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    Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries

    My dreams

    Non-lucid dreams are in green
    Lucid are in red

    1. Night of 07/19 - FAIL

      by , 07-20-2011 at 09:51 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 10
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 3/5

      1. I'm standing in a street, watching the Tour the Fance(cycling race for those who don't know). There is a famous cyclist, I don't recall his name. He is winning the race, because he leads with a time advantage of 2 hours. He is so happy that he stops in every 10 meters, to get from his bike and to hug the people watching. I can see that he's so happy that he cries all the time.
      After the seven time he stops, he finally gets on his bike to finally finish the race. He rides his bike a few minutes but there is a car driving towards him, he gets involved in a car crash, flies high into the sky and lads somewhere on the street. He is bad injured and only gets slowly on his bike. Suddenly all the other cyclist are passing him and he only finishes the race with a 30-minutes-delay

      2. I'm in front of the school were I did my practical training. I speak to two teacher I used to work with. I'm asking him about the children how they do. A child appears and tells me about something that doesn't make sense at all. I fake a smile and say he should play with his friends. The teacher tell me that they've got a few new pupils. Suddenly I see one of these new pupils and I realize that it looks like an alien,. I'm really confused and I don't know what to do or to say. The teacher tells me that it's an exchange pupil from Jupiter and that he really does well (WTF?).
      When things can't get even more weird, a lady enters the school with a trolley. She sells sausages to us.

      I awake for real. WTF?
    2. Night of 07/14 - Fight: Good vs evil

      by , 07-14-2011 at 09:49 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 11 (!)
      Vividness: 4/5
      Recall: 2/5

      I'm flying around the land in a plane or something. It seems that this plane is really small and there is just room for two guys. We fly around and we are looking for something. I'm the copilot and look at the RADAR. There is something approaching us.
      I scream: It's coming towards us!
      I see there is a dragon flying with high speed towards us. The pilot makes a looping to avoid it but it gets touched by the back of the dragon. We get heavy turbulences. We fly through the sky, doing the weirdest flight-manoeuvres to avoid or attack the dragon. The plane gets near ly destroyed, the pilot dies and I get out by a parachute.
      I'm in a sort of plane, half dessert. I meet some African people. They are building some fences against an army who will attack them in a few minutes or so. I leave the pace with a Jeep and I end up in a city, that reminds me of my home-town.
      It's a bit weird cause now the surroundings are covered with forest as in real life.
      I have a map and search for the place on it. I know that they are some evil teenager who are looking for the treasure as well to gain more power.
      So I get involved in a race, there is a DC joining me. We go towards the forest, taking the train as blind passengers. When we finally get to place, the evil teenagers appear. They are driving a car, but it's made of paper. They have the treasure (but I don't know what it was) and we get into a fight. I attack the car who starts to drive, and I easily demolish this shitty car. So they cannot use their car any more. I manage to capture those bastards. We ban them through a portal or something like that.
      After our revenge, I want to put the treasure back or even better destroy it. But my partner doesn't want to, because we could present us as savers against the evil so we get a lot of attention, a lot of money and a lot of women. I'm tended by this idea but I manage to explain him why we can't. So we finally destroy the treasure, but I don't know how.

      We get back ad we are in school. There is a class and the students there ask us where we have been. My partner wants to tell something, I feel that he wants to talk about or adventure, but he ends up saying:

      DC partner: Well nothing special. we forgot some stuff at home and the train was late. As usual

      I'm happy that he says that. A teacher gets in and starts class

      A bit weird, even for my standards
    3. Night of 07/09 - What the heck? ^^

      by , 07-09-2011 at 06:12 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Yesterday was Friday and traditionally (lol) I went to a party. Result: I went late to bed and had moderately alcohol in my blood. When I went to bed I did't expect I would remember a dream.

      When I awoke at 7 am after 4 hours of sleep, I couldn't remember something. But after the last 4 hours of sleep I'm able to recall 3 fragments.

      Hours of sleep: 8
      Vividness: 3/5
      Recall: 2/5

      1. I'm on vacation and I'm in a shop of the town, I went previously in a dream. I remember that I bought holiday cards. I ask the seller of much they cost and he sayd me 42 €. I thought I had not understood the seller and I asked again. He confirms the price. I think about it a second and remembered I had retrieved previously some money, so I was able to pay this unbelievable price.

      Side Note: I went to the bank last evening to get some money. It seems that my memory is good, but not good enough to recall that I'm at home and not in Brittany.

      2. I'm a secret agent and I've been captured by my enemy. He plans to gather all the electromagnetic energy from earth to sell it. What an evil plan! I got trapped in a chamber where he tested his weapon. It started and I felt really dizzy, I started to see the surrounding change in colour. I looked at my digital watch. It showed me anomaly electric-fields and the display disappeared. Somehow I manage to get out of the laboratory.

      3. It seems that I'm still this secret agent. I'm at the train-station from Luxembourg city. There was snow and it was cold. I felt extremely dizzy and had not much energy. There was a big screen somewhere. There was a TV-speaker who told, that the earth entered an energy crisis and that the world powers where negotiating with a businessman who holds all the energy left. I realize that it's my enemy who caused the collapse.
      I walked as fast as I could to get a bus to inform the secret service (nice plan, isn't it? ) But I'm too groggy and I fall to the ground, The 500 meters remaining I crawled through the snow and ice. I finally see a bus coming.

      I awoke cause my bedroom-door opened and my brother walked in to wake me up. I got scared, cause the last image in my head was the bus and the first image I recieved was the face from my brother

      So that's it. Sunday night I will perform my first WILD in ages.
    4. Night of 07/06 - Party Non-stop!

      by , 07-06-2011 at 01:53 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 9
      Vividness: 3/5
      Recall: 3/5

      Number of dreams: I'm really confused. It happens that I remember at least 6 different locations I've been.

      1. I'm walking through narrow streets in the historical part of Luxembourg-city. Its already late, the street lamps are own. It's hot outsides, it appears to be summer. I stop in front of a restaurant I've never seen before. I enter and there is a huge entrance hall. I hang my jacket on the wall, which I didn't wear outsides. I walk past a bunch of people, past the bar and I sit down on a table near a window. The window looks like my window at home, even the same lamps are standing on the windowsill. I put up a little book which lies at the the table (it's my book where I write my ideas down for further novels) and I write several pages down. But I'm not able to read it.
      After a time I'm leaving this lace cause I'm bored and walk past the bar, take my jacket with me and step out. Outsides, everything is as it used to be last time. Suddenly I remember that I forgot my book inside. I remember that I put it on the windowsill. I'm walking to a window. Although this window doesn't lead to the restaurant, I recognize my windowsill and see the book. I'm telling my self that I could pick it up later. I leave the place and take a ride with the bus.

      2. I awake. I'm feeling very dizzy. I look around my room and grab the same book as before. I write my dreams down, but again, I can't read what I'm writing. I'm confused. I lay down on my bed and review the dreams in my head. I fall asleep. (Great false awakening, isn't it?)

      3. I'm in my bedroom but it's totally different from reality. There are no bed and no shelves, t looks like a strange club or something like that. There are a few people in there, a DJ and a few friends of mine: L., Micheal, Girl N., Girl C.. There is also a fat girl I've seen two times or three before. We are dancing to the music we enjoy our time. Suddenly the music changes and the DJ plays some slow music. HE says into his microphone that everyone should join a partner and dance to the song. I wasn't pleased at all from this idea. Let me explain why:
      We are 3 guys and three girls. So far as good. But the choice of the dance partner is awfull: First we have girl N.: I used to have a crush on her, but she's really wicked and manipulative. This is such an occasion which she use to make you feel uncomfortable. Second there is girl C.: I like her a lot, but she has now anorexia and doesn't look really well because of her illness. Third: there is the fat girl. And , ok this sound a bit harsh but, well she's fat and ugly.
      So How can I survive this dilemma? In all of the three cases I'm against my principles and I would lower my self-esteem. I don't want to choose, but fortunately, I don't have to: girl N. has two dice that she rolls over the floor. It's a 2 and a 4. She says that she has to choose L. I'm not very pleased cause no I have 50 % of luck to get the fat one.
      But fortunately the scene changes and wee are outsides in a spa or something like that. The fat one has disappeared. There is an old lady who welcome us. I'm wondering why we aren't dancing any more. I find this odd

      I awake. I'm confused. But this time I get directly up. I look at my alarm clock. It's 4:15 am. I reality check the clock and the time doesn't change. I'm convinced that I'm not dreaming any more and I write down some striking words to remember my dreams when I get up in the morning. I lay down again and want to perform a WILD. but I can't concentrate and fall asleep without remaining conscious.

      4. I'm in my old highschool. It looks like if I'm in a French class, well my old French teacher is there, We have to write a test, but surprisingly it's an art contest. My brother is also there. My teacher says that he has to go and we should finish in an hour or so. As he gets away, my brother and I start fighting and we try to sabotage each drawing. It's very confusing and we finish my throwing pencils at us. The teacher gets back and we stop our fight. He says that class is finished, but I remind him about the drawing contest. He says to me I should take the papers and write the names on it. I agree but it's difficult for me to write them down. I wrote like a 6 year old child with big, creepy letters.
      I'm than outsides, it's day and I meet the son of my teacher. I'm having a conversation, about the last novel his father wrote (yeah he's in fact also an author). He gives me his essay and I correct his essay and talk about it with him. I can't remember about what his essay went.

      5. I'm on a beach. I have al my clothes on and go to the sea. I get into the water and a lot of waves crushe against me. The water is really rising fast. I get flooded away.

      6. I'm in the town where my grandma lives. I'm in front of the barriers (there is a rail-road in fact) and it seems that I've finished my exams, which I finished in fact last week. There are a few other students, and on the other side of the road I see my friend Michael. He's riding a bike and he stops. Other students join him and he starts clapping in his hands like a pole vaulter before his leap to encourage his self. Every one starts clapping and he finishes riding his bike down the hill (quite impressive, huh? ). I get in my car and suddenly, I'm in a car park. I get out and I walk a few meters, the surrounding change and I'm in a bar again. There are friends and one if them waves at me to show me that there are a lot of places free. I go there and I want to sit down, but one seat his occupied by a bag of girl N., who isn't there, at an other seat, a jacket lies there. I get another place, but it's far away from the desk so I can't hear what my friends are talking

      That was a productive night!
      Don't forget to keep it up!
    5. Night of 02/23 - A dream date

      by , 02-24-2011 at 11:28 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 9
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 4/5

      I'm at home and it's summer. I putting on a bigfoot-costume because I'm going to a costume party. It's really hot and I start sweating a lot. I open the front door and it's suddenly evening and it starts getting dark. I'm at a parking there are some bungalows. A few friends of mine are also there and they're wearing suits and dresses. I now also wear suit now, but I still feel the costume under the suit.
      Apparently we are looking for some one to pick up, but we don't find the right house. So we abort our search and go to my old school, that surprisingly is in front of us, but in reality I don't know this place and my old school is located somewhere else.
      We are in a big hall and there are friends from university and also old classmates. But there are 3 or 4 girls I don't know and apparently they are friends of a friend. There is one girl that looks familiar, although I don't know her.
      There is music and we all start to dance. The girl, let us name her A., dances with my best friend and I realize that she is constantly looking for body contact. My best friend, behaves like a jerk and get slapped by A. in the face and comes towards me. She wears a beautiful dress and she wants to dance with me. We're dancing some standard-dance, but it doesn't fits to the music. It looks like she floats over the floor, I don't hear her steps.
      So we danced a long time together and it feels like it were at least 3 hours. The music gets more silent.

      Me: Being in your company is real fun. Do you want to go out together some time?
      A: Yeah you're also great. What do you propose?
      Me: I don't know. What about cinema?
      A: That's sounds great I'm really glad you asked
      Me: Just a little question: no-one told me about you. What's you're name?

      She's a bit confused.

      A: My name is (I don't remember because I don't remember easily names). I'm a bit shocked that no-one told you. Do you know at least the other people?

      I say Yes, but she does'nt understand me and introduce my self to all my friends and I just keep repeating that I know them. Funny fact: apparently she even doesn't know the names of my friends and just keeps saying wrong names, I correct her al the time and she repeats the name and apologises.
    6. Night of 12/29 - The dead chemistry teacher, miss marple, the FBI guy and some delecious bread XD

      by , 12-30-2010 at 06:09 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      I'm, let say, a bit disturbed about this dream. That was the most awkwardest, illogical dream I ever had. And quite funny xD

      Hours of sleep: 8.5
      Vividness: 3/5

      I'm sitting in the auditorium of my old high school. There are a lot of other students. I look around me, but I don't see any familiar face. Well expect of the teacher. And guess what? It's again my chemistry teacher who died very young a year ago.
      I'm sitting at the back of the class with the "back-ground-group" (those pupils at the back of the class disturbing the course ) I'm talking really loud with my new classmates, we are laughing a lot. She gets angry and starts to shout at us. I get in some argument with her, about discipline and order (stuff like that). Finally, to not disturb the course anymore, I get kicked out of class (literately).
      I'm kind of angry and simply walk out of the school.
      Outsides I am on the campus of my university and I go to the bus station. In the meantime, I see the car of my dad. He stops in front of me and picks me up.

      Me: That's what I call a real coincidence! Where do we go now?
      Dad: We have to take some bread!

      That sounds awesome So he drives me away from the place.
      After a second or so, the car stops in front of my grandma's house. She died 3 years ago and the house was sold to a lady.

      Me: Euu That's not a place where you get bread.
      Dad: That's wrong. I know she has bread. You just have to knock at the door and ask for some!

      Quite convincing statement. So I go there and ring. I don't know what I have to say. It's quite weird asking a complete stranger for bread. The door opens.

      Lady: ... hello?
      me: euu hello... how are you?
      Lady looks at me suspicious.
      me: My grandma used to live here... Eu I wanted to talk with you.
      Lady: .... Ok
      We are standing there quite awkwardly.
      me: ... may I enter?
      lady: ok, feel yourself at home.

      Everything looks like it used to be. I enter in the living room. Another DC appears next to me. Apparently, he entered also.

      Lady: Take a seat.
      I feel quite unease
      Me: No thanks I and my colleague prefer to stand.

      The DC let fall himself in the sofa and takes the shoes off. I look at him kind of disturbed. He takes a scrabble book and a pen out of his suit. He starts speaking like a guy from FBI

      DC: We heard that you, euuh
      he looks at a page
      DC: ... Misses Marple? Is that right?
      lady: Yes
      DC: Ok, we heard that you earn
      he looks again at his book
      DC: ... some delicious bread? Do you know what consequences this has?
      Marple: That's not true! Get out of my house!

      Suddenly a lot of men in suits get into the house.

      DC: Arrest her and get her out of here!

      Five men take har, tie her up and pull her out of the room.

      Marple [shouting]: I demand me release immediately! You have no right to do this!
      DC to some other guys: Go in the basement and look for the bread! Now!

      They go away to look for the bread. I'm confused The guys come back with a slice of bread. the DC takes it and gives it to me

      DC: here you have your bread! Enjoy it!

      They leave me alone and I'm standing with my slice of bread. Awesome
    7. Night of 12/28 - strange dreams reloaded

      by , 12-29-2010 at 05:47 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      I don't know what is wrong with me, but my dreams are lately kind of weird.

      Hours of sleep: 9
      Recall: 2/5

      I'm standing somewhere in my old school waiting for someone. I already took my jacket of and hang it on a handrail. Next to me are tree taps. One of it leaks. I watch how it drops slowly. I'm wondering, why they are good for, because it seems that I'm standing in a floor or something like. I don't know why, but this leaking tap fascinates me.
      Suddenly, there is more water flowing down. I try to turn it off, but it breaks and the water flows everywhere. I don't know what to do, so I go to an opened door. I knock and a teacher comes out. It's a chemistry teacher I've known. I explain to her what happened and she goes away to find a plumber somewhere.
      While looking her go away, I remind myself that in fact, she died a year ago in a terrible car accident.

      Yeah that's true. She just had began to work at my school when she died.
      I find it really weird that she's there, but I don't get lucid, because obvious, she faded away. I start to think about it a time, but don't know what to do. So I simply walk in to her class.
      I sit down somewhere at the back seats. There are some teenagers who are loafing around. I start a conversation, but I can't remember about what. In the meantime I'm taking notes about their opinions. It seems that I'm doing some work for university, but I don't know why or what.
      After a time, I get up and go in front the class, like I did it- But I was learning to become a teacher in primary school and not at an high-school. Anyway, I just keep talking (I don't know about what) and the students are enjoying it
    8. Night of 11/5 - Nasty kids and drunk friend

      by , 11-07-2010 at 07:11 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 6h
      Vividness: 4/5

      1. I'm in a kinder garden. I'm the teacher, or at least I'm in a practical training. There are some kids. There is another teacher. He is very rude to one boy. He pulls him out of the class and locks the door. I'm kind of confused. In front of me is another boy. He has a bottle of water in his hand and he drops it. The water lands on my feet. I feel the water, my socks are already wet. So I don't question reality. First, I thought that he dropped it by accident. I tell him, that it doesn't matter. He replies that he did it on purpose. I'm even more confused and I want to punish his act, but I have no clue what to do.
      The scene changes and I'm in a park. There are a few teens. They fight each other. As I approach, they run away. What the ...? I don't know what happened there exactly. I keep on walking. I leave the place and I'm in front of a big house. It's hot outsides. In front of the door there are stairs. A DC sits on it. He's crying. I ask him what happened. He said that his son was involved in a robbery. And that he now sits in a jail for teenagers. I'm shocked, but somehow embarrassed, because I don't know what to do next. So I leave him alone and go to a different place.
      I now go up a hill. There are a lot of trees. I see a big stone on the side of the road. I stop there, because I see that there is a box. I open it and I see that in it there is my novel I wrote and sent to a publisher. The pages look weird, there a few words which are deleted and some brown random words were filled in. I get angry: I realize that someone has stolen the script, and that's why the publisher never wrote me back. But I don't take it, because I want to catch this bastard.
      I run down the hill to the house. The DC isn't there any more, but my car is there. I jump in it and drive up the hill. I see the same previous group of teens. They are looking at the pages and start to rip them apart. I drive towards them, they run away through the wood, so that I don't get them.

      2. I'm in my favourite club. A friend is there. I remember that the last time I saw him, he was completely drunk. I take a look at him and see, and he's still drunk. He goes to the bar and orders something more to drink. I go towards him and say to him he had better to stop drinking. He asks why and drinks his beer. I answer him that he is drunk.
      - Drunk? No I'm fine!
      He goes away, but he walks normally. I look again at him and he doesn't seem to be drunk any more.
    9. Night of 11/3 - Wounded grischkaja008 :( XD

      by , 11-04-2010 at 01:34 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 6h
      Vividness: 4/5
      Recall: 3/5

      I'm at my busstaion. And I'm sitting in a wheelchair.I try to go forward but my wheelchair is hard to move. After some moments I finally get rolling my wheelchair. It moves slowly. I cross the road. The cars stop and wait until I get on the other side. But it takes so long to cross the road. On the other side, I realize that a man in a wheelchair too follows me. I ignore him and roll to my house. I see the stairs, the door is opened.
      Suddenly I'm inside with my wheelchair and I roll to the kitchen. Ma parents are there. They ask me why I let in a stranger?
      - A stranger? About whom are you talking about?
      They point in my direction and this wheelchair DC is insides. He is smiling but than he realizes that he's wrong here and rolls back to the entrance.
      - Why did you take the wheelchair? ask my parents.
      I answer that I don't know. I look at my foot and see that my left foot is plastered. My parents give me crutches. I take them and go outsides.

      Suddenly I'm in a building. There is a tall man. I say to him that I have to go upstairs, but I can't because of the crutches. I jump on his shoulders and he carries me The building looks like a mall, but there is a river and a enormous hole with one narrow bridge. The DC wants to go over the bridge. I say him that's to dangerous. I jump of his back and jump on one foot to the river. I try to cross the river by swimming, but my foot is to heavy and I begin to drown. I soon have any breath. I panic

      I awake!!!! O Gosh! I missed an opportunity to get lucid. Why didn't I start to breath under water?
      memorable , non-lucid
    10. Night of 10/31 - A scary night

      by , 11-01-2010 at 08:08 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello. I had a series of dreams. They were at some places a bit scary. I'm surprised that I didn't realize that I was dreaming, because they were a it weird. Only good thing is, that girl n. didn't show up lol

      Hours of sleep: 8h
      Vividness: 4/5
      Recall: 4/5

      1. I'm in a mallI wonder if this is a new dream sign lol. There are a lot of people. Something isn't right, the people are nervous. I'm afraid and don't know what is going on. I want to leave and walk towards a door. But it's closed. I get more afraid and start to panic a bit. I'm nervous and go to a DC. He tells me that we are trapped in this mall and something odd is going on: although the mall is closed and no one gets outsides, some people disappear. I realize this and I get nervous. There is a security guy. He's nervous too. He wants that we go on a different floor. He tells us that we have to hide us somewhere. Most of the people go somewhere else. I go upstairs in the second floor. I go in a broom cupboard. There is also someone else in it: there is a guy, who is really nervous. I ask him if he knew what was going on. He tells me, that some kind of creature is going around in the mall. It catches the people and looked them up in a room too eat them afterwards I panic. I ask him if we are safe in this cupboard. He tells me that this creature was sighted in the first floor. I ask him where the police is. He tells me that most of them are already trapped and few of them run away. They locked up the mall, that this creatures doesn't escape. I get angry about that and I leave the cupboard, although it's dangerous. I go back to the stairs and look down. There is this creature. It looks like a big-foot or something like that. I panic and run away.
      I awake. I have my eyes closed. I'm still scared. I don't want to open my eyes because I remembered immediately the last time when I had an nightmare: I awoke and had some weird hallucinations, had the feeling that there was someone who started to pull my legs. So I decided to let my eyes closed, because I already started to get some weird feelings. I tried to calm down and fell asleep immediately
      I have still this paranoid feeling. But this time I'm in falling down the sky I'm not alone, there are a few other guys. We are skydiving. A second after, I'm already at the ground. I talk with a DC and say him that it's the second time I did this. I've never skydived before lol. We look a the sky and I see that there are others skydivers. They are dressed in blue. I start running towards the place they are landing. I ask them who they are and they said:
      - We don't know, but we are no aliens
      What the heck? I want to say something but something terrible happens. We see a burning plane in the sky. It crashes in the ground. I'm scared to death.
      My view changes and I see that this crash isn't real, but that I'm watching TV. I start laughing. A family DC shows up and he's angry about the film. He says that this film is shitty and he doesn't want to watch it.

      Note: This doesn't make sense at all.
      3. I'm in a bus. A university professor enters. In real life, she is really talkative. I hope that she doesn't sits down next to me, because I don't want to speak. BUt she sits down next to me. I say hello, but she doesn't replies. She doesn't start a conversation and doesn't talk at all. I'm surprised. After a few minutes she leaves and get out of the bus.
      A second after, I'm standing in front of my home. There are a few friends. They want to talk with me. But I have a really depressing feeling. I'm apathetic and don't show any kind of feeling, although I'm crying in my thoughts.
      4. I'm sitting in a bar. In front of me is a table. There is an empty glass a bottle with something alcoholic and a bottle of pineapple juice. I have to mix my drink at my own. I don't have a clue what I'm doing there nor, what drink I ordered.

      I finally awake.
      PS: Something is wrong with me. These dreams (and the previous ones) reflect this. Unfortunately.
    11. Night of 10/29 - Bus crash and cornflakes

      by , 10-31-2010 at 11:19 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 6h
      Vividness: 2/5
      Recall: 4/5

      It's dark outsides and I'm standing on a bus-station. I know that the bus is late. Next to me is a friend. She looks bored and stares in the sky. I'm not in a mood to get involved in a conversation, so i keep looking to my right and look at the driving cars. Suddenly I hear a voice through a microphone. It sounds like those lines which are repeated at train stations. It says:
      - To all passenger, please look at your right, because the bus 7.3 finally comes a few minutes late. We apology for any inconvenience, but it was impossible for the bus to come in time, because it was involved in a terrible accident. Thank you for your attention!
      I'm confused and look to my right. A bus drives at the street. It has no top, it still burns a bit. the driver isn't hurt and drives happily on the road. I think that this might be a dream. I'm really confused, because all this doesn't makes sense at all. I realize that this is so impossible and I'm convinced that this is a dream.
      BUT for some reason I loose lucidity and I walk away from the station.
      I meet my brother. Next to him is a weird guy. We walk to our old childhood house. We enter it and go to the 2nd floor, where our apartement used to be. It's still there, but it's really dark inside. We enter. I run towards my old room. I know that I've forgot something. I search in the dark and find finally, what I'm looking for.... It's a box with cornflakes I go downstairs and open the door.
      Suddenly I'm in my old school. It's biology class. Our teacher is angry. We asks who has not forgot his box with the cornflakes. I answer and show him the box. He gets more angry, because it's not the right brand. He shouts at me and he makes now a surprise test. I look t the floor for a second and than look in front of me. The surroundings have changed again and i'm in the cafeteria of my university. I see tons of people.

      I awake.
      Note: WTF?!
    12. Night of 10/19 - Now seriously- WTF xD

      by , 10-20-2010 at 04:30 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Haha I just can't stop laughing when I remember that dream from yesterday. It was a bit weird xD

      Hours of sleep: 7h
      Vividness: 3/5
      Recall: 2/5 --> There are surely more dreams but I can't remember them.

      I'm standing in a great hall. I'm singing very loud and with full motivation. There are a lot of people around me. They are listening to what I'm saying.I'm surprised how good I sing this song. But I don't think about for a second (my friends say that I've really got no talent xD) and keep on singing. I'm very happy and end my song.
      The people give me applause, but I just see it but don't hear it. I know that after me comes someone other to sing a further song. I look to my right and see that a woman in a beautiful white dress is looking for something in a suitcase. She is really nervous and drops things out of the suitcase.
      I look to my left. There is a man in a suit. There also is a priest. They are talking to eachother:
      DC: I hope everything is fine.
      Priest: She's nervous, that's all.
      DC: I hope so... I hope that she doesn't make the same thing as her bridesmaid.
      (Apparently I'm on a wedding.)
      Priest: What did she do?
      DC: She ran away while the ceremony.
      Priest: What???? And you allowed here to be her bridesmaid? That scandalous!!!

      Now something really, I mean really odd happens.

      I see that in this hall or church (whatever) is a lake. There are swans. One of them listens to that conversation. As reaction of that bullshit-talk he simply starts vomiting at the DC, at the priest; than the swan swims to all the other swans and vomit at them. Finally it commits suicide by simply drowning itself in the lake.

      Now seriously. WTF? My subconscious is really weird lately.

      Updated 10-20-2010 at 06:06 PM by 27488

      non-lucid , memorable
    13. Night of 10/14 - Ugly women, drunk people and Queen Elisabeth - an epic adventure :D

      by , 10-15-2010 at 09:39 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello I had last night a very short lucid. The way I went lucid is quite a bit funny xD

      Hours of sleep: 9h
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 2/5 --> Just remember a fragment

      I'm standing in a street of my neighbour-town. I'm waiting for the bus. Everything is so clear and looks perfectly normal. Every little thing looks so real, that I don't even wonder if it's reality or not. The bus comes but it's full: at least 200 people were standing in it, it looked so overcrowded that I had the impression that the people were standing on each-other . So the bus doesn't even stops. A friend shows up. He asks me: "Did you missed your bus?". I answered no I didn't.
      Suddenly a car drives with excessive speed on the road and stops in front of us. A bunch of really ugly women came out. Another friend, who is in the army, run towards us, he was in panic and screamed:"You have to run away from these ladies! They are so ugly that you will die when they catch you!"xD. The women start running towards us and yeah, they were so damn ugly! We ran away but they were quite fast. While running around the streets, a few buses drive past. I want to stop one of them, starts waving, but I see that it isn't the right bus. The driver breaks but I make signs that he had better to drive past. He looked at me a bit confused, than he sees the women and drives as fast as he can. The women run behind him.
      I'm quite happy that they had finally gone. My friend from the bus station asks me: "Do want to go to this awesome outdoor party? It's not far away from here." I agree. We walk through a huge gate. I meet some DC's, they look really drunk. we go to a bar. The barkeeper asks me what we wanted to drink. At the same-time a female friend shows up. She orders soda, my friend orders Guinness. I don't know what to order, because I'm a bit confused by the fact that she was here, because she really hats the places were drunk people are. The barkeeper serves Guinness, but it takes really long. I watch at my clock, but without paying attention. I say to the barkeeper he should hurry up, that I'm gonna miss my bus. He finally serves. I don't pay attention and take the Guinness and drink it in one stroke. It tastes really, really awesome! I say: That's the best Guinness I ever drank!" The barkeeper: "Guinness is always a win, just like bacon!" I agree. xD
      My friend is a bit angry that I drank his Guinness. I excuse my self and give him the money back. I start running towards the gate to get my bus. In the meantime I met some DC, they are vomiting because they are to drunk . I'm a bit shocked and I get for a moment sick. I ignore them and keep on running from this weird place.
      I run through the gate. And I meet The Queen! I don't realize it, I wave my hand in this special royal way and say with a Oxford-accent: "God save the Queen!" She looks really confused and awkward but I don't give a damn on it! I finally get to my station. I wonder when I did for the last time some kind of RC. I look around me. I have the feeling that everything is frozen. Than suddenly I remember this meeting with The Queen. I asked my self if it really was The Queen. I tried to find some logic explanation (first I thought that she went to a costume party..) I finally plugged my nose, but I didn't do it right. So I do it again...AND I'm able to breath! OMG I'm dreaming! I ask my self what I'm going to do next, but I get a feeling of over-excitement. Everything goes instantly dark. I rub my hand as fast as I can, I feel the heat, but it's still dark and I awake.

      Damn it! Why didn't I realize it earlier than it was a dream? And what the hell is the Queen doing there????
    14. Night of 10/13 - Hopefully back on track :D

      by , 10-14-2010 at 11:44 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello I had two very long dreams where some crazy and confusing stuff happened. The surroundings were constantly changing, but I remember them in detail

      Hours of sleep: 7.5h
      Vividness: 4/5
      Recall: 3/5

      1. I'm near a lake. The sun is shining, there are a lot of people, mainly hot girls and a few who I know personally. We start some kind of weird game: everyone has to run through the water to escape some-one or something. I don't know exactly how the game went, but I had really fun (mostly because of the girls ). During the game, a group of students show up. They come from the states to study here in Luxembourg. They get also involved in the game and the game makes even more fun. I chat with some of them and I'm able to speak in an excellent English. This surprises me a bit, but I don't pay attention on it. We run now towards a group of birds. We want to attack them so we run as far as I can.
      I awake and look at my clock. It's 4:15. I look away to RC on the watch.

      I awake a second time. I look at the clock: it's 2:05. I plug my nose. It's reality.

      I'm in my grand-ma's house. I'm sitting near the table. My father is also present. My grand-ma comes in and shows me an aquarium. There are a lot of fish in it. She tells me, that a few fish are missing. I say that I don't know where they are. She keeps on repeating her question but than goes in the kitchen. She comes back and has a few glasses. She makes cocktails and shots. I drink them but they taste like water. My father is a bit shocked that I drink that much (4shots and 2 cocktails lol). I watch out the window and see the same lake as before. This doesn't surprise me at all. I get up and go outsides.
      It is dark and I keep on walking. I see some lights and I'm in front of a supermarket. I'm looking for my little brother. I enter and there are a lot of plants. It's a kind of jungle or forest. I keep on walking and I see everywhere shelves, busy people some cashiers. My brother comes towards me and we both go outsides through another door.
      Outsides it's still dark but I see that there is a restaurant. It's brand-new so we decide to take a look on it.
      We are now on a terrace, my whole family is there. Someone says to me that I have to help to get the dishes on the table. So I go insides and I'm now in the kitchen of my grand-ma's house I take a huge cup with strawberries with milk and go back. The terrace has gone and everything looks like the house of my grand-ma.I keep on walking but I nearly let fall the cup. I don't know how but all the milk ends up in my mouth I don't know what to do so I spit everything out in the cup (yuck!) and hope no-one sees it. I put the cup on a table. Next to table two guys are talking. They have a conversation about the noises a wooden bar makes. I find this conversation so interesting that I'm talking with them and explaining what noises such a wooden bar makes when it falls off a building (by making sounds like "klong-klong, boum krack and tong!"). They are impressed about my knowledge After some time, I leave them and I'm suddenly ousides on this terrace! There is a huge screen. I look at it.
      I'm now in the movie! It's Rain Man. I'm in the casino and play blackjack lol. And I win. Raymond (Dustin Hoffman) get's angry and kicks me in the ass. WTF is my thought. Suddenly we are outsides and there is a woman, who doesn't even act in this movie. She's quite beautiful. But I'm disturbed by the fact that Dustin Hoffman has kicked me out!
      I'm back at the terrace and I'm sitting next to a table. Someone next to me says, that my uncle who I've never met in real life, was here to see me. An old man comes towards me and we shake hands. He says that he's impressed that I have a good handshake and that I surely got it from my father.

      I awake and it's morning. My alarm-clock is ringing.
      The End

      P.S.: I don't know why all these things happened
    15. Night of 10/09 - My dreams are back! :D ...

      by , 10-10-2010 at 11:52 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello I finally manage it to get back my dreams after 3 days. They are just fragments but it's better than nothing.

      1. I'm in some dark house, there is an exorcist and an other DC. I have some kind of a mission i don't remember. The exorcist is reading something in latin, I have to repeat it and the DC explains me before each sentence what they mean. By repeating his sentences, I feel some kind of really evil power, I felt really uncomfortable. There remains one sentence to say, but the exorcist and the DC stop. They are terrified by that what they were reading. The exorcist says: "To stop him, you have to go down to hell for at least 3 months!" But I don't care and say: "Let's do this!"

      I wanted to add that I'm atheist and don't believe in those concepts of hell and so on. I really missed an opportunity to become lucid

      2. I go to university and I have a long (4m), metallic bar, which is at the same time a saw. I have it to cut my apple when their is the next break. I lay it under the seats. Next to me is seat with a sign, that this seat is only for disabled person. A not-disabled person sits down. The teacher is angry about that and he has to leave. In the meantime, the teacher holds an audition about different disease, which affect the nervous systems.

      Updated 10-11-2010 at 12:54 PM by 27488

      Tags: illogical
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