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    Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries

    My dreams

    Non-lucid dreams are in green
    Lucid are in red

    1. Night of 08/14 - Strange love story

      by , 08-14-2011 at 12:15 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 3/5

      Everything begins at a party. It's the party I went yesterday, but in my dream it seems, that I'm having here much more than yesterday night. Anyway, I'm atracted by a few girls, so I go towards them and have a chat. One is blond the other one has brown curly hair. It seems to me that I have seen her at some other place, but I don't recall that I saw her in a dream. I don't know how it comes, but I'm much more attracted to her than to the blonde.
      There is a passage I forgot but it ended that I kissed the blonde. I had the feeling I was kissing the open end of a bottle. She is a very bad kisser, but we can't stop. That other girl, let's name her W , seems to be disappointed, but she hides it very well. W goes her way, I remain with that bottle mouth.
      There is a guy appearing and it seems that this is her boyfriend. I'm confused, feel very awkward, they leave and I'm alone again.
      I look for W and find her somewhere. I want to talk to her, that I didn't want to hurt her and that the other is a bitch. But she doesn't want to and says this to me:

      W: Haha the joke's on you, you bastard! You just wanted to get laid so you bet on two girls. But as a bad player, you bet everything and received nothing. You are deplorable.

      She runs away and I ran after her. After a chase that seems to me an eternity I could stop her.

      W: Why should I listen to you?

      I don't know anything to say. Why don't lie?

      Me: Because I love you! (Yep I'm definitely lying at that point)

      She burst out crying and starts to kiss me

      Gosh That was confusing. lol
    2. Night of 08/07 - Akward moments

      by , 08-08-2011 at 11:19 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 3/5

      I'm in a bar or something like that. There are a few friends and girl N. She has birthday that's why we celebrate it in this bar. I have the feeling that something isn't real, that something is wrong in here. I leave the table for a minute to go to the toilet. As I walk away, girl N. follows me. We stop a few meters in front of the toilet, but out of the sight of our friends. I still have an awkward feeling, she behaves really strange. She doesn't make any moves she use to make, no teasing , no jokes, nothing. I feel something special is going on. We start to kiss.I realize that this is a dream, because I know, she wouldn't never ever behave like this.
      I calm myself and concentrate on the kiss. It feels really normal, like this is reality. I am very cautious because I know that I would loose the dream when I get too excited.
      We stop the kiss and girl N. seems to be ashamed or something like that, just like she did something she will regret. I'm a bit confused cause I know that this reaction is caused by myself, well it's my dream. I know that what she feels is that what I would feel in real life. This emotion is really strong, it makes me sad. Girl N. starts to speak:

      Girl N.: I don't know what is going on here. I feel so confused.
      Me: I know what you are talking about. What does this mean.
      Girl N.: maybe we should actually talk about what happened. But we can't do it now, the others will suspect something.

      So one after the other we go back to the table
      I loose lucidity and sit near her. I wait until we can leave the place, so that we could talk about it. But I don't really remember anymore what we should talk about. The kiss? The feelings? A possible relationship?

      I don't know how the dream ended but I had a song stuck in my had when I got up. It was just a line:

      I cant believe that you can't see
      that you mean everything to me
    3. Night of 07/07 - A journey which almost went wrong

      by , 07-07-2011 at 09:43 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 9.5
      Vividness: 3/5
      Recall: 4/5

      Numbers of dreams: Yet again, was a productive night. 6 dreams, each connected to another one

      1. I don't see really clear, I see just the table where I am sitting to. It appears that I'm in a bar. In front of me sits Micheal and another friend, but I cannot remember who it was. We are planing a trip to Holland and we don't find a way to get a common decision. Another friend sits down and he says that he cannot participate to our journey. I leave this place after a few minutes or so, because I want to go home. Outsides it's dark already.

      2. I'm driving with my car home. It's night. Next to me sits my brother. We are talking about some stuff. I don't realize that the traffic light went red and I drive through it. I'm angry and blame my brother for it, because of his talking I couldn't concentrate. In the back mirror I see, that there is a police car. I get even more angry. But it appears that he didn't saw it.

      3. It's day and I'm near my home town somewhere on a field. There are a lot of people there. I think that I'm on a journey or something like that. I ride a bike and I'm heavily equipped with bags and such stuff. We want to go on the top of the hill. I ride my bike and I'm not really moving fast, I'm exhausted and I start feeling pain in my legs. But suddenly, we are at the top. There are a few mini-rails and we start plying with toytrains

      I awake, do a reality-check. I'm really awake and look at my alarm clock; it's already 5 am. I am a bit angry that I couldn't recall much about the previous dreams. I tried to remember but I couldn't. I went a bit disappointed back to sleep.

      4. It's really free in the morning, it's a bit chilly outsides. I stand on a long road, on one side there is a forest and on the other side, there are fields. At the left near the feels, there are a few cars parking. I'm looking for my car to leave, because something tells me, that I'm going home from some party. After a minute or so I find a car and open it with my key. I realize that it's a Mini Cooper and this isn't my car. I wonder why the doors opened with my key. I realize that this model doesn't even have a key-slot but it's opened via a remote. But I'm just thinking: hey it's an awesome car, why just use it?I get in, just to sit at the drivers seat. I don't want to drive it, but it starts driving slowly from itself. I push the break but it doesn't stop and drives into a nearby town. I finally manage to stop and I get out of my new car.
      Suddenly Nathalie appears and ask me if everything is okay. I tell her, that I have problems with "my" car and I want to drive back. She offers her help, I get on the passenger seat and she takes the drivers seat and drives back. The way back seems to be more long. She starts talking about her life, how good everything went and such a stuff. I'm a bit confused. In addition it seems that Nathalie looks much more amazing than she already looks like, that confuses me even more. Every time she talks about a subject from her awesome life, the surroundings in the car are changing to take form of the current subject. For example as she speaks about her boyfriend, the car changes into a field with flowers and a man appears who gives her kisses.
      I think that it's in my imagination, but I get scared a bit, so I simply go out of the car. It appears that the car is back at his place, but there are a lot of other cars there. I get into my real car and drive away. In the meantime I see two friends of mine riding on a bike. I realize that they are the owner of the car and that they are now driving home, cause they didn't have their car.

      5. I'm at a place that looks similar. A few friends are there and we are relaxing in chairs. We also have a barbecue. On of the girls says that she has to leave and we should pay attention on her laptop, which lays on her seat.
      After a few minutes or so, a few teenagers walk past. One of them takes the chair with the laptop and leaves the chair there. A friend reminds me of the laptop. I stand up and run towards him, he starts running too. I cross the street, get nearly hit by a car and finally match to capture him. I'm really angry:
      - You little dick-sucking bastard! What do you have in your brain? Give me this laptop back.
      - But I don't have it sir!

      He drops it and it lands on the ground.
      - Here you have mister!
      Me: Pick it up you bastard!

      As he leans to the ground, I give him a kick in his ass and he falls to the ground. I take the laptop with me and give it back to my friend, who was already waiting.

      6. all my closest friend are together and we go to an journey through a city. It's a strange mix of Luxembourg-city, Paris, and all other place I've bee. There are mountains, there are a lot of houses with narrow streets, there is a river, in the background there are a few mountains. We first get into a oat to drive to the city. The boat is really narrow. When we finally arrived, there were a few strange American tourist. They were speaking in English. They ask us if we visited a place called the academy, a lot where referring to a castle or something like that. We were a bit confused but we left them alone.
      We are now in front of some city walls, there are a few towers. We are a bit lost, cause the place seems to be Luxembourg-city but the streets are different, there were houses which we could simply enter, everywhere were a lot of people.
      In the meantime, it seems that someone is sitting on my shoulders. It's a girl on our age and it seems that she's drunk and isn't able to walk any more. We enter in a house or a hallway, I let her off and she walks towards a bathroom. There is a woman who says that she's drunk. I ask her which way we should take and she gives us some directions. The girl gets back and she seems to be fully conscious and not more drunk.
      We take the way, walk through narrow streets. It gets dark, outsides are a lot of people partying outsides.

      I awake.

      Note: Work on awareness!!!!
    4. Night of 07/06 - Party Non-stop!

      by , 07-06-2011 at 01:53 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 9
      Vividness: 3/5
      Recall: 3/5

      Number of dreams: I'm really confused. It happens that I remember at least 6 different locations I've been.

      1. I'm walking through narrow streets in the historical part of Luxembourg-city. Its already late, the street lamps are own. It's hot outsides, it appears to be summer. I stop in front of a restaurant I've never seen before. I enter and there is a huge entrance hall. I hang my jacket on the wall, which I didn't wear outsides. I walk past a bunch of people, past the bar and I sit down on a table near a window. The window looks like my window at home, even the same lamps are standing on the windowsill. I put up a little book which lies at the the table (it's my book where I write my ideas down for further novels) and I write several pages down. But I'm not able to read it.
      After a time I'm leaving this lace cause I'm bored and walk past the bar, take my jacket with me and step out. Outsides, everything is as it used to be last time. Suddenly I remember that I forgot my book inside. I remember that I put it on the windowsill. I'm walking to a window. Although this window doesn't lead to the restaurant, I recognize my windowsill and see the book. I'm telling my self that I could pick it up later. I leave the place and take a ride with the bus.

      2. I awake. I'm feeling very dizzy. I look around my room and grab the same book as before. I write my dreams down, but again, I can't read what I'm writing. I'm confused. I lay down on my bed and review the dreams in my head. I fall asleep. (Great false awakening, isn't it?)

      3. I'm in my bedroom but it's totally different from reality. There are no bed and no shelves, t looks like a strange club or something like that. There are a few people in there, a DJ and a few friends of mine: L., Micheal, Girl N., Girl C.. There is also a fat girl I've seen two times or three before. We are dancing to the music we enjoy our time. Suddenly the music changes and the DJ plays some slow music. HE says into his microphone that everyone should join a partner and dance to the song. I wasn't pleased at all from this idea. Let me explain why:
      We are 3 guys and three girls. So far as good. But the choice of the dance partner is awfull: First we have girl N.: I used to have a crush on her, but she's really wicked and manipulative. This is such an occasion which she use to make you feel uncomfortable. Second there is girl C.: I like her a lot, but she has now anorexia and doesn't look really well because of her illness. Third: there is the fat girl. And , ok this sound a bit harsh but, well she's fat and ugly.
      So How can I survive this dilemma? In all of the three cases I'm against my principles and I would lower my self-esteem. I don't want to choose, but fortunately, I don't have to: girl N. has two dice that she rolls over the floor. It's a 2 and a 4. She says that she has to choose L. I'm not very pleased cause no I have 50 % of luck to get the fat one.
      But fortunately the scene changes and wee are outsides in a spa or something like that. The fat one has disappeared. There is an old lady who welcome us. I'm wondering why we aren't dancing any more. I find this odd

      I awake. I'm confused. But this time I get directly up. I look at my alarm clock. It's 4:15 am. I reality check the clock and the time doesn't change. I'm convinced that I'm not dreaming any more and I write down some striking words to remember my dreams when I get up in the morning. I lay down again and want to perform a WILD. but I can't concentrate and fall asleep without remaining conscious.

      4. I'm in my old highschool. It looks like if I'm in a French class, well my old French teacher is there, We have to write a test, but surprisingly it's an art contest. My brother is also there. My teacher says that he has to go and we should finish in an hour or so. As he gets away, my brother and I start fighting and we try to sabotage each drawing. It's very confusing and we finish my throwing pencils at us. The teacher gets back and we stop our fight. He says that class is finished, but I remind him about the drawing contest. He says to me I should take the papers and write the names on it. I agree but it's difficult for me to write them down. I wrote like a 6 year old child with big, creepy letters.
      I'm than outsides, it's day and I meet the son of my teacher. I'm having a conversation, about the last novel his father wrote (yeah he's in fact also an author). He gives me his essay and I correct his essay and talk about it with him. I can't remember about what his essay went.

      5. I'm on a beach. I have al my clothes on and go to the sea. I get into the water and a lot of waves crushe against me. The water is really rising fast. I get flooded away.

      6. I'm in the town where my grandma lives. I'm in front of the barriers (there is a rail-road in fact) and it seems that I've finished my exams, which I finished in fact last week. There are a few other students, and on the other side of the road I see my friend Michael. He's riding a bike and he stops. Other students join him and he starts clapping in his hands like a pole vaulter before his leap to encourage his self. Every one starts clapping and he finishes riding his bike down the hill (quite impressive, huh? ). I get in my car and suddenly, I'm in a car park. I get out and I walk a few meters, the surrounding change and I'm in a bar again. There are friends and one if them waves at me to show me that there are a lot of places free. I go there and I want to sit down, but one seat his occupied by a bag of girl N., who isn't there, at an other seat, a jacket lies there. I get another place, but it's far away from the desk so I can't hear what my friends are talking

      That was a productive night!
      Don't forget to keep it up!
    5. Night of 07/05 - Strange party

      by , 07-05-2011 at 10:30 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of slep 11
      Vividness: 3/5
      Recall: 2/5
      I'm in front of a club I use to go out sometime. A close friend of mine is also their. We walk in but we don't met a single guy from security. I'm a bit confused, but don't tell me any further questions. We enter and it seems that there are only twenty people in there. Also the bar was different from realityI find this odd but I just keep on walking inside. We go over the place the bar used to be and we turn to the right part of the dancefloor.
      At the other side, there is the bar, but it looks like it was made of a few benches and of carton. Again I'm wondering what this has to mean. I ask my friend what the heck this means. He tells me that they are renovating the clubI believe him. We go to the bar and he asks e if I would like to have a beer. I said no 'cause I wasn't in the mood and sayed I should order a coke instead. He orders and he asks me for money. I give him coupons (like if we were at some open field concert). He gives me a coke and an hotdog. I eat it first (without remembering I just wanted a coke). While drinking my coke, he asks me if I would like to drink tequilla.
      Again I said no and said that I have stomach ache. Behind me there was an Indonesian woman and she started to laugh. I ignore her at first. My friends start a conversation:

      Friend: So what's going on between you and Nathalie?
      Me: Nathalie? Well I told you last month that there is nothing going between me and her. Hey dude? Why are you so strange tonight?

      Again the Indonesian woman starts to laugh. I turn myself towards her

      Me: Why are you laughing at me?
      DC: I just realized that I know you from somewhere.
      Me: But I've never met you!
      DC: I know, but it seemed that Nathalie talked to me about you. And you just fit in so perfectly in her description.
      Friend: So you know Nathalie, right? So what do you know from her?

      What the fuck is happening here? She starts to talk about her, about her boyfriend and such stuff. Suddently a friend of university appears. They stop her conversation.

      Friend2: Hello Grischka. How are you
      Me: A bit confused about the things that are going on here.
      Friend2: Oh I know this feeling. There are days you wish you never left your bed

      I awake.
    6. NIght of - 07/04 - I'm back

      by , 07-04-2011 at 10:09 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello. After a long time I'm finally back. I have now vacation until October I now have more time to get this lucid dreaming thing back to work

      Hours of sleep: 10
      Recall: 2/5
      Vividness: 4/5

      - I'm playing basket in my old team as I used to do it 5 or 6 years ago. We were playing a few games, it was really fun. After this we go to the changing room. We speak about some stuff and than I realize there is something wrong. That I don't play basket anymore But the dream changes.

      - I'm outside on an hill. There are a few friends from university. A guy is reading loudly the newspaper:

      DC: It's time again to learn stupid random quotes to get good results in the exam. Everyone knows that it's pointless to know such quotes, but nobody wants to admit it.
      Me: Yeah you are right, this reminds me of last exam. I learned so randomly things that I never gonna use in my life
      Nathalie: Yeah you're right! I did this too. How stupid this thing is!
      DC cites some verse from Goethe's Faust .
      Nathalie: Wow that's impressive!
      Me: No it's not. I can also cite some lines.

      I do it, but there is something not right. It appears that I'm citing some obscene lines, which happen to be in Faust. Everybody starts to laughs.
      My old mathteacher from high-school appears and gives us test. We don't want to write the exam.

      DC: She's a witch! Let's destroy her!

      He starts running towards her and pushes her down the hill. Everyone (me included) starts to laugh and we throw the test down hills.

      A bit weird for a first dream, but it tells me that I'm gonna have some awesome dreams in future.

      Keep it up!

      Updated 07-04-2011 at 10:25 AM by 27488

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Night of 02/23 - A dream date

      by , 02-24-2011 at 11:28 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 9
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 4/5

      I'm at home and it's summer. I putting on a bigfoot-costume because I'm going to a costume party. It's really hot and I start sweating a lot. I open the front door and it's suddenly evening and it starts getting dark. I'm at a parking there are some bungalows. A few friends of mine are also there and they're wearing suits and dresses. I now also wear suit now, but I still feel the costume under the suit.
      Apparently we are looking for some one to pick up, but we don't find the right house. So we abort our search and go to my old school, that surprisingly is in front of us, but in reality I don't know this place and my old school is located somewhere else.
      We are in a big hall and there are friends from university and also old classmates. But there are 3 or 4 girls I don't know and apparently they are friends of a friend. There is one girl that looks familiar, although I don't know her.
      There is music and we all start to dance. The girl, let us name her A., dances with my best friend and I realize that she is constantly looking for body contact. My best friend, behaves like a jerk and get slapped by A. in the face and comes towards me. She wears a beautiful dress and she wants to dance with me. We're dancing some standard-dance, but it doesn't fits to the music. It looks like she floats over the floor, I don't hear her steps.
      So we danced a long time together and it feels like it were at least 3 hours. The music gets more silent.

      Me: Being in your company is real fun. Do you want to go out together some time?
      A: Yeah you're also great. What do you propose?
      Me: I don't know. What about cinema?
      A: That's sounds great I'm really glad you asked
      Me: Just a little question: no-one told me about you. What's you're name?

      She's a bit confused.

      A: My name is (I don't remember because I don't remember easily names). I'm a bit shocked that no-one told you. Do you know at least the other people?

      I say Yes, but she does'nt understand me and introduce my self to all my friends and I just keep repeating that I know them. Funny fact: apparently she even doesn't know the names of my friends and just keeps saying wrong names, I correct her al the time and she repeats the name and apologises.
    8. Night of 11/5 - Nasty kids and drunk friend

      by , 11-07-2010 at 07:11 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 6h
      Vividness: 4/5

      1. I'm in a kinder garden. I'm the teacher, or at least I'm in a practical training. There are some kids. There is another teacher. He is very rude to one boy. He pulls him out of the class and locks the door. I'm kind of confused. In front of me is another boy. He has a bottle of water in his hand and he drops it. The water lands on my feet. I feel the water, my socks are already wet. So I don't question reality. First, I thought that he dropped it by accident. I tell him, that it doesn't matter. He replies that he did it on purpose. I'm even more confused and I want to punish his act, but I have no clue what to do.
      The scene changes and I'm in a park. There are a few teens. They fight each other. As I approach, they run away. What the ...? I don't know what happened there exactly. I keep on walking. I leave the place and I'm in front of a big house. It's hot outsides. In front of the door there are stairs. A DC sits on it. He's crying. I ask him what happened. He said that his son was involved in a robbery. And that he now sits in a jail for teenagers. I'm shocked, but somehow embarrassed, because I don't know what to do next. So I leave him alone and go to a different place.
      I now go up a hill. There are a lot of trees. I see a big stone on the side of the road. I stop there, because I see that there is a box. I open it and I see that in it there is my novel I wrote and sent to a publisher. The pages look weird, there a few words which are deleted and some brown random words were filled in. I get angry: I realize that someone has stolen the script, and that's why the publisher never wrote me back. But I don't take it, because I want to catch this bastard.
      I run down the hill to the house. The DC isn't there any more, but my car is there. I jump in it and drive up the hill. I see the same previous group of teens. They are looking at the pages and start to rip them apart. I drive towards them, they run away through the wood, so that I don't get them.

      2. I'm in my favourite club. A friend is there. I remember that the last time I saw him, he was completely drunk. I take a look at him and see, and he's still drunk. He goes to the bar and orders something more to drink. I go towards him and say to him he had better to stop drinking. He asks why and drinks his beer. I answer him that he is drunk.
      - Drunk? No I'm fine!
      He goes away, but he walks normally. I look again at him and he doesn't seem to be drunk any more.
    9. Night of 10/22 - A weird party

      by , 10-23-2010 at 07:57 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello :/ It's a bit late but I was too busy to write my dream down. And this dream just reflects the evening I had in my favourite club.... in some way. lol

      Hours of sleep: 6h
      Vividness: 3/5
      Recall 1/5

      I'm in my favourite club. There are a few friends hanging around. It's already late, a friend, who was the diver, said to me that it was time to go. We walked out, I had some kind of strange feeling. I had the feeling that something terrible is going to happen. But i don't care and we walk out.
      Outsides, there is a street. In front of us is a pub or club.

      This place doesn't exist in reality. I remember that this place was already a few times in my dreams. One time it was an hotel, an other time a pub.

      I know that something is different, but I don't question reality. I say to my friend we should go in, because it's an awesome place. But he is a bit angry: he wants to go home, because he's tired.
      I don't know what happened next. We ended up in a club. This strange feeling doesn't disappear. I know something horrible will happen.


      Well, something strange happened. Suddenly girl N. shows up. She wears an awful t-shirt, which is too short and reveals her belly. AND... it's a beer-belly!!!!!! I just think WTF!?!?!? She starts speaking and says that:
      - I don't care any more about my appearance. When no-one wants my body, I have the right to eat what I want and as much as I want. F*ck you guys!!!!!

      Note: I first remember the part of the pub. But the part with girl N. came into my mind as I was sitting in the kitchen drinking my coffee for breakfast. AND it gave me a strange feeling.OMG, what is my brain thinking subconsciously??? It's kind of disturbing

      Updated 10-23-2010 at 08:06 PM by 27488

      dream fragment , non-lucid , memorable
    10. Night of 10/16 - Mixing drinks

      by , 10-17-2010 at 10:18 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello. Last night I had a dream about mixing drinks. AND they were so good lol.

      Hours of sleep: 8h
      Vividness: 5/5 (they drinks tasted so awesome)
      Recall: 3/5
      Lucidity scale: 1/5 (But I don't count it)

      I'm at some kind of party. There are a lot of people around, there are also a few friends of mine. First I was drinking a Guinness After some time, someone who looked like a teacher, told us, we had to built up groups. He gave us a paper, where the tasks were written down. I managed to get in a group of my friends. We had to choose one of the tasks. I don't remember exactly what we had to do, but it was like that:

      1. Pay 50€ and you will get everything you want to drink!
      2. Pay 25 € and you will get a bottle of your choice!
      3. ...

      There were at least 7 such "tasks". I don't know what task we choose, but we ended up sitting around a table with a lot of bottles. I had some kind of drink. It was sweet and didn't have any kind of bad alcohol taste. It was brownish. My friend told me that it was whisky mixed with something else. I know how whisky taste and I cannot stand it at all. But this drink was so awesome.
      Another friend shows up with a bottle of some kind of Irish liquor, something I've never saw in life. I tast it and it was even more awesome. It tasted like the drink before, but was a bit more spicy, but still didn't have some bad after taste. I mixed it with my previous drink.
      The surroundings get more and more brighter, and I see that I'm on a terrace. I ask myself how I got there, I didn't know who was the driver. I tried to remember but it was hard, because I had the feeling of being drunk. (Side note: The feeling of being drunk is in the dream much more intense than in real life) I remember that a friend of mine is the driver, but he already has drank too much to drive safely home. I wanted to remind my friend that he should stop drinking. But I couldn't. I realize somehow that this might be a dream. But I just keep on drinking my drink. I don't know any more what happened after.lol

      The end. I wanted to remind you folks that too much alcohol isn't good at all. So don't drink too much.
      But I definitely recommend to mix in your dreams some kind of drink or cocktail. 4 times of 5, they taste really awesome, that's what I experienced

      KEEP IT UP!
      Tags: friends, party, vivid
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Night of 10/14 - Ugly women, drunk people and Queen Elisabeth - an epic adventure :D

      by , 10-15-2010 at 09:39 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello I had last night a very short lucid. The way I went lucid is quite a bit funny xD

      Hours of sleep: 9h
      Vividness: 5/5
      Recall: 2/5 --> Just remember a fragment

      I'm standing in a street of my neighbour-town. I'm waiting for the bus. Everything is so clear and looks perfectly normal. Every little thing looks so real, that I don't even wonder if it's reality or not. The bus comes but it's full: at least 200 people were standing in it, it looked so overcrowded that I had the impression that the people were standing on each-other . So the bus doesn't even stops. A friend shows up. He asks me: "Did you missed your bus?". I answered no I didn't.
      Suddenly a car drives with excessive speed on the road and stops in front of us. A bunch of really ugly women came out. Another friend, who is in the army, run towards us, he was in panic and screamed:"You have to run away from these ladies! They are so ugly that you will die when they catch you!"xD. The women start running towards us and yeah, they were so damn ugly! We ran away but they were quite fast. While running around the streets, a few buses drive past. I want to stop one of them, starts waving, but I see that it isn't the right bus. The driver breaks but I make signs that he had better to drive past. He looked at me a bit confused, than he sees the women and drives as fast as he can. The women run behind him.
      I'm quite happy that they had finally gone. My friend from the bus station asks me: "Do want to go to this awesome outdoor party? It's not far away from here." I agree. We walk through a huge gate. I meet some DC's, they look really drunk. we go to a bar. The barkeeper asks me what we wanted to drink. At the same-time a female friend shows up. She orders soda, my friend orders Guinness. I don't know what to order, because I'm a bit confused by the fact that she was here, because she really hats the places were drunk people are. The barkeeper serves Guinness, but it takes really long. I watch at my clock, but without paying attention. I say to the barkeeper he should hurry up, that I'm gonna miss my bus. He finally serves. I don't pay attention and take the Guinness and drink it in one stroke. It tastes really, really awesome! I say: That's the best Guinness I ever drank!" The barkeeper: "Guinness is always a win, just like bacon!" I agree. xD
      My friend is a bit angry that I drank his Guinness. I excuse my self and give him the money back. I start running towards the gate to get my bus. In the meantime I met some DC, they are vomiting because they are to drunk . I'm a bit shocked and I get for a moment sick. I ignore them and keep on running from this weird place.
      I run through the gate. And I meet The Queen! I don't realize it, I wave my hand in this special royal way and say with a Oxford-accent: "God save the Queen!" She looks really confused and awkward but I don't give a damn on it! I finally get to my station. I wonder when I did for the last time some kind of RC. I look around me. I have the feeling that everything is frozen. Than suddenly I remember this meeting with The Queen. I asked my self if it really was The Queen. I tried to find some logic explanation (first I thought that she went to a costume party..) I finally plugged my nose, but I didn't do it right. So I do it again...AND I'm able to breath! OMG I'm dreaming! I ask my self what I'm going to do next, but I get a feeling of over-excitement. Everything goes instantly dark. I rub my hand as fast as I can, I feel the heat, but it's still dark and I awake.

      Damn it! Why didn't I realize it earlier than it was a dream? And what the hell is the Queen doing there????
    12. Night of 10/06 - Deer + Dog + Bus = ...?

      by , 10-07-2010 at 10:53 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello well I don't why I dream such a crap, it doesn't makes really sense at all. I know that dream logic is tricky, but yesterday it was really weird.

      I walk to the bus-station to take my bus like I do it everyday. It was dark outside which is also normal, because I take it early in the morning. I walk a few meters, but than I'm 5 km away from the station! I think: "Well that doesn't matter, I'm gonna walk to the last station." So I walked an did 3 km in a minute or so... The street is closed, there is a huge tent and there is a party in it. I talk to a cop to ask, why the street is closed. He doesn't answer me but says: "Your bus isn't going to drive his normal way, but takes another one to avoid this place".
      Instead of becoming lucid or so, I thank the cop for his kindness and walk to another station.
      Suddenly I see that the bus is already leaving from his station. I have no chance to catch it. I get angry. Next to me are a few chairs. Yes on the street are chairs... I take on after another and smash them as far as I can. The chairs are laughing in an evil way while being thrown.

      Suddenly I'm standing in another street. In front of there is a deer. It's very tall ( 2.5 meters). There are everywhere cars driving. I want to chase it away from the street that nobody gets hurt. I'm moving very slowly and I have success: it goes slowly away from the street. I'm happy but than a dog comes out of no where. The deer gets frightened and runs away and nearly provokes an accident. The dog sits down next to me. A DC shows up, he's angry and shouts at me: " Because of your stupid dog, the deer has gone! You and your dog gonna have to pay for it!"
    13. Night of 9/25 - ROFL, I think my subconcious makes fun of me xD

      by , 09-26-2010 at 12:08 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello I just can't stop laughing. Yesterday, after partying around with my friends (which I unfortunately don't see often enough) I had a few dream fragments which again seemed so real, that I didn't realized that it were just dreams

      1. I'm with my friends in my favourite pub (although that night I wasn't there). I fell really drunk, like it was reality: Everything spun a bit, I had trouble to stand etc. Although I was drunk, I saw every single detail, I remember that all lights were on, it was so bright and clear, just like a film in HD. I stand next to the bar and listen to what my friends are saying. Suddenly the barkeeper gives me a beer. I'm confused, because I didn't order anything. Or least I didn't remember. The barkeeper wanted that I pay my beer, because he knew that I ordered it. And instead of arguing with the barkeeper, I took my purse and tried to grab a few €. But I lose a few of them and they end up lying on the ground. I stand up, I feel really dizzy, I concentrate to not fall and finally pick them up.
      2. Suddenly I'm on the back seat of my own car. A friend of mine drives my car, another friend sits in the passenger seat. I don't know how I got there but I thought that I just fall asleep for a few minutes. (haha false awakening). My friends are trying my CD's. They complained that my music is creepy, but I didn't listen at them and started singing a few lines. So they changed at least 5 times the CD's. They stopped at one song: Baby when the lights (David Guetta). They complained that it is such a crappy song. But they don't change the song and start making fun of it. Suddenly, there are screens everywhere who show the videoclip of this song. The song changes and doesn't go like the original song. I'm a bit confused of it.

      I awake and it's 4 am. I do a RC, I'm definitely not dreaming and fall asleep again.

      3. I'm in a bar. There aren't my friends any more but my mum is there I'm really confused. She orders something to drink: I get a soda and she a beer I don't know what to say. I take my soda and she disappears. The barkeeper comes towards me, my soda has gone and he gives me a towel. I have to clean the bar. I have to give him all the empty glasses, but I never give him those which he wanted. I don't know what happens after: I can just remember that there were tickets for a plane or a train....

      4. Another fragment (I just scribbled down a few words) which I don't remember involves an elevator and a reception.

      Well that's pretty much of it.
    14. Night of 9/21 - Normality is returning into my dreams

      by , 09-22-2010 at 10:48 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello Last night, I had dreams about my normal waking live and I can't see any real oddities. I guess it's because of the fact that everyday live is starting again, which brings stability

      1. I'm in my car. Next to me sits my brother. I want to drive to my university, because I'm not in the mood to take again several buses and trains. I have to drive my brother to his work-place, which lies on my way. I want to drive, but he changes the settings of the radio: He's adjusting Bass, Equalizer, etc. I argue with my brother, because the settings I made were perfect. But my brother doesn't stop turning on/off the buttons. I start too drive and while driving I'm changing again the settings. I remember just the interior off my car, because I just focused on my car and not on my surroundings.
      2. I'm at my university, there are just girls, I'm the only guy at the campus. I talk with several girls and ask them about their opinions about the university; I asked them where they wanted to do their practical training as teachers, etc. I don't really remember what they are saying, but at the end, we start dancing together outsides
    15. 9/17 Just fragments

      by , 09-18-2010 at 10:33 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Last night I just got 5 hours of sleep, because I went with a few friends to a club to just partying around. I don't have to explain that this little amount of sleep (with the combination of alcohol ) wasn't good for my dreamrecall

      That's why I remember just a few fragments.

      All these fragments were about parties and clubs, all my bad experiences (and more pleasant ones) and all my fears were mixed together, I remember drunk people; dancing, beautiful girls; flirting around; dancing; enjoying the music, some drunkards having problems with the security; But also all the bad things I experienced because of a girl named N. ( a long story which I already posted here on a thread on DV)
      One more memorable fragment is the following one:
      I'm outside, there are cars afew friends of mine and this girl N.. There was music playing, a song from the band Klaxons: Twin Flames. We were singing that song (although I'm the only one who knows about this song). The song is about love and being a part of each other lives. N. was also singing, which made me angry. I started shouting at her, saying really ugly things, because she has no right to sing this song, 'cause she doesn't know what real love is and how it feels like.
      She stopped and disappeared.
      Tags: girl n., party
      non-lucid , dream fragment