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    1. Tent City and Train Station

      by , 07-03-2016 at 06:16 PM
      I was talking to a person that Ive never met before but we were talking about how we were each other’s soul mates, how were were the perfect person for one another. He was very young looking, brown hair, deep blue eyes. It felt like we had literally just met, reveling in each others presence, but like we knew for certain that we were connected.

      Staying a tent city, had my dog and my cat. Each one kept escaping my tent periodically. Once I found my dog in a park with other dogs and wild animals running around. Once I found her in a store next to a stuffed cheetah or other large cat. The tents ere large, perhaps 10-person tents. Ailing closely next to one another, with paths for walking paths in between rows of tents. Sort of reminded me of a fantasy film, like this is just how people lived. There was a large tan stone castle or building nearby.

      fragment- strange gathering.

      I helped a man find/ save his wife. I remember running slightly behind him as he caught to her, they embraced and then continued running, me following. Were were supposed to jump on a train together but I missed the train and was left behind at this remote station at night in a foreign country.

      I didn’t sleep well, but was in bed for a while so I woke up feeling rested. I think there were a lot more dreams that I forgot.