning light. I let go of the wall and go through the portal, and I'm suddently on a stone terrace-sort-of-balcony overlooking a big french formal garden, with a beautiful fontain in the center, green lawns and carefully trimmed bushes.The light is a little grey, the sky is overcast; the whole garden is encircled by tall, dark green trees, a mix of oaks and pines.
      I find the stairs going down in the garden and call Eli, my voice ringing around me and sounding both softer and more clear that usual. I end up having to pull him in, using the hand behind my back technique. While he is here, he looks around twelve. We start to go down the stairs, and I tell him that seeing him like that innerve me a little. He doesn't seen to get it at first, his face scrunching up in concentration, then he suddently start to grow up at incredible speed, losing his equilibrium and falling on top of me. He's too heavy for me to keep my own equilibrium and I start falling too. I manage to sit down on the stair and he rest against me, a little dazed but more present in the dream that before.

      I temporaly lose my vision, and when it come back I'm alone on the stairs. I call Eli again, mentally this time, and he tells me that he is in another house close by, with his vampire sister, and that she has kidnapped someone, menacing to bite her. I know that vampire usually don't kidnapped people during daytime to feed; for those who do, it's more of a cry for help, to be placed in a etablishement that can help them. I recognize this sudden knowledge as a dream set up and play along for fun. I go to the house, it's a small white manor nested in old, slender trees that looks like birches,and the lawn around it is losing the battle against a soft, dark green moss, while the gravelled path in front of it need another layer badly. The trees filter the light, it's tinged green and very subdued. There's already a specialized team here, circling the house and waiting for the special agent (that would be little old me!). It's a different kind of fun to be aware that it's a dream while playing along. I'm fitted with the same equipement as the other, a protective vest with big scratchs and a utility belt, then go inside. It's a pretty house,with painted white panelling and a wooden floor, but it's unkept and dirty with narrow, claustrophobic allyways and narrow, talls widows half hidden behind tattered drapes. I find the vampire and arrest her, putting here in cuffs while Eli keep her calm. We walk her outside to the team. She cringes in the sunlight and they quickly put her in the back of a car and thanks me before leaving. I'm alone with Eli again, and enjoy the silence and the mossy smell coming from the soil. I shred some of the equipment and lean against the house. Eli comes close to me and starts to tell me that "that actress is pretty bitchy, that's why she got a small role, nobody wants to remember her." I kiss him to stop him, and he is suddenly very silent and very "here". He looks around with me, taking in the scenery. I warp a arms around him with a smile.

      I wake up in a false awakening, tangled in Eli arms and the darkness of my bedroom and free my arm to write down some keywords about this dream and the one before, then I wake up for good.

      That was a good experience in tulpa dream lucidity
    5. Dogs days are over

      by , 10-31-2015 at 02:23 PM (Here be dragons)
      Splitting today dreams bounty in two posts for tagging purpose.

      I'm walking around with my mother and sister in a big house that was split into flats. It's a little past its prime but style rather stylish, with marble staircases and wood panneling on the wall, the floor is carpeted in a camel color and the wood panneling are rather dark. I puck up a orange kitten and hand him back to its owner, a girl my age who thanks me a lot then talks to me about her brother, who's looking for someone to take care of his two jakc russels. I politly nods and go back to my family. Whithout trasition, we're outside another house on a hill. We walk up the stairs that lead in and enter into a veranda that open into a living room with big windows. It's very cluttered but pristine, with beautiful fournitures and tastful decoration. On the back of this living room is a staircase going down into the hill, probably to the rest of the house. The light, is golden and slanted, like the end of the afternoon. The veranda opens in a french formal garden, with a pool fitted in a ancien fontain and a straight path leading to a big manor. Here, the light is colder and the sun highter, like a winter midday. I realize that the pretty house we were in is merely a dependance of this big manor. My mother urges me to accept to take care of the man dogs' as it would allow me to live in the dependance. My phone buzz and it's a text from both the girl and his brother, telling me that I'm their best candidate and could I please answer quickly? I say yes, feeling more that a little coerced into it.
      Without transition again, we're in a mall, looking for clothes; mine are falling appart. My sister sprints in first, she's wearing a lovely dress in a odernised 50s' style, in a red fabric with white polka dots. There is two zippers at shoulders blade level, and she open them "to feel less hot" and ma mother says that it makes her look trashy, but my sister doesn't care. We go to the back of the mall to pick up jeans and I wake up.

      TBC in the next entry
    6. The hidden House

      by , 10-26-2015 at 04:35 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm underground, standing on a old stones pontoon. The only light comes from a arched window on the wall on my left, half covered with ivy and fitted with metal bars. There isn't any boat on the dark waters, but a narrow stones path run along the wall to another potoon with a old wooden door. It's pretty cold but I'm warmly dressed, and the place have a deep, heartly smell of soil, wet stones and thick foliage, with a sweet undertone of decay, like the floor of a forest.
      I walk up to the door, careful not to fall in the water. I knock on the door and a middle aged blonde woman open it, asking me if I'm here to visit. I agree and she let me in. It's a old house, but well-loved; the wooden floor have the color and the shine of honey, and the walls are painted white. The ceiling are impossibly high, with long, swirling staircase going up to the upper level. There is very little furnitures, and the little that are scattered around are pretty broken down. I walk around, sometime crossing path with the owner. I reach a narrow, tall wooden door in a art déco style, and the owner agree to open it for me. It lead to a garden, big and untamed, yet I can spot littles details that tell me that it's a deliberate look, everything in it's exact place. I smile at the big almond tree, aware that in the spring its flowers smells amazing.

      A very comtemplative dream, without a lot going on, but with beautiful sceneries.
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