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    1. Naked Girl and Red Haired Girl Friend

      by , 07-25-2011 at 05:27 AM
      July 24, 2011

      Type: Regular Dream.
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      {telepathy in these brackets}

      I'm laying on my side on the floor and am putting together some kind of puzzle on a very short wall, like the side of a bathtub, in a room that seems to be like a living room. There are blocks to be stacked. I concentrate a little more.
      My vision becomes clearer and I notice there is a girl (white aprox 20 yr old) helping me, well really helping build whatever we are building. I see her arm and notice how white it is and thought that she had a white sweatshirt on but no that was her pale skin.

      I look back over my shoulder at her and notice she has no top on!

      I play it cool because she doesn't seem concerned and who am I to criticize naked girls?

      I put another block up and look back again and notice she has no clothes on what so ever!

      I put another block up and decide to get a good look and turn back yes I can see her naked chest and she just smiles as if nothing is different here!
      I look back at her again and {she wonders why am looking at her again. She is starting to think something might be wrong and feeling a little uncomfortable.}
      I put another block up and notice another woman (white 30ish, shortish blond hair, white blouse) walking by {she thinks "how nice" as she looks at us doing our thing.}
      This is all strange given the nude girl just sitting here. I think about what I should be thinking given this strangeness and decide to just go with it.

      Dream 2

      July 24, 2011

      Type: Regular Dream.
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      {telepathy in these brackets}

      I am strolling mindlessly around a commercial district. I feel lost then think about what I am supposed to be doing here and think "pick up girl friend".

      I go to a chainlink fenced area that has a gate and a small guard post. There is a strange haze in the air and a dusky light as if it is before dawn or just after sunset. I look at the large facility that seems like a large factory or industrial complex across a large parking lot.

      {I feel a thought from someone I know} and turn around to see a girl coming out of gated area that I know I know but I also have never met her in my life! She is a pretty red head but I expect her to look better since she has almost no makeup and has just tied her hair behind her head. Then I thought "she has just got off work, get real."

      GF: So what are we doing?
      Me: ?

      I have no clue even who she is or where I am!
      A white car (a 1970's model) drives by slowly.

      GF: HEY!
      she yells at the car {she thinks it may be a taxi}
      She runs after it throwing her pocket book strap over her shoulder.

      I just stand there like "WTH?"

      {She knows its not a taxi now but hopes to get it to pull her a ways down the road} and grabs the car's bumper! She is skating with her feet grinding against the street, I can hear the grinding sound and see some dust from this!
      She lets go after a few seconds, I can't believed that even worked!
      She looks back and puts her hands up in victory, she made it! She looks at the bottom of her sneakers and they look worn but still great. She then laughs a bit and looks at me proud of herself.
    2. Naked Girl

      by , 06-24-2011 at 04:45 AM

      Type: Regular Dream.
      Lucidity: 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I am exploring a residential building. I have seen some like this before, there are apartments but the doors are always open, or missing, and there are a lot of people all over the place. I walk into one room and there is a naked girl, in a room of about 10 clothed people, watching TV like it is no big deal. She is maybe 23 years old, brunette. Guys and girls around her don’t seem to notice she is naked, people walk right by her. I figure that she is another dreamer but she likes to walk around naked.

      She is sitting on a sofa so I sit on the end of it to her right and ask if she is "a little cold" sarcastically. She looks at me out of the corners of her eyes with a smile “No.” I sit there and visually examine her body admiring her good looks. An attractive woman comes over to the sofa and is wondering if what we are doing is sexy. She stands behind the sofa to the girls left and leans over on the back of it.

      Isn’t she beautiful?” I say.

      The woman nods her head.

      I go on to describe how and in what ways her petite body is awesome while the girl just sits there taking it all in but refusing to look at me, I find this very funny and cute.
      Tags: naked girl