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    Snehk's Dreamlands

    1. [10-09-2016]

      by , 09-10-2016 at 02:37 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      It was an evening, I was at my backyard with some brunette, long haired woman. We entered a tractor that had two trailer's linked in. I let the woman drive, giving her some advices as we drove around backyard.


      I was in some ruins. I had a sword and light armor, this place was a hideout of bandits. After a long run through this maze I finally found my way to surface. There was some building, bandits were coming out of it. I slashed them all to death. Suddenly I found myself in school, taking a seat . After a while I left it with one of classmates, we drove to city. I left his car and took a walk, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack. I decided to load some game state and get back in time.
    2. [08-06-2016]

      by , 06-08-2016 at 02:26 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was an early, spring afternoon. I entered a crowded bus and took a seat. My seat was turned so that I was sitting face-front to all other passengers. There were mostly teenagers inside, driving towards their school. There was my sister too, she made some kind of a photo with her phone and passed it to her pals in the bus. It seemed really funny to people that seen it, I saw only a white screen of her phone. Finally we reached the school and I went out. It was dark inside, lights were turned off. I was wandering the corridors. They were a twisted maze of rooms - I got inside through normal entrance, then went through a wooden section into some kind of castle, to a laboratory and then I found myself in my living room. There was my friends cousin, sitting on a sofa and playing computer games.

      I decided to explore the laboratory, so I went back through door. I found myself in a huge scientific research complex. My clothes changed - I was wearing a white shirt, black trousers and blue jacket. I was at the entrance, which was a vertically triangular room with glass panes for walls. It was a sunny, warm day, I could see a sea through the windows. Something told me to go left to a corridoor and then to a room on the left. I entered it, it had blue tiled walls and a big aquarium built in a wall. There was a woman standing there. She had straight, arms-lenght, pale blonde hair, blue eyes and a pretty face. She was wearing a formal suit - white shirt and black skirt. Overally, she was a really attractive person. It seemed that she was waiting for me and I felt that she was someone really important for me, I was in love with her. Something told me, that she was my wife.
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