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    KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different

    A journey into the mind of KingYoshi.

    1. Lucid Dream 198: Who's Driving?

      by , 03-19-2011 at 01:00 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      March 15, 2011
      Lucid Dream 198: Who's Driving?
      Series: Friends, Episode 7
      around 1:00pm

      Category - Exploration

      I am partying at some random person's apartment. Apparently, a couple girls had invited us there. Me and Mike are playing pong against these two cocky bastards. They kept talking about how good they were and how they hadn't lost all night. Me and Mike asked them if they wanted to put some cash on the game. We agreed to play for 20$ a cup. We straight up spanked their ass 6-0 and one of them got pissed off and flipped the table. Our remaining cups spilled into the floor, as well as the bottom of my jeans and shoes. I got pissed and called the guy a bitch. He started talking trash saying that this is his apartment and he can do whatever he wants. I said, "Yeah, but when you are knocking sh*t over and spilling it on my shoes, we have a f***ing problem. He reached out like he was about to touch me and I calmly said, "You better not f***ing touch me." He took a step forward and said, "What are you going to do about?" I knew exactly what he was going to do. It was almost like slow motion. He slowly stepped toward me with his chest pooched out. As soon as he made contact, I threw a quick uppercut with my right and caught his chin. It wasn't powerful enough to knock him down, but it stunned him. I then came across with a left hook as he was stumbling backwards and laid him completely out.

      The guys partner takes a couple quick steps toward me and Mike layed him out before he even had time to react. Suddenly, six or more other guys came at me and Mike. We fought them off for a moment. Realizing we were in trouble against this many people, I shoved through some innocent bystanders and made a path to the front door. Mike followed, as we fought off the crowd. The doorway slowed them up a bit and we had separation. I don't run from fights, but I'm not stupid. 2 on 6+ is not going to be good. We hauled ass toward the parking lot.

      The next thing I remember, we are in a car riding down the road. Mike is in the passenger seat, I am behind the driver seat, and Chad B was now randomly with us as well. He is sitting in the back seat to my right. Mike was talking about the NCAA tourney and I suddenly noticed that there was no driver. The car was going down the road, but there wasn't anyone driving. Having had several of these dreams before, I immediately became lucid.

      We were coming up on a turn and I sat calmly and half wondered if the car would crash or make the turn. As expected, the car turned perfectly and continued along the road. I looked at Mike, who was still talking about who he picked in his bracket and said, "We are dreaming right now!" He looked confused and didn't believe me. I asked him who was driving the car. He casually replied, "No one." I laughed and said, "How is the car driving perfectly down the road without a driver?" He looked at me confused and said, "Because of the spark plugs." I looked over at Chad and he agreed with me. I told them to watch and I began flying the car with my mind. Mike still didn't believe me even though we were flying around in a car. I opened the door and rolled out of the car. I entered a free fall and could feel the cool wind rushing by be. I had been falling for a really long time when I noticed that there were clouds below me and above me. There was no sign of the ground or any footing whatsoever. I flew around for while seeing nothing but infinite sky. I awake during the search for land

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Friends," I join the DC counterparts of my waking life friends and tackle the dream world. You never know what we will be up to next, but I guarantee it will be one hell of a time. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      Updated 03-20-2011 at 09:08 AM by 22654
