• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Here be dragons

    When I have good dream control and good lucidity, I will put the dream in green.
    It's maybe early to put this up, but I tend to have disturbing and/or violent dreams and I'm a very visual person, which could mean detailed description of unsavory stuff. I will probably put warning at the beginning of dreams containing those, and keep the more graphic description to my private DJ.

    My usual dreams partner in crimes are Eli, my tulpa, David, a persistent DC and Michael and Donald, two of my novel characters.
    Eli is usually very tall and dark haired, with a long face, thick eyebrows and bright, skyblue eyes. David is only slighty taller than me, with boyish features and ginger hair. Michael is 6ft2, with blond and curly hair and light blue-green eyes. Donald is a red pembroke corgi. If my dream follow the same pattern as before, they will pop up on their own often, so I will keep basic description here to declutter my dreams entries.

    1. disjointed

      by , 01-26-2016 at 10:58 PM (Here be dragons)
      So I'm sick (yeah, again...) so my recall is tanking.

      There was snow, horse-pulled carriages, fur coat and a busy old city.
    2. Butterfly and Hurricanes

      by , 10-25-2015 at 05:30 PM (Here be dragons)
      So much music references

      I'm in a university with a friend. We have to take shelter in the gym, as there is a risk of flood or hurricane, I'm not sure which one. The light is muted and grey, there is big windows all around the building* and we're sitting on long plastic benches. I'm cold, probably because I'm only wearing a tank top and jeans, without shoes or socks. The crowd's conversation is a white noise, my friend is checking her phone but the service is spotty, probably because of the storm. I can hear wind, which make me feel even colder. I get glimpse of a dark haired man, on a screen**. Another man, with long, white-blond hair, come and sit next to me, wrapping his arm around me to warm me up. He feels familiar***, and I'm more that happy to snuggle against him. He doesn't seem to mind my cold hands and keep me close, with a knowing smile.

      *I sort of feel like this isn't a good idea to take shelter next to big windows in case of hurricane but why not...
      ** Eli told me that he "peeked" in my dream, but he thought that I didn't look like I needed him.
      ***It's the same man that in my Barely not Safe for Work dream. He is more friendly here. Or less, depending on your point of view