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    1. Strange Adventures

      by , 08-23-2012 at 09:50 PM

      I am inside a store at night. I see visions of a man that is messing the place up. He has skinny jeans on and is pretty fat.
      I go to the back of the school back of the store. I sit down and wait and look on my phone. It is 7:40 pm. A lady in front of the store beckons me to come. I walk to the front of the store and see my mom and sister. We walk out to the car. It is night out. I see an ant hill so I kick it. My sis says "Don't do that!". We go into the car. A shift occurs and I am still in the car, we are on the road but now it is daytime and time seems to be reversing since cars are going backwards. The drivers have changed to my cousin. I ask "If a guy has a high level of conciousness will he notice time is reversing?" He says "No" I then ask "What about that deja vu feeling? Couldn't it mean you made it to a certain place before but since time has reversed you had to go back there again?" He ignored me. To my left I see cars on the highway driving in reverse due to the reverse time effect.

      Somehow we knew an accident will occur. A car in front of us turns to the right and crashes into another car ahead. My cousin. My cousin started to back up the car, I notice he is backing up too close to another car so I tell him to stop and he does. There is some strange monster in the middle of the street, The person in the passenger seat gets out and tries to deal with the monster. She gets bitten by the thing. A shift occurs. I am an observer now. I am in a bedroom a man and a woman get out of a bed. The bed is dirty and has ink all over it. The guy learns he can absorb bio-mass and bio-electricity. I am seeing this from his perspective. He is in front of a stove and microwave. A shift occurs.

      I am out in the middle of nowhere. A woman in a yellow suit comes out of nowhere and for some reason I think her name is phantom. She says "Don't let Obama die the 4th must live!" I become an observer again. Everyone is a child. Lex luther in child form is there too. Child Obama appears with a gun. I see from his eyes. The people he is deciding to go to school at all have red ballons. The people in the red ballons are floating. He shoots a red ballong and it causes a kid to fall down and cry. I see a blank expression of Lexs face. I wake up but when I did the dragon fight music from skyrim was playing in my head.