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    Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries

    My dreams

    Non-lucid dreams are in green
    Lucid are in red

    1. Night of 08/14 - Strange love story

      by , 08-14-2011 at 12:15 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 3/5

      Everything begins at a party. It's the party I went yesterday, but in my dream it seems, that I'm having here much more than yesterday night. Anyway, I'm atracted by a few girls, so I go towards them and have a chat. One is blond the other one has brown curly hair. It seems to me that I have seen her at some other place, but I don't recall that I saw her in a dream. I don't know how it comes, but I'm much more attracted to her than to the blonde.
      There is a passage I forgot but it ended that I kissed the blonde. I had the feeling I was kissing the open end of a bottle. She is a very bad kisser, but we can't stop. That other girl, let's name her W , seems to be disappointed, but she hides it very well. W goes her way, I remain with that bottle mouth.
      There is a guy appearing and it seems that this is her boyfriend. I'm confused, feel very awkward, they leave and I'm alone again.
      I look for W and find her somewhere. I want to talk to her, that I didn't want to hurt her and that the other is a bitch. But she doesn't want to and says this to me:

      W: Haha the joke's on you, you bastard! You just wanted to get laid so you bet on two girls. But as a bad player, you bet everything and received nothing. You are deplorable.

      She runs away and I ran after her. After a chase that seems to me an eternity I could stop her.

      W: Why should I listen to you?

      I don't know anything to say. Why don't lie?

      Me: Because I love you! (Yep I'm definitely lying at that point)

      She burst out crying and starts to kiss me

      Gosh That was confusing. lol
    2. Night of 08/07 - Akward moments

      by , 08-08-2011 at 11:19 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 3/5

      I'm in a bar or something like that. There are a few friends and girl N. She has birthday that's why we celebrate it in this bar. I have the feeling that something isn't real, that something is wrong in here. I leave the table for a minute to go to the toilet. As I walk away, girl N. follows me. We stop a few meters in front of the toilet, but out of the sight of our friends. I still have an awkward feeling, she behaves really strange. She doesn't make any moves she use to make, no teasing , no jokes, nothing. I feel something special is going on. We start to kiss.I realize that this is a dream, because I know, she wouldn't never ever behave like this.
      I calm myself and concentrate on the kiss. It feels really normal, like this is reality. I am very cautious because I know that I would loose the dream when I get too excited.
      We stop the kiss and girl N. seems to be ashamed or something like that, just like she did something she will regret. I'm a bit confused cause I know that this reaction is caused by myself, well it's my dream. I know that what she feels is that what I would feel in real life. This emotion is really strong, it makes me sad. Girl N. starts to speak:

      Girl N.: I don't know what is going on here. I feel so confused.
      Me: I know what you are talking about. What does this mean.
      Girl N.: maybe we should actually talk about what happened. But we can't do it now, the others will suspect something.

      So one after the other we go back to the table
      I loose lucidity and sit near her. I wait until we can leave the place, so that we could talk about it. But I don't really remember anymore what we should talk about. The kiss? The feelings? A possible relationship?

      I don't know how the dream ended but I had a song stuck in my had when I got up. It was just a line:

      I cant believe that you can't see
      that you mean everything to me
    3. Night of 01/17 - Hey she's mine!^^

      by , 01-18-2011 at 09:15 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 8
      Recall: 1/5
      Vividness: 3/5

      I'm swimming in an huge pool. Suddenly a lot of people appeared out of now where and jumped into it. All of them couldn't swimm I help some of them to get out of the pool, but they were too many. I clearly needed some help.
      Finally, 15 hot female life guards jumped into the pool to get them out. After 5 minutes or so everybody was out of the water. But on of the guards, the sexiest from all, was gone and was lying at the ground of the pool. So I rescued her.
      She was really thankfull and we started to play some water ball.
      Suddenly a friend of mine swam towards me and said:

      DC friend: It's time to go!
      Me: WTF dude? Are you insane? I don't want to go, it's too awesome!
      DC friend: But it's already late!

      Suddenly, she started kissing him and kept on 5 minutes or so. I got angry and yelled at the life guard:

      Me: Hey wtf does this mean? I was trying to hook up with you and than you just kiss him? Hey bitch, it's me who deserves a kiss because I saved your life!

      Awkward silence.

      Life guard: Ok, I guess you're right.

      And she kissed me and that woke me up.
      Tags: epic, friends, kiss
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Night of 10/05 - My soulmate?

      by , 10-06-2010 at 12:14 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello again.

      Well, as the title says, I found in my dreams a very special person I wish meet for real. These dreams are half lucid/half non-lucid..

      I'm in a building. I don't remember exactly what I was doing there, but it was something in relation to university. I meet a girl, she looks familiar. I ask her for some advice and she's very helpful. Soon a conservation is build up. While talking to her I was flirting a bit by making some funny remarks which made her laugh, speaking in avery elaborated language. AND in addition, she likes that. I feel that she's attracted by me, she often smiles and gives me very special looks (I don't know how to describe them) which were saying that she finds me nice (by the way eyes are never lying).
      I also remember very well her face: normally, the faces in my dreams are blurry or not distinguishable, sometimes they aren't even there). I also know that I've already seen her somewhere, but I don't know where.
      Well our conversation was very long and quite intensive. But after sometime I unfortunately had to leave But I promised her, that we will meet again.

      In the meantime I had these Fragments.

      Than I had a second dream: I'm in a restaurant or in a bar. In front of me sits exactly the same girl as previously. She is constantly smiling. She looked really beautiful with her brown long hair. I was really amazed by that: I've never seen so beautiful brown eyes, which were so glittering and so friendly... I realized that I love her and she's maybe interested in me. I want to tell her my feelings, but I don't know how to do it in an appropriate way. I continue my conversation, but than took one of her hands. I want to see how she reacts. She is pleased and also gives me the other hand. We both stand up and I wanted to confess my feelings. But I didn't know how... BUT this wasn't a problem, because she already knew what I'm saying to her. She says to me that she shares the same feelings. We kiss. I realize that her kiss is odd, that I'm not having some intensive feelings or so. I REALIZE THAT THIS IS A DREAM. I'm so happy that I realized it. But my feelings are to intense....

      I woke up . I just was: "NOOOOOOOO!" Why do I awake in these situations??? I did a RC. I'm no longer dreaming. I thought a long time about these dreams. I tried to auto-suggest to have the same dream or a related one. I fall asleep while thinking of her.

      I enter in a classroom. It's English class but I don't have any books or so. In addition I have in reality no english-courses. I looked for someone. and SHE was there, sitting alone. She was really happy to see me again. Me too. I sit down next to her. She gives me her hand to show me that she still loves me. I give her a kiss. I wanted to say something but a teacher was suddenly there. She (the teacher) was very angry about something. The class is boring so I look out the window. The window and the wall disappears and I see a beach. The sky is red. Someone, who also looked outsides started to say out loud: "O no do you see this?" everyone looks now. We see that a group of hundred whales are swimming towards the beach. Some of them already stranded. The teacher become even more angry that no-one pays attention. But nobody cares. We all go outsides to help the whales.
      Outsides it is very chilly; a storm is coming up. I try too help a stranded whale: it was a miniature whale, just as big as pig or so. It starts dying in my hands. I'm really sad and run towards the water. But it's too late: it's already dead.
      Suddenly something odd happens: the whale transforms in a T-Shirt and it flies away. I soon realized somehow that it was again a dream. A little girl comes towards me and says to me that I had to go back at school to write my English-essay. I ignored her and walked a bit. I didn't pay attention to my surroundings, I probably missed something. But I just wanted to meet my soul-mate again. Suddenly I'm in front of her. She's upset because of the dying whales. she knows that one of them died in my hands. She says to me that I don't have to blame my-self, that's not my fault that it died. She gives me hug, I pay attention in which way she gives me a hug (a friendly on or a loving I don't know why I pay attention on it: it's a dream and I get hugged as I wish it too. I loose lucidity. She wants to leave to go to her house on the beach. I accept.

      My alarm clock wakes me up.
      And I'm still amazed

      Lucidity scale: 3/5

      Updated 10-06-2010 at 06:47 PM by 27488

      lucid , memorable
    5. Night of 10/02 - Lucid, Lucid I did it! :D

      by , 10-03-2010 at 10:15 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Got 2 Lucids in a row I'm really amazed! My last lucid was in august, but I did it again! I wanted to thank Serenity for her Intro-class which made me progress over the last weeeks

      1. I'm standing in a room. Girl N. was in front of me and started kissing me. (It's a recurring dream that I always have when I'm kind of confused through the day). I feel that her kisses are really odd, they didn't feel like real kisses. I remembered that she wouldn't kiss me so intensively in reality (kisses all over the face lol), that I hate her and I don't want any relationship with her. My thought was: "This is a dream! " I want to do something, but she doesn't stop kissing me. I than concentrate on the thought :"Just go and leave me!". Surprisingly, it works: she stops and goes a few steps away from me. That's the moment that I really realise that I'm dreaming. Everything around me looks much more vivid and bright. I get really excited

      I wake up. I was like: " O No! damn it!". I did a RC in hope that it was a false awakening. But it was not. I relaxed a bit and fall asleep immediately.

      2. I'm in a lake. In front of me is DC. He/she is swimming. I'm lying on a air mattress. The DC starts a conversation:
      - Hello! I just wanted to say to you that it isn't safe to lay on such a mattress on a lake.... You might just fall off and drown....
      Exactly in this moment, I fall off and disappear under the surface. My perspective change in third person and I see how the mattress finally flies away.
      I'm suddenly at my university, someone is holding class. I just think: "That's odd.. how I did I get here?" I pinch my nose. I can still breath. OMG I'm dreaming . The surroundings get really blurry and I feel that the dreams fades away. I think " O NOoOoO". I remember to rub my hands to stabilize the dream, but it doesn't works and I awake

      That's it! I hope that I soon will have another lucid!

      Lucidity scale: 3/5

      Updated 10-03-2010 at 01:18 PM by 27488

      lucid , memorable