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    Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries

    My dreams

    Non-lucid dreams are in green
    Lucid are in red

    1. Night of 10/17 - Why can I stay in my dream??

      by , 10-18-2010 at 08:25 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      I'm really back on track with the whole lucid thing Only problem which stays is that I wake up after realizing I'm dreaming.

      Vividness: 4/5
      Hours of sleep: 7.6h

      I'm in an hotel. I'm on a some kind of holiday. It's already evening and I'm exhausted. I go to bed and try too sleep. But I can't. It's to hot insides I'm sweating. I finally get out of my bed and I decide to leave the hotel. I open the door and I'm outsides. It's sunrise. There is a bus and my car. I meet someone and he says to me, that I have to pick someone up in the city, where my university is and drive him somewhere to France.
      I don't pay really attention. I'm in a bad mood. I just go in my car and drive away. While driving I'm wondering how I have to drive to get at the right place. I realize that it's impossible to go at this place so I drive to somewhere else.
      In front of me are a few skyscrapers. They look really weird: They have terraces on the top and the buildings form a gigantic pyramid. Each roof-top is connected to another one and at the top of the highest building, there is a huge statue.
      Suddenly I'm flying, but outside my car. I sit on a pillow. It flies higher and higher gets nearly to the highest building. I want to catch one of the hundreds stairs on a roof-top, but my pillow flies away without me.
      I start to fall. I get a strange feeling. I feel that I'm lying on something, although there isn't anything. I realize that it's impossible for me to fly in real life and that it's unrealistic that I'm falling from the sky. I'm glad that I realize it, because I had begun to panic a bit because I'm falling from so high.
      BUT everything gets directly dark and I awake

      I have my eyes closed. I start to imagine to fly in a rocket and I'm saying in my head: "You gonna re-enter your dream and you will manage to stay lucid". I repeated it several times.
      BUT something strange happens: I suddenly hear my brother's voice in my head. It says: "That isn't going to work!". I began arguing with this voice who came from my subconscious. I thought : Shut the f*ck up !"
      I' m in a completely other place. I'm in a late night show. I don't realize that I'm dreaming and simply listen to the speaker. He's explaining how it's possible that people think that Michael Jackson is still alive.

      The End.
      Don't forget to KEEP IT UP!
      lucid , memorable
    2. Frighting SP of 9/19

      by , 09-20-2010 at 06:29 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Experienced SP, mixed together with some hallucinations
      I awoke in the middle of the night. I had first the feeling that I weighted 3000 pounds, my heart beat slowly, but irregular. I heard my own voice saying (or maybe it were just my thoughts???): "This is how it feels like when there is too much gravity..."
      Instantly, I had the feeling that I was flipped up side down, that I was flying. My heart beat very quickly and irregular. I got extremely scared. I heard at the same time: "and that's the feeling you get when there's no gravity at all!"

      I don't remember what happened afterwards.
      That's one of the most terrifying experiences I've ever made while sleeping