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    Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries

    My dreams

    Non-lucid dreams are in green
    Lucid are in red

    1. Night of 07/19 - FAIL

      by , 07-20-2011 at 09:51 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 10
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 3/5

      1. I'm standing in a street, watching the Tour the Fance(cycling race for those who don't know). There is a famous cyclist, I don't recall his name. He is winning the race, because he leads with a time advantage of 2 hours. He is so happy that he stops in every 10 meters, to get from his bike and to hug the people watching. I can see that he's so happy that he cries all the time.
      After the seven time he stops, he finally gets on his bike to finally finish the race. He rides his bike a few minutes but there is a car driving towards him, he gets involved in a car crash, flies high into the sky and lads somewhere on the street. He is bad injured and only gets slowly on his bike. Suddenly all the other cyclist are passing him and he only finishes the race with a 30-minutes-delay

      2. I'm in front of the school were I did my practical training. I speak to two teacher I used to work with. I'm asking him about the children how they do. A child appears and tells me about something that doesn't make sense at all. I fake a smile and say he should play with his friends. The teacher tell me that they've got a few new pupils. Suddenly I see one of these new pupils and I realize that it looks like an alien,. I'm really confused and I don't know what to do or to say. The teacher tells me that it's an exchange pupil from Jupiter and that he really does well (WTF?).
      When things can't get even more weird, a lady enters the school with a trolley. She sells sausages to us.

      I awake for real. WTF?
    2. Night of 01/02 - Basketball-fail

      by , 01-03-2011 at 08:23 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 6h
      Recall: 4/5
      Vividness: 4/5

      I'm standing on the bus station. The bus comes and I get in. I want to show my bus ticket, but I don't find it at its usual place in my wallet.
      I'm sitting next to an DC. He reminds me of someone but can't recall his name. He starts speaking, but I hear music out of now where. I realize that I'm listening to my mp3 player. I take the ear plugs off, but then he stops speaking.
      After a second or so, my bus stops and I get out. I'm in front of a basket hall I used to play. I get in, speak with a few guys. They ask me why I have back-ache. How the hell do they know? I thought that I mentioned it already
      Me: I'm sitting through the day studying at university. And it makes me obvious sick!
      I take my shoes of and take a new pair that I found in my backpack. I'm excited to play with the guys. I look around me, everything gets more bright and clear. I remind myself that I dream sometimes about basketball, although I don't play no more. So I just think:

      Me: Next time you play basket, do a RC!

      After this master-thought I play an amazing game and don't think about it anymore.

      How stupid
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Night of 12/30 - The test of failure

      by , 12-31-2010 at 03:34 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 9.5
      Recall: 3/5
      Vividness: 3/5

      I'm sitting in a class and I have to write a test. I get the questions and there are just about thinks I don't know. In addition just stuff, I even don't study. Questions about geography (What's the name of this city?) about physics, stuff like that. I panicate cause I don't know one anwser. I try too argue with a teacher
      Me: That's unfair! These are things nobody knows!
      Teacher: It doesn't matter. It's a test about flexibility, spontaneity and creativity!

      I look at the others and there are writing pages and pages full. I simply leave and run away.

      I'm at an indoor-swimming-pool. And it's another test. I just think: what's wrong in here? Our gymnastic professor is there.
      Prof to everybody: You know that I don't like theorie much!
      Everybody laughs
      Prof: That's why we make a swimming test!

      Ok.... Just for info, we had just seminars where he spoke of some "moving skills" and their development.
      And now: a swimming test?! We had to jump over obstacles to get in the pool, doing weird loopings and figures and other crap.

      I wanted to enter in the pool, but it seemed that the water was just about 20 inches deep. How can I swim when the water just goes to my shine? WTF! I get angry about this crap end up running around the pool until the exam had finished
      Tags: fail, university
      nightmare , memorable
    4. Night of 12/22 - What the ....?

      by , 12-23-2010 at 11:18 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 8
      Vividness: 3/5

      Oh my Gosh, what a crazy night

      I'm somewhere. This sounds crazy, but I couldn't see at all, what was going on around. I didn't see anything, I didn't see a white page, or a black one. No. There is nothing. Kind of hard to explain, but there was really nothing. Strange.
      This lasted about 5 seconds or so, than I saw one of my professor of university in front of me. He was talking to me, but I heard nothing. I just saw his lips moving, but no sound was coming out. After 3 seconds or so, his voice appeared slowly, than I could hear that he was saying [in German, his mother-tongue] that he had corrected my paper and that he wanted to speak a bit about it. He said, that we had to go in his mobile-home. I looked around me and I saw, that the void had disappeared, I was standing in a field, in front of me was a mobile-home. I had the feeling that I was in some circus or an amusement park.
      His mobile-home was really tiny, I just thought:
      - Well, it seems that professors don't earn that much money...
      I was still confused, because I knew that he was one of the important researcher in human science at my university. Strange.
      So I entered and I couldn't believe what I saw. This tiny mobile home had three big rooms about 4 meters high, 5 meters wide and 7 meter long. It looked like an old mansion or something like that, but it was decorated and built like a Swiss chalet. I was so impressed that I couldn't say anything. The professor said, as he closed the door:
      - Well, I wanted to bring something familiar with me. You know, when you live away from your motherland, you get a bit nostalgic.

      Just for info: he's Swiss

      He offered me a seat at his bar (yes there was a bar too! ) and he talked to me, still in German:
      - I corrected your paper and I was kind of amazed. You got nearly everything right, you did just one fault, but it isn't worth speaking about it. Well you got 18 of 20.
      I wanted to converted it up to 60 points, but I had difficulties to calculate and after two or three tries, I finally got the right number. This confused me, because I'm good in math.
      - But this isn't really the reason, why I wanted to talk to you. You gave an example of writing a novel in one question. I just wanted to know, if you write novels in your free-time.
      Really? Did I wrote that? Well that's right, but I couldn't remember that I did it.
      - Yes that's true, I said in German.
      - Well, tell me a bit about it.
      I wanted to explain a bit, but for some reason, the words didn't came out as I wanted. Although I'm a fluent German speaker and I write my novels in German, I just kept on using inappropriate words and expression to explain my activity as author. He looked at me really confused, I knew that I was making bad publicity for my writing skills. I felt so ashamed, like a little boy, who had broken an old porcelain vase. I saw that he was smiling and was kind of amused about that. I stopped my speech and I ran away

      Updated 12-23-2010 at 11:22 AM by 27488

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    5. Night of 12/19 - Chaotic Day

      by , 12-20-2010 at 09:32 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 8
      Vividness: 4/5

      OMG. What A disaster. And it makes no sense either.

      1. I'm with a few friends in a street. There is a stuntman-show. Everyone tells me, that this show would be epic. So I watched with them the show. There was a car and apparently, it had to drive into a house and it's going to explode. That sounds really good, so I waited the show to start. But it didn't worked at al: the car had to drive 4 times against the wall of the house, everyone could clearly see that the car was remote-controlled (nobody is sitting in there) and as it finally crashed, nothing happened.
      We were really disappointed so we decided to go somewhere else. Suddenly I saw that a friend of mine was phoning with my cell phone. I had no clue, how he managed to get it. He gave me the phone and says, that it is my mum.
      - Your friend told me, that you saw something interesting
      It was really noisy around me, but I could clearly understand her. I said:
      - Well, we were at this place and we saw...
      - I said: tell me what the hell happened!
      Apparently she didn't hear me. I started to shout
      - I said we were at this place and..
      - What place? Why are you shouting at me? I'm not deaf! Where are you?
      I had the feeling that this conversation went no where, so I decided to hang up and turn the cell phone off
      I got abit angry and than I saw, that 2 teenagers were doing pun of me. I didn't realized, that I was standing no in a train with my friends.
      The teenagers were still making fun of me. I get angry and throw a shoe at them. The shoe flew in the face of the older one. So they finally stopped.

      2. I'm in my old school. My grand-uncle is there. To me it's normal that he is there, although he lives somewhere in Michigan. And we are in the same course We wanted to walk in the classroom, but someone ran into it. My unce asks me, why he's in a hurry. I make a joke and say:
      - He's afraid that someone takes his seat in front of the board.
      He starts laughing and we enter.
      I sit down somewhere in the back of the class, my uncle somewhere in the middle. Suddenly, a girl comes n and she looks like someone, I saw in my curse at university in my real life. She sits next to me.
      - Why is she here?, I asked my self. She lives somewhere in the north of Lux. but not here in the south.

      Funny. I realize that it's not normal that she is there, but the fact that my grand-uncle is there,doesn't surprise me at all. BUT I do't get lucid.

      3. My surroundings change again and I'm standing in front of my old school. I wanted to leave this place so I took a roller. I don't have a roller I start driving in the city-centre. It's a summer day, the sun is shining and the sun is slowly going downIn reality, it's -5 C° and there is 30 cm of snow. I'm looking for a shopAnd yeah it doesn't exist either, but keeps appearing in my dreams. For some reason, I'm not able to find it: although I keep driving in the same direction, I always end up at the same place.
      - Damn it! This reminds me of my dreams, where I never get to the place I want!
      Suddenly, I know where the place is, I'm thinking:
      - Yeah man! I have to go down road XXX, than tur to the left and than at the end of road YYY I will find this store!
      So I drive there and it takes me a second and I'm finally in there.
      But I have no clue, why I had to get there. Suddenly I remember that I wanted to meet a girl there, who usually shows up there. I don't have a freaking idea how she looks like. So I decide to leave this place.

      4. I'm driving a bike on a road up a hill. I'm motivated to reach the top of it, but it's really difficult. I remember that the last time I drove a bike was in a dream. I get some kind of strange feeling. Dream... Wait! Why Am I driving a bike up this hill? I thought that the hill was closed because of something.
      Well the road is closed, 'cause there is so much snow that no car can drive there!
      I have the feeling that ther is something wrong. But I don't know what.
    6. Night of 12/12 - Hello again

      by , 12-13-2010 at 08:08 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      It has been a while since I wrote something in my DJ.
      Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to post something and in addition, I had not enough sleep during the last month.

      But this is changing again. Next week, the courses are free thank God (or better: thank the government). So I will have enough sleep to practice again the whole lucid thing.

      Well last night:

      I was really exhausted because I studied all the evening long until 11p.m. I went to bed and I want to relax a bit. I instantly felt how heavy my body was. It remembered me instantly of the very beginning of sleep paralyses.
      Exactly in this moment, I hear strange noises witch remind me of the sound of a fridge. It came to me in waves. I relaxed even more and I had the feeling that I was floating in the air, raising and sinking through my room. It felt very cool and didn't scared me at all, because I knew it was only in my head.
      After 5 minutes or so, I tried to move in thoughts my body. I managed to move my fingers and my hands a bit. I wondered if I was already in some dream or if the sleep paralyses had already gone away.
      I want to open my eyes, but I realize that my eyes are already open. It's bright in my room, but I see things blurry. My vision clears up and I realize that I'm lying in my bed. I know that I'm dreaming. I want to get up to leave my bed and to explore my dreamworld. But for some reason, I wasn't able to move. I thought:
      - Damn! I feel that my real bod. I have to try moving a bit and not to think about my real body.
      I slowly moved my fingers but suddenly, out of no-where ......

      ..... A DC appears in front of me! He's sitting on my chest! That's why I'm not able to move!

      I shouted:
      - Go out!
      HIs answer:
      - No, your chest is comfortable!

      I awake. I'm pissed turn to the left side of my bed and fall back to sleep again.
    7. Night of 11/3 - Wounded grischkaja008 :( XD

      by , 11-04-2010 at 01:34 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 6h
      Vividness: 4/5
      Recall: 3/5

      I'm at my busstaion. And I'm sitting in a wheelchair.I try to go forward but my wheelchair is hard to move. After some moments I finally get rolling my wheelchair. It moves slowly. I cross the road. The cars stop and wait until I get on the other side. But it takes so long to cross the road. On the other side, I realize that a man in a wheelchair too follows me. I ignore him and roll to my house. I see the stairs, the door is opened.
      Suddenly I'm inside with my wheelchair and I roll to the kitchen. Ma parents are there. They ask me why I let in a stranger?
      - A stranger? About whom are you talking about?
      They point in my direction and this wheelchair DC is insides. He is smiling but than he realizes that he's wrong here and rolls back to the entrance.
      - Why did you take the wheelchair? ask my parents.
      I answer that I don't know. I look at my foot and see that my left foot is plastered. My parents give me crutches. I take them and go outsides.

      Suddenly I'm in a building. There is a tall man. I say to him that I have to go upstairs, but I can't because of the crutches. I jump on his shoulders and he carries me The building looks like a mall, but there is a river and a enormous hole with one narrow bridge. The DC wants to go over the bridge. I say him that's to dangerous. I jump of his back and jump on one foot to the river. I try to cross the river by swimming, but my foot is to heavy and I begin to drown. I soon have any breath. I panic

      I awake!!!! O Gosh! I missed an opportunity to get lucid. Why didn't I start to breath under water?
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Night of 10/30 - labyrinth

      by , 10-31-2010 at 11:30 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 8 h
      Vividness: 3/5

      I'm in my childhood house. I want to go to the attic to have a better view on the garden. I'm in the staircase to our appartement. I'm between the ground and the first floor. I look outside the window. I see my dad watering flowers. I start going upstairs. While I walk, I see that there lay a few stones, I pick them up and put them in my pocket. I keep on going upstairs.
      I'm now on the last floor (It's floor N. 4). I loo outside the window. I still see my father watering flowers, but it seems that I'm still on the ground floor. I think: WTF is going on?!?
      I look at my right. There is my brother: he says that he loves garlic. I realize that this is a dream. I want to confirm it with a RC.

      I awake, because someone knocks at my door!!
      Tags: fail, family
    9. Night of 10/26 - Lot of sleep but no convincing result

      by , 10-27-2010 at 07:56 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 9.0 (Yeah! )
      Vividness: 2/5
      Recall: 1/5 (O no! )

      I'm walking through a snowy street. Next to me is a girl: it's an ex-classmate. We are talking about something, I don't really know about what. Only thing I remember is, that I tried to develop our superficial relationship, which is limited to "Hello! I'm ok! And you? How was your week" , to something more deep. I tried to make some jokes as I use to do. But she doesn't even smiles....
      I get a bit disappointed and I feel that I'm loosing her attention. So I think about doing something weird.
      While walking, I let fall myself at the ground and pretend that I slipped out on the ice.

      Note: Where the hell does the snow comes from? No snow has been falling since February.
      I'm lying on the ground and I'm spinning around. I stretch my arm out, that she can help me to get up. But I wanted to make her fall by pulling her hand.
      Note: What was I thinking? That makes no sense!
      Only problem is this: She doesn't gives a damn! She looks at me as I'm spinning stupidly around on the ground.
      This keeps on going a few seconds, a lot of people come around and watch my performance. She simply goes away.
      I try to get up on my own and let fall my purse. I see that an hobo picks it up. He gives it me back. I thank him and he goes away. I look in it and I see that my credit card is missing. I start shouting to catch the people's attention on the hobo, but they didn't move and just look at me stupidly

      The End.
      PS: When I see this hobo again, I'm going to kick his ass!
    10. Night of 10/14 - Ugly women, drunk people and Queen Elisabeth - an epic adventure :D

      by , 10-15-2010 at 09:39 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello I had last night a very short lucid. The way I went lucid is quite a bit funny xD

      Hours of sleep: 9h
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 2/5 --> Just remember a fragment

      I'm standing in a street of my neighbour-town. I'm waiting for the bus. Everything is so clear and looks perfectly normal. Every little thing looks so real, that I don't even wonder if it's reality or not. The bus comes but it's full: at least 200 people were standing in it, it looked so overcrowded that I had the impression that the people were standing on each-other . So the bus doesn't even stops. A friend shows up. He asks me: "Did you missed your bus?". I answered no I didn't.
      Suddenly a car drives with excessive speed on the road and stops in front of us. A bunch of really ugly women came out. Another friend, who is in the army, run towards us, he was in panic and screamed:"You have to run away from these ladies! They are so ugly that you will die when they catch you!"xD. The women start running towards us and yeah, they were so damn ugly! We ran away but they were quite fast. While running around the streets, a few buses drive past. I want to stop one of them, starts waving, but I see that it isn't the right bus. The driver breaks but I make signs that he had better to drive past. He looked at me a bit confused, than he sees the women and drives as fast as he can. The women run behind him.
      I'm quite happy that they had finally gone. My friend from the bus station asks me: "Do want to go to this awesome outdoor party? It's not far away from here." I agree. We walk through a huge gate. I meet some DC's, they look really drunk. we go to a bar. The barkeeper asks me what we wanted to drink. At the same-time a female friend shows up. She orders soda, my friend orders Guinness. I don't know what to order, because I'm a bit confused by the fact that she was here, because she really hats the places were drunk people are. The barkeeper serves Guinness, but it takes really long. I watch at my clock, but without paying attention. I say to the barkeeper he should hurry up, that I'm gonna miss my bus. He finally serves. I don't pay attention and take the Guinness and drink it in one stroke. It tastes really, really awesome! I say: That's the best Guinness I ever drank!" The barkeeper: "Guinness is always a win, just like bacon!" I agree. xD
      My friend is a bit angry that I drank his Guinness. I excuse my self and give him the money back. I start running towards the gate to get my bus. In the meantime I met some DC, they are vomiting because they are to drunk . I'm a bit shocked and I get for a moment sick. I ignore them and keep on running from this weird place.
      I run through the gate. And I meet The Queen! I don't realize it, I wave my hand in this special royal way and say with a Oxford-accent: "God save the Queen!" She looks really confused and awkward but I don't give a damn on it! I finally get to my station. I wonder when I did for the last time some kind of RC. I look around me. I have the feeling that everything is frozen. Than suddenly I remember this meeting with The Queen. I asked my self if it really was The Queen. I tried to find some logic explanation (first I thought that she went to a costume party..) I finally plugged my nose, but I didn't do it right. So I do it again...AND I'm able to breath! OMG I'm dreaming! I ask my self what I'm going to do next, but I get a feeling of over-excitement. Everything goes instantly dark. I rub my hand as fast as I can, I feel the heat, but it's still dark and I awake.

      Damn it! Why didn't I realize it earlier than it was a dream? And what the hell is the Queen doing there????
    11. Night of 9/30 - That's not good at all...

      by , 10-01-2010 at 11:58 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello :/ Yesterday, I had such an unrealistic dream, that I ask myself why I didn't see that it was an dream

      Well the dream starts very logical: I'm walking through a forest. Everything is so peaceful and quite. A few birds are twittering and all this stuff.
      But suddenly, out of nowhere, I have a bag with a football (soccer) a towel and stuff to take a sunbath on the beach. In one hand I have an parasol, in the other hand a surfboard. Apparently I'm going to sunbath on a beach... My parents and my brother show up, we all are going together on the beach. I'm wondering why we go through a forest, when we go to the sea? I try to remember how I got there. I'm wondering why I'm not so exhausted, when we just arrived on the beach? (for information, we go to France in our holidays and we have to drive 10 hours or so in the car). I want to develop my thoughts but something unexpected happens.
      Suddenly a bird sh*ts on me! It's disgusting! But it just wasn't one bird, but ten birds were making it! I have the feeling that I'm sort of target. I try to avoid the sh*t but I fail every time! Finally I'm out of this f***ing forest. (I don't want to describe the feeling of having bird-poop running down my shoulders an my neck) In front of us is the sea, but it's so different from reality: it reminds me of the lac I used to go swimming this summer). In Addition, there were everywhere seaweed. A woman was swimming in it and it looked really disgusting. I just couldn't stop thinking of all these disgusting things and didn't realize that it's a dream.
      The scenario changes. I'm wearing the same clothes as previously, the poop hasn't gone. But now I'm in a sort of garage. An old man is working on a car. It turns out that's my grand-uncle from Illinois, although he doesn't look like him. He speaks but I don't understand what he's saying. I have the feeling that I have to help to repair his car. He wants to know, what happened to me, that my t-shirt is so smelly and disgusting. I explain to him the episode with the birds. He believes me and he want to take a close look on my T-shirt. I take it off an suddenly I'm standing in a white room. It's a consultation room and a doctor is there. He says: Yes, there's no doubt it's bird-shit!
      He gives me a ticket and I open the door to leave. I'm suddenly at a train station. My brother is there and he he's smoking a cigarette (by the way, he's 11). My parents show up and shout at him, because he's smoking. "It's unacceptable!" says my dad. He puts it out and they leave.
      I'm alone now, I'm really nervous, look if my parents aren't there and I take a cigarette-box out of my pocket and take a cigarette. (as non-smoker) I think: " Yeah he's to little to smoke, but I'm the master of my own decision" (very ironic). I put it in my mouth but I have no lighter. I want to ask someone for a light, but there's no smoker. I suddenly realize that I've got some matches in my pocket. I take them out and it turns out that they are matches to put the BBQ on. I wonder how I have to use it. I find in my pockets some kind of chewing-gum, that burns by friction I manage to light the match, without burning my-self. But I don't manage to light it. So I put the match out and throw it on the rails and put the cigarette out of my mouth. It has transformed into a cokkie (aha sure) and I eat it.
      I walk down the station and meet a friend. He takes my ticket and we arrive in a room, where a lot of seats are. It's some kind of plane, the people who are there are excited to take off. I sit down next to another friend, who gives me popcorn.

      I awake HOLY CRAP! WHY didn't I realize that this was a dream? ARRRRRRRRRR

      Updated 10-03-2010 at 09:19 AM by 27488

      non-lucid , memorable