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    1. Working at Winn Dixie, school, aliens invade my house and more whacky adventures

      by , 01-01-2015 at 12:24 AM
      I had a dream that I went to go apply to Winn Dixie (because my irl friend works there), I remember talking to some dude and he gave me the job on the spot, and him and my friend went to go arrange stuff neatly on the shelves and I decided to help to hopefully get a good reputation. It seemed kind of like a good will with random stuff just thrown on shelves and we were straightening them up going down aisles.
      Soon after I remember driving home with a different friend, we were down a road that's in our neighborhood adjacent to our community center. irl its paved, but in the dream it was still a dirt road. It also had a large dip in it, and plants overgrown around it, and rocks around it, too. He would drive down the road, but the truck was spinning yet still going straight down the road. it was actually kind of fun.

      I also dreamt that I was at school, and during lunch we had to go to some assembly and we would miss 5th period, I was sort of bummed out because I liked my 5th period and didn't really like my 6th period. I don't remember an assembly at all, but I remember being in a class, it was my math class and surprisingly the desks were in the right order, but I was in my old desk at the front of the class and I was on the last row. I think there was another desk in front of mine, though. I pull my tablet out of my backpack and realize I forgot to put teamviewer on my computer so I could play on my computer from my tablet. Somehow I still manage to play civ 5, though. It's me and my friend, Trent, at my house, my kitchen. We settle a city in the living room, and the living room has a brown couch, it is also kind of dark, it's light in the kitchen but the rest of the house is dark. But then we start to get worried on who is in the game, we go in to my dad's room, who isnt home, and hide in the corner, hoping we wont be found. My friend says Attila the Hun is in the game, and he enters our house and that automatically triggers our meeting. He walks in to my room. We get up and go back in the living room and I see Kim Jong Un coming up my porch. (btw, attila and kim both have some companion with them). We meet and Kim is walking towards me, I don't know where my friend went and I see Attila come out of the darkness and Attila rips kim's head in half by his mouth, there was no blood though, it looked like clay. Attila's companion also kills Kim's companion and they shapeshift into Kim and kim's companion. I grab my friend and tell him that Attila is a shapeshifter and no one is to be trusted. My friend disappears off somewhere again, and I'm standing in the kitchen and in the shadows I see some white, ethereal creature, it's one of the shapeshifters, they kind of hide behind a wall but are still very visible, I tell him that I see through his disguise. I think he backs off, but later some lizardman in a black robe, one of the shapeshifters, comes at me. I run at him, move to one side, he follows, move to another, hes slow but follows, and then again I move to another side and I juke him out, run past him, and now I'm on the other side of the couch. I insult him like "dude, you cant even fucking play football". The lizardman tells me he will be back, but I'm not really worried. He goes to my room. I'm walking around, now the whole house is dark, and I'm worried. I go and look down the house to where my room is, and in the hallway the light is on, and illidan stormrage is standing outside my room's door, I go back and I start to get worried, and wake up.

      I have a dream that I'm at the mall, I go in to a store with blue wall paint and a metal door, and there's two chicks from my school working there, I ask for an application, they hand me one and I go sit down at this long, metallic looking table parallel to the counter. I'm sitting there filling it out and it changes to some test. I know some of the answers. These guys from my school (named dominic, carlos, and some other dude -- for my memory) are sitting there now, and they are also taking the test. And there's also a bunch of clutter on the table, like backpacks and stuff. Carlos already took the test last period but he said he has to take it again. He tells me someone wrote down the answer key where I'm sitting and told me to tell them the answers. For some reason I have a hard time telling them the answers, they are weird anyways. I have to bubble them in and it's not letters but weird symbols. Carlos says "Screw it I already took the test" and turns his in and leaves. When I'm done with the test I notice the room is a lot brighter and looks more like a classroom, and the door is wood instead of metal.

      Last night I had a dream that I was at school, some kind of event was going on. A lot was going on, but I only remember being in the lunchroom and a friend of mine, max, who no longer goes to this school is in a booth with a few others, catching up. I go over there and start talking to him. We're going on about games, and other bull crap. I ask him for his steam, he tells me I have it, then I tell him I made a new account (all true). He tells me his steam, sfp>kill, or something like that. In the dream I forget it aswell and I keep asking him, but I don't say it loud enough because of all the crap going on in the dream, it's loud. I remember even a computer monitor at the booth and trying to find him on steam. I get up and go to grab lunch, the lunch room resembles my elementary school lunch line. I'm leaving and I see people just walking off with lunch like it's free. I'm going and I ask a lady sitting outside the lunchline door at a table "What's my lunch number?" she looks confused, and I remember lunch is free, and I walk back to the booth. That's all I remember,
    2. Winn Dixie dream again and going back to school too early

      by , 12-22-2014 at 08:37 PM
      I was at winn dixie, and I was kind of looking around and this manager, a bald dude in a cop uniform, was getting on to an employee, so he called up two of his other employees that had the day off. They arrived and helped stock items a bit, but when they wanted to leave he wouldn't let them. I agreed to help them escape because I wasn't working there, but I was afraid the manager might catch on. When the manager was gone or not looking they would just screw off, while I tried to think of ways to escape. Shortly it became night time and we found this black railroad spike, but then the manager took it and got angry at them. He threw it down at the front of the store, which was like a furniture shop display, with black couches in a square and a glass coffee table. I went over there and picked it up and put it in my jacket pocket, but it stuck out like a sore thumb so I ran over to the other side of the entrance which was the fruit and vegetables part, crouched down and moved it to my pocket, and then I walked back over. (I ran over there because if I came from where he put the railroad spike I didn't want him to get suspicious that I took it). Later on I ended up going to the bathroom, which was through this elaborate, L shaped hallway that was made of marble. The toilet was strange, it was a square shape, with about 6, thin, oval shaped lids that were blue and had turquoise gems on them. I don't remember anything past that.

      I was on the bus in the morning, sitting with my friend and we were all chatting, and i brought up how it was crazy how the winter break flew by and that it "only felt like a weekend". But then I was in disbelief, how could it have gone by so fast? I checked the calendar on my phone and it was in fact the day we go back to school, january 5th.

      Then I had a dream I was playing age of empires 2, it was a black forest map and my base was in the middle of the map with two gaps in the forest were the enemy could get in to my base. The grey color player began attacking me with swordsmen and battering rams, I don't know how I fended it off, but eventually my base got overran. Then suddenly I was playing civilization 5, I was going against napoleon and carthage, There was a mountain range north of me with passages to a valley area, and napoleon was north east of me and carthage was north west of napoleon with a mountain range separating them. At first napoleon was laying the smack down on me, and I remember getting up and asking my dad how to defeat them. But eventually I mustered an army that passed the mountains and took one of his cities, and I was flanking his armies and at that point he didn't stand a chance. Then it switched to a "real life" view, I was outside my house and had my armies, each little soldier and cavalry and I moved them on blank sheets of paper, I placed them around napoleons armies and I shoved them in to his armies and crushed him, although I suffered a lot of casualties. That's all I remember.

      Then I had another dream that I was at school and we were standing in the hallway before school started as we always do, except we usually stand near one of the doorways, but we were further down the hallway, and the hallway was very dark. I asked why they called us back to school for this day, and someone replied "because they accidentally let us out of school too early so we have to be here one more week". I looked back and there was a huge cluster of people clogging the hallway and I saw a friend of mine over there so I walked over to go talk to him. Then the dream just stopped.
    3. Trivia Crack Tournament

      by , 12-21-2014 at 05:20 PM
      First I was at my house, about 5 in the morning getting ready as I normally do, getting ready for a trivia crack tournament, and I'm about ready to shower when the door is all screwed up, I ask for some help with it and my friend who comes over to help rips the door of the hinges and he said he was "sabotaging" me and he left and joined our rival team. Later, the rest of us go off and we arrive at the tournament place, which looks like a school gym, except the bleachers go all the way around and its square shaped rather than rectangular, and the bleachers are odd, with different colors, being large cubes, and having symbols like X and O on them, and lights. A lot of people were there, but it turned out that the tournament wasnt going to happen until a few more hours, so we all left back to my house. At my house we just chatted for a while, screwing around.
      I remember at some point needing to use the bathroom, I go in there and it's like a public restroom, and it's HUGE. There are stall walls but they're very tiny and you can see over and under them without trying to. In the back is a HUGE handicap stall, and there's a wall with a bunch of silver, rectangular urinals, stacked above each other and stuff.
      Then I remember being back at my house and me and my friends want to play some video game, it swaps to like first person view in game, and we're running through a low resolution, hilly forest getting fired at by all kinds of guns and mortars, our little dudes look like master chief, and some of us go down but I make it to a spot where there's a tank and a fighter jet, I hop in the fighter jet and soar off, and I run in to some other jets and the only weapon I had were missiles that you had to aim in front of them so you could hit them while they move, because the missiles weren't heat seeking. It was hard but I managed to shoot a few down, I remember flying over mountains and forests, and we got to a spot that's a huge lake and I saw them down there as I circled around, and another plane came from behind a mountain and we nearly went underwater and I shot a few missiles, and missed, but eventually I hit him.

      I also had a dream I was at winn dixie, with someone (cant remember who), and other people showed up and I remember looking for someone, and going out in the parking lot and driving.

      I'm pretty sure I dreamt that I was in sleep paralysis, it sucked because it sounded like a nuclear bomb was going off in my left ear.