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    1. Beach House

      by , 11-21-2011 at 03:36 PM
      I remember two dreams from last night plus the emotional ghost of another one. You know when you know you had a dream and when you try and remember it you think "that was a nice dream, but I have no idea WTF it was about", Its that. The first dream I had I was with a friend of mine and we were going to his beach house with a few other people. His mom was driving for some reason. I was in the front seat and we were taking back roads. We constantly had to stop to avoid running over dogs who were all chasing squirrels. When we got there I asked his mom why she had seemed so mad at me. She said she wasn't mad, my pants were inside out and It was aggravating her. I turned my pants right-side out and she was happy. We went inside and I woke up, I was able to catch the awakening in like 2 seconds but I had already shifted my body position so the DEILD didn't work. When I woke up in the morning I remembered a fragment of another dream in which I was at a wrestling tournament. I was talking to someone and I had a small entourage. I was either consoling the person or giving them advice. My dad thought I was still sleeping when I was writing in my dream journal so he banged on the door really loud for an unnecessary amount of time (akin to a military wake up) and it ran the rest of the dream out of my head.
    2. Large truck

      by , 11-19-2011 at 07:55 PM
      I had dream where I was driving a large truck. It was an older model (probably 1980's) and I was having trouble controlling it. Not like "trouble turning the wheel" control but it wouldn't brake when I braked and sometimes would turn in the complete opposite direction I turned the wheel. This often led me to weaving through oncoming traffic. Not the most fun dream I've ever had. There was also something about rigging the car with a remote control but I don't know how or where that fits in.