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    1. A Lucid! Wo0o0o0op!

      by , 03-30-2015 at 02:22 AM

      I think it was about 9am when I had this, it was pretty short but still pretty awesome!

      I am walking around town aimlessly, looking around at the bright shop displays and colourful fronts. It's quite busy, which is perhaps surprising given the weather - grey and wet, as is custom in the UK. As I am absent-mindedly walking about, I notice that a man has been following me for quite a while. Realising this, I shake him off by taking winding streets and getting away from the city centre. I end up walking up some stone stairs, which lead to a beautiful building whose architecture reminds me of a cathedral. Looking around, I see that I am surrounded by these. By now, the sun is out and warming my skin pleasantly. I take my IPod out and reach for my headphones in my bag. Seeing them, a thought occurs to me; I shouldn't have my headphones seeing as earlier that morning, my best friend had let me know that she had taken them (this was real). This prompts me to lucidity, and I check my hands over to confirm my suspicion. Sure enough, although my left hand is normal, my right hand has an extra finger. I am now completely certain of the fact that I am in a dream, and begin to take in my surroundings properly. I run my hands over the stone buildings, appreciating the texture. Satisfied, I concentrate on my LD goal.

      (In a particularly striking dream which I had over 3 years ago, I lived in a beautiful villa in the South of Spain. My aim is not only to revisit this villa, but to establish it as my LD HQ.)

      Closing my eyes, I concentrate on this house as hard as I can, hoping to teleport there. This approach fails however, and so I set out to find a door. I am hoping that if I truly believe that beyond it lies the house, I can use this to get to it. Before I can find a door however, I am woken up.

      It might be small, but still, success!
    2. Lucid with Hermione!

      by , 03-27-2015 at 12:56 AM
      Finally, a lucid! This one made me laugh quite a bit after waking up!

      I run as fast as my legs can carry me down the dazzlingly white corridor. Feeling like my lungs are about to burst, I glance to my right. Satisfied that Hermione is keeping up without too much difficulty, I make no effort to slow down. She says something to me, but I cannot hear her over the sound of the air rushing past my ears. Footsteps. Someone is chasing us. I know that if I trip up, if I get caught, I will die, right here in Hogwarts. Spotting a broom closet, I run towards it, and lock myself in. I smile and take a few moments to catch my breath. I'm in Hogwarts, with Hermione, being chased by none other than her evil twin. Perplexed, I consider this piece of information. Hermione doesn't have a twin. This realisation brings me to lucidity, and my thoughts are teeming with possibilities. After some reflection, I decide to continue on with the dream's plot, not yet having set an LD goal. As if on cue, my pursuer's face appears flattened on the closet door's small glass window. I laugh at the comical sight, before thinking that I need a wand. Excited at the prospect of trying out my dream control skills, I shove my right in my pocket enthusiastically, concentrating entirely on this one thought; 'When I pull out my hand, I will be holding a wand.'. Feeling my fingers grasp a small, thin object, I pull it out, only to see what I am holding. A stick. A fucking stick. Putting it back in, I try again. A pencil. Ugh. As they say, third time's the charm, and finally, I find myself in possession of a beautiful wand. I admire the small intricate carvings on its handle before unlocking the closet door. Confident in my skills, I step outside, ready to face my enemy.


    3. A Lucid within a dream??? What? O.O

      by , 03-24-2015 at 03:45 PM
      This entry is going to differ a little from the usual simply because something fairly odd happened to me last night. I've never heard/read of it happening (though I am sure it is a regular occurrence) ,so I'm not certain as to what to call it. In any case, I'm going to describe what took place and maybe someone can shed some light on it

      I am sitting down at a table, in a café. Looking around me, the colour of the walls strike me as lovely, being a warm and inviting orange. The establishment itself looks very comfortable, typical of the south of France or Spain. The tables were round and white, the floor was marble, with the counter facing the entrance. I was sitting away from it, a little removed from the customers. The happy chatter and laughter, the clatter of cutlery and general bustling of life which emanated from my surroundings just made the sunny afternoon feel even more like summer, and it lulled me gradually to sleep. I had been using the café as a place to study, seeing as it was also where I worked. Now far too tired to carry on, I fold my arms on the table and rest my head upon them. Feeling strangely comfortable, I fall asleep.

      This is where it gets a bit weird.

      Before me stands a woman, dressed as Katniss from the Hunger Games. I know it isn't her, but I don't know who she is either. She smiles and beckons to me, telling me to come towards her without actually saying a word. I begin to do so, but stop midway. She frowns as realisation dawns on me. This is a dream! Grinning I congratulate myself on finally becoming lucid. This new found lucidity leads me to thinking the following; This is a dream. Therefore, I know I can manipulate the environment! More determined than ever, I pull myself out of the fake Katniss dream and back into the café dream. I then proceed to pull the fake Katniss out with me, so that we both end up in the café. The issue here is that given the fact that I thought the fake Katniss dream was a dream, I reasoned that the café must be real. I essentially genuinely believed that I had managed to bring my dream character to life through lucidity. What is even weirder is the fact that I was completely unrestrained by any dream plot or narrative. I could do what I wanted. It was definitely a completely different atmosphere to my usual, non lucid dreams. Anyway, throughout the rest of the dream, we chat happily about various things, whilst drinking coffee. I realise that as soon as my attention wanes away from her, fake Katniss begins to disappear. For this reason, I feel compelled to remain with her until the dream ends.

      Well, there you have it. I still don't fully understand what went on, but it was a lot of fun!
    4. Snowflakes - First (solid) lucid dream

      by , 04-14-2013 at 12:33 AM

      I'm at work, surrounded by all of my colleagues, and the boss' daughter. We're all planning a sleepover there, and as we're joking around, my hands catch my eye. Six or seven incredibly intricate and detailed snowflakes are etched into my palms. I draw my colleague's attention to this, and we all look in amazement. Suddenly, I decided to go to the bathroom, and find myself walking along a stylish corridor, where abstract art has been hung on the dark grey walls. I turn right and realise I've just entered my living room. Astonished, I spin around, taking in my environment. Knowing this is a dream, but still feeling too much under the dream haze, I perform reality checks I remember reading of in an attempt to clear my mind further. I plug my nose, and am unable to breathe. This prompts me to try another, to see if it works. I picked up a book from a bookcase I have in the living room, and read the title. I look away, look at it again, and the letters are still clear, legible, and remain unchanged. Perplexed, I attempt to push the fingers of my right hand into my left palm, and again, the check fails. However, I am still convinced that I am dreaming (For some reason, the snowflakes did not seem to bother me lol). Determined to prove this to myself and clear the dreams influence from my mind, I head to my bedroom door. Standing in front of it, I imagine a sunset. I figured that if this was a dream, I should open the door and see a sunset. Taking a deep breath, I open the door. My room is as it always was, nothing changed, apart from one of my walls having been turned into one big window. After standing there for about two or three seconds, the sky suddenly starts to change colour, and I witness the sun rise, through my bedroom window. I smile; though it wasn't exactly what I'd imagined, it was close enough. Just as the sun finishes rising, the dream scape darkens, and pulls away from me, leaving me standing in the middle of blackness, before waking up.

      Definite Progress! Finally!