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    34 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      Thanks! Its okay if your fickle when it comes to choosing. I can be that way as well at times.I think your current avatars look cool. You always choose the colorful ones that look like they have energy/light in them.
    2. View Conversation
      I've been having a lot of lucids lately mister. Check out all my red in my DJ's. Booyah! I just haven't been trying to do the TOTM very hard in particular. I'll try harder with that. I've been focusing on personal growth through my dreams which is important.
    3. View Conversation
      Thx Nebulus. I am in & out of here lately but still journaling my dreams. I have sooo much going on in my life but I love lucid dreaming! It's so spiritual & helps me figure out my life. I pay my dues on here so I'm never going anywhere else. This forum is such a great addition to my life.
    4. View Conversation
      I see you have changed your profile pic. Love the wings!
    5. View Conversation
      Oh. My bad. ^^"Well maybe you can try and see what comes up if you want to do it.After you do the dare you can dare 3 people and everyone on the lucid dare thread.
    6. View Conversation
      Hey. I dared you on the lucid dare thread. The dare was for you to watch tv in your lucid dream.^^
    7. View Conversation
      Kids can't tell ages at all. I was in my mid twenties before I really could get even in the ball park of someone's age.
    8. View Conversation
      I'm a little slow, I totally missed the whole you singing me happy birthday on my wall! Thanks, I'm 46 & feeling every bit of it but my husband & kids don't think I look it. I hope that's true.
    9. View Conversation
      Uploading your life, lol. It's okay, I get life happens. I just hit you up on GH. I need feedback, you'll see.
    10. View Conversation
      I hope you get to feeling better. It's lonely here w/o you!
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    Goal Kick

    by Nebulus on 10-30-2018 at 02:44 PM
    I became lucid, can't really remember what had been happening. I was in a room laying on a bed, and it was morning. There were people in the room but I didn't want them knowing I was awake. Eventually they left, so I peaked out from under the blanket I was hiding under.
    My father was in the dream (but a young version). I didn't want him there spoiling my dream, as I don't get on with him (he's a control freak) so I shoved him out of a top window. Unfortunately, only landed on the window sill, so I opened a bottom part I created and booted him off. He fell a satisfying distance down a cliff onto some rocks and that was last of him for that dream.
    I then moved back to the bed and manifested some people there and had cuddles, it gave me a very warm satisfying feeling
    lucid , memorable

    fade to brown

    by Nebulus on 10-30-2018 at 02:35 PM
    I was having a dream where I led some kids into class but I went wrong way through a staff room and then wrong way up some windy stairs (highly plausible). Then I realised all was a bit weird so I shoved my hand against a wall, fingers out straight to see if I was dreaming and sure enough my fingers went into the wall. I went down the corridor.
    I was in a room, might have been my grandma's, old fashioned white table cloth, big bay windows with light shining in. I was lucid so I decided to make some flowers for the table. A great big bunch of random, colourful flowers. However after a second or so they faded to brown/dead. So I made some more, each time same thing happened.
    Then had some nice cuddle time with some people who came in.

    Updated 10-30-2018 at 02:38 PM by Nebulus

    lucid , memorable

    In pursuit of Happiness

    by Nebulus on 06-06-2018 at 07:30 AM
    Slipping back into dream I found myself in a bathroom, somebody came to the door and I was worried about them coming in but then I became lucid and started thinking about where I should go. I cut a heart shaped hole in the carpet with my mind and escaped. I had the idea of finding happiness in my mind. So teleported to a bar with lots of people but this seemed mundane and I was disinterested in the people. So I flew up and out deciding I would try and find somewhere warm and paradise like.
    I flew at super speed up in the clouds, which made everything so blurry below like warp drive, so I had to keep stopping to see where I was.
    After a few warps I descended down to a very hot tropical beach and walked along bare foot by the sea. There were lots of stones washed up and the beach and a few crabs and things in the shallows. The sun was super hot so I walked inland. I got to a small rustic village with iron work slightly rusted, and in need of a lick of paint.
    There were holiday makers there and a children's club xD
    Holidays when my daughter was little were some of the happiest memories I have, so that's where I ended up.

    I had wanted to get lucid for a while, as I couldn't understand a Buddhist method. The conceptual difference between entering an altered state where the 5 senses have been withdrawn and entering the dream state (where you are not aware of your body).
    Thanks to the dream I can see the big difference very clearly
    lucid , memorable , side notes

    bat man

    by Nebulus on 05-30-2018 at 04:48 PM
    Looking after a load of kids thats wont tidy up.
    Next i'm wearing clothes of a special material so that i'm protected, I'm even wearing the clothing over my head.
    I then start to make myself change by making my bones expand, until i look like a giant bat with ribs for wings, quite gory, I have to stop as the expansion feels like it will make my skull explode if I continue.
    False awakening, in some flat overlooking a street with shops.

    Everybody happy lalalala laaa laar

    by Nebulus on 05-23-2018 at 07:18 AM
    After a music concert an ex girlfriend of mine finds a nice guy and is happy. I am also happy for her.

    I note this dream as I havent had a none violent dream for a long while.
    non-lucid , memorable