• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    What up? How is everyone doing? You are now in the world we are ruling.Take a minute to adjust for the wondrous clusterfuck of fun and enchantment. I promise you some Generation next shit, to speak for the silent who are left with parallel levels in a dark, dark place, tricked into a dark, dark fate as the sun kisses us on the foreheads gently.

    I did not want what other people wanted, but I didn't know how to find what I needed. I wanted truth -- my OWN truth, whatever bleak fragment of whatever hellish totality it might be.

    I can see now, the virtue of madness, for this country knows no law or boundary. I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is society. All things are possible here and I am what madness made me.

    Whole. Complete. Free at last.

    This is a journey into the horizon....You can see past.
    If it's real to you.....Then we can meet on the other side.

    1. Deaddie Murphy

      by , 01-12-2011 at 12:55 AM (Dreamjumper)

      Eddie Murphy ate a fly. Then it flew out of his mouth unscathed.

      Updated 01-12-2011 at 04:06 AM by 23772

      Tags: celebrity, creepy
      dream fragment , non-lucid , memorable