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    1. Repetitive Dream Part 2

      by , 05-08-2013 at 10:24 PM
      This is the second dream that i am constantly haunted by and have no control over my actions,
      Please note i am fully aware during these dreams but am only able to see and remember these dreams cleary but i have no control over the path or environment at all...with that in mind here we go,

      The Drowning:

      I 'wake up', its damp and cold...im disorientated and have no idea of my area, it seems to be somewhat of a beach but the tide is high and i am simply on a plateau of semi wet sand a small island basically...
      i feel eyes watching me but there is nobody in sight...
      im afraid cold and hungry(i can actually feel hunger quite acutely)...
      I try walking and end up collapsin due to weakness...i black out again,
      When i come to it is not due to dampness it is because i hear voices...
      "Another one poor fool"-The nameless voice whispers in a hushed tone...almost saying it as if he really was pitying "me"...
      I pretend to be asleep but that just makes what they do next easier...
      I feel myself being lifted roughly...
      I then try escape but am to late as my hands and feet are tied...
      and what do you know its my good old friends the soldiers....with those same damn shortswords...
      the scary thing is as i see this i look down at my stomach almost in memory of previous dream...i dont know how thats possible as i have no control so it is my bodies own doing...
      so there i am tied up and looking at my stomach where in the previous dream i was stabbed....
      I suddenly feel hands wrap around my neck...
      I cant breathe now im being strangled...
      My vision goes distorted as i struggle for oxygen...
      at this point the soldier strangling me makes his face seen....and to my almost constant repetitive shock it is the very soldier that stabbed me in my previous dream...
      He looks at me and yet again smiles and says with a twisted smile now on his face almost a forced look..
      "dont worry this time...everything will be alright...for good"
      and with that i find myself being held under the water of this massive ocean...
      I struggle with all my might but eventually succumb to lack of oxygen and black out with the feeling of water rushing into my body and lungs......at which point i wake up...
      Upon awakening from this dream i wake up spluttering as if i have been drowned as well as coughing my nose is yet again bleeding and i cannot breathe properly until coughing ceases
      any comments help or advice on gaining control of these as well as at least not waking up to a bed with my blood all over it would be a lovely change of scenery.
      Thank you for reading and commenting.
      The Bear