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    Snehk's Dreamlands

    1. [08-02-2017: Construction and hotel DILD]

      by , 02-08-2017 at 03:35 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was atop some skyscraper construction, in a room just below the roof. It was mostly empty, with only tiles placed. There were no lights or glass panes, but it wasn't dark as sunlight getting through random openings lit the area. It was a noon. I went down some strange stairs that were wider or shorter in places and got to a small hallway opening to some industrial area which was part of the building. I was holding my laptop. I got out to the area and on a ledge on higher level of construction I saw some people coming. There was a way to another hallway, leading down the skyscraper. I followed it, but then a sudden shot at the chest killed me. I was back at the opening to industrial bit, went out and saw those people on the ledge again. This time I decided to move in the opposite direction than the second hallway, but I fell with my laptop into some water cistern. I didn't drowned, but for some reason I somewhat opened up a console and used a cvar that would reset the dream state back to the first hallway. After the reset I thought that this might be a dream and made a nose plug RC. It worked and I was lucid. I didn't had laptop this time and ignored people on the ledge when going out. I entered a strangely shifted spiral staircase that was hard to navigate and got to a tiled hallway. Following it I stepped through empty doorframe and entered a five star hotel. Going further I met some blonde woman in a long, black dress that instantly came closer and hugged me, then she started leading a dance. The dream became unstable and just like a game or some programme, it changed from "fullscreen" to "windowed" mode and I could see the woman hugging me in a window on bottom-left corner of "screen". In the background there were colourfull energy streams.
    2. [30-11-2016: Running in the rain, Searching for toilet]

      by , 11-30-2016 at 10:12 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Running in the rain

      I left my old school, all classmates thanking me for some unknown reason. I left the building and got into the rain. I ran towards my house. I was running really quickly, so quick that shoes started falling off my feet.

      Searching for toilet

      I went to my current school and at the entrance met a short, dark brown haired girl. I was about to give her some cd, but I couldn't find the right one and said that I'll give it to her later. She told me that the girl that I was at pair with for prom beginning dance is at hospital and that she'll replace her. I agreed and entered the school, urgently searching for a toilet. I tried at second floor, but there was no toilet paper. I passed by a teacher with other classmates. I entered another toilet. Inside all the cabins there were showers. Finally in one of cabins I found an exclusive apartment. But then suddenly some dude appeared and started mumbling something incomprehensible. He started waving some ruler. He attacked me and I pushed him on a sofa. Then he turned into a blonde woman, completely naked.
    3. [29-10-2016: The prom, In darkness]

      by , 10-29-2016 at 11:05 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      The Prom

      With class we made a prom. For some reason girls haven't arrived so we made a men party out of it. At first it was in school, but then we moved to my house.

      Failed WBTB attempt.

      In darkness

      I was in some old block of flats, in basement. It was completely dark, I was wandering the basements with two glock pistols with mounted flashlights ready. There was some sort of cataclysm that forced people to hide underground and escape from walking dead. I heard someone moving behind me. I turned back and lit that way with flashlights. There was a dark haired woman in white t-shirt and blue short trousers. She said "It's you. I just... wanted to find someone who I can trust..."
    4. [17-10-2016]

      by , 10-17-2016 at 05:53 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I went to toilet and sat on the toilet seat, and got teleported to some tv studio. There was a woman and tv reporter, they were talking about a murder rampage of which I was a victim, being heavily wounded. I just stood there, listening to them.

      Failed WBTB attempt

      Second dream

      I was in school on a PE lesson. I wasn't playing or training worth others, just sitting with a teacher and some other girl. I washed my hands and the lesson ended, we went out of the sports hall and I wandered around my old school.
    5. [05-10-2016]

      by , 10-05-2016 at 07:21 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      18th century. It was a late afternoon. I visited some woman in early thirties - she had dark hair and was wearing a gray coat - in a museum, she was a teacher leading a group of children. We started dancing to music played on a strange piano - whenever a girl playing on that piano pressed a button, one of huge lightbulbs on top of it went lit. We talked as we danced, children watching. We were talking about some ghost of a kid in some old orphanage. Everything went black. I woke up in my house on the floor, some woman in early twenties lying on top of me. She had long white hair and was wearing only green underwear. The girl that played on a piano slept in my bed. I said "Hell, DC wake up and let me stand." After a while she woke up and we both got up. The piano girl woke up too and asked "Aren't we late by now? We must go!" The woman stripped of her clothes and we both said "No, we've got something to do first." Then we had sex.
    6. [11-09-2016]

      by , 09-11-2016 at 08:43 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was a really dark early morning. It was during a winter, there were snowdrifts on the roadsides and there was some ice on the road. I left my house, but I wasn't wearing any jacket - I only had a gray shirt, black trousers and black shoes. I went towards my old school, there was something important I had to do. I had troubles with walking and breathing, I scrambled towards the school. On the way I saw some people going there too, I thought "Last year in technical, and now I have to get back to previous one for a year!". I finally reached the school and immediately saw some people I know that shouldn't be there.

      This made me realize that it's a dream. I left the building for a while and saw my car standing at the parking lot. I went to it and inside I found some paper sheet with strange calculations written on it. The handwriting was identical to mine. I got back to school and looked around. I thought about meeting with someone, but that wasn't enough to summon her. Instead I chosen to talk with someone else - a tall blonde haired woman wearing a white dress. I said that I have something to deliver to her and we went outside. As we were going to car, she got scared of me and ran away to school. I tried to chase her but I slipped on the ice. I got up and went back to the building, in search of that woman. I searched on the hallway, in toilets and then I found her on the corridor. I told her that I don't have time for such fooling around and I have to deliver that package. We got to my car, I showed her the paper sheet, folding it before so she wouldn't see calculations. I told her to sign it with an x and go Roth me towards warehouses. As we moved on, I noticed someone following us. I thought about removing that dude from my dream, but somehow he was resistant to my powers. However, he wasn't resistant to telekinesis. I gestured and thrown him far far away. Then we entered the warehouses. Instead of giving her that package, I persuaded her to make it out with me. I didn't knew that it was a military warehouse, and as we were doing it, soldiers appeared and surrounded us. Then a loading screen with warehouse appeared. I found myself in some corridor going to warehouse. Instead of entering I went through doorway that was behind me. A map appeared, there was some sunny valley. I chosen it and got teleported to some dark grove. I summoned that woman. She was a bit different, as she had brown hair this time. I saw myself from third . She was scared of me and the grove and started running away. I chased her, throwing fat monsters with long horns away using telekinesis. I got her and after a while oh talking we made it out again. I have lost lucidity.

      I found myself in my house with younger sister and that woman. We took out rc cars and drove around my room.
    7. [10-09-2016]

      by , 09-10-2016 at 02:37 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      It was an evening, I was at my backyard with some brunette, long haired woman. We entered a tractor that had two trailer's linked in. I let the woman drive, giving her some advices as we drove around backyard.


      I was in some ruins. I had a sword and light armor, this place was a hideout of bandits. After a long run through this maze I finally found my way to surface. There was some building, bandits were coming out of it. I slashed them all to death. Suddenly I found myself in school, taking a seat . After a while I left it with one of classmates, we drove to city. I left his car and took a walk, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack. I decided to load some game state and get back in time.
    8. [27-08-2016]

      by , 08-27-2016 at 01:27 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in a city, in some lair of evil scientist. There was a woman in late twenties with me. The evil scientist was a bald man in mid thirties, he was wearing a labcoat. There was a huge square table with some chairs in the middle of the room. The scientist chased me with a chainsaw around the table. He killed the woman first. I grabbed everything from the table and thrown it at him, then I thrown some chairs at him. Without any other objects to throw, I decided to fly away. Bursting through the rooftop I flied to some fortifications that were swarming with soldiers. I flied around fortifications, avoiding everyone.

      Then I was back at the lair, escaping from that scientist. Again I thrown all the objects, then when there was only one chair left I grabbed it and started smashing the man. He was completely surprised, I was so mad that first I killed the evil scientist then that woman that was there. I thought that it's not the best ending. I appeared in the lair again, this time the man wasn't aggressive. He just stood there with his chainsaw.
    9. [15-07-2016]

      by , 07-15-2016 at 11:54 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in a mall, holding a shopping list in my hand. First position on the list were potatoes, so I went to the vegetables section and started to sort which potatoes were good enough to take. Suddenly a dark haired woman in mid thirties appeared. She was wearing a flowery dress. She asked me about something in German language. I couldn't fully understand her and asked what she wanted in English. First she asked me about price of the potatoes, then wanted me to show her when the checkout is. I led her to that place - there was a really long crowd. She slightly pushed me into the crowd and we made our way to the checkout window. A short haired, blonde dude without one eye. I was angry at him for some reason, started shouting and tried to punch him. Then the security appeared and thrown that dude out, as he wasn't even hired in that place. I led the german woman to checkout and went back to my shopping. It was really late already so I went to potatoes stand again, but then I heard that the shop is about to close. I went to checkout assistant and paid 0,5 PLN for whole shopping - which due to helping the woman was limited to a few bread loaves. Then I checked my pocket and realised that I don't have my phone. I asked workers if they'd let me inside for a little longer so I can find it. They agreed and I wandered the dark shopping mall. I found a Samsung phone, but it wasn't mine. I turned on flashlight in it and searched again. When I found nothing, I decided to leave the mall and get back home. A walk through doorway was enough to bring me back home. I turned on that phone.
    10. [29-01-2016]

      by , 01-29-2016 at 10:36 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      My family got forced to move out of our house. I wanted to find out reasons of it, or for someone who can help us. We went to out house to look for some clues. Someone stopped us, but a blonde woman appeared and tried to talk with the guard. HR told her that he knows everything. She mad at him, but in the end he granted us access. I searches the cluttered room and found a few coins.
      Tags: coins, house, woman
    11. Running around

      by , 12-20-2015 at 12:23 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was wandering a city at a dusk. It was empty - no people, no cars - just buildings and trees. It was warm, there was a beautiful glow on everything. I jogged through the park and got close to some flats. I felt that there was some kind of danger waiting for me, so I took a different route, and ran back to the streets. I caught a bus and entered it. There was a pretty woman inside - she had dark, arms-lenght hair and was wearing a purple blouse and green jeans trousers. I sat close to her, we talked for a while and then we had sex. In the end she said "It was a witch that forced you to do this!". I left the bus at next stop, and jogged for a while.
    12. A woman in the garden

      by , 11-21-2015 at 04:34 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Cloudy afternoon, it was cold and rainy. I went out of my house, and saw that someone was standing in my garden. It was a redhead woman, and she was naked. For some reason I had a feeling that I know her, so I went to talk with her. She was quite pretty. When I came closer to her, she said that she's grateful that I helped her, but she don't want others to know about that. I looked into her deep blue eyes, and then at her face. She smiled to me, and then kissed me. Next we made it in the garden.
    13. Fragment: Crystal car

      by , 08-05-2015 at 06:57 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      It was cold morning. I was wearing a black t-shirt and brown trousers. I was going towards a bus stop. I waited for a while, and then a redhead woman drove to me in almost fully transparent car made out of crystal. I entered it, and we drove away.
      Tags: car, crystal, woman
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Gathering storm, [DILD] Resurrection

      by , 06-14-2015 at 10:22 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in school, sitting on a chair in a classroom. There were other students sitting there too. Teacher was talking about something I cannot recall, as I haven't focused on the lesson. I looked through the window at grim, gray sky. Suddenly I said aloud "It's going to be fun." And then sky became dark, and storm luds gathered. It started to rain.

      [DILD] Resurrection - recurring dream, this time ending with LD

      It was many years after portals were invented, and people had access to other dimensions. Many fantastical creatures came to earth. Some of them were hostile and started war, and some of them were just trying to survive. To stop banditry and fight against invaders, humans made a Confederation of Dimensions. Their mission was to capture criminalists, and fight off invaders.

      I was walking with two business partners in a river, swamp valley between high mountains. We were taking remains from a battle that went on there, and cleaning tracks of bandits. I looked atop one of the mountains, and saw an orc encampent. We took some more stuff and went along the river side.

      Suddenly I appeared in entrance hall of prison, chained with my two business partners. We were probably captured for helping bandits somewhere in the past, and now we were guided to portal, leading to a prison. The security officer told us to keep our hands in the air as we walked through crowded corridors of confederations outpost.

      There were many people, and other weird creatures, whispering about us. I felt that my whole left hand is sweaty, I tried to put it down, but an invisible force tried to keep it in the air. Finally I managed to put it down, and the chain slept off my hand.

      Security officer looked at me, and I looked at my hand. He ran for help, while I used this situation to run away. I took a path through old sports hall of the outpost, and ran away towards swamps. I jumped into lake, then went out of the water and hidden in bushes. Guards couldn't find me, so I went out of my hideout and swam to nearest buildings.

      There was an industrial area supported by orcs. They built war machines there, to win wat with humans. I jumped out of the water and climbed up a fence. I looked at the square, and saw a woman with a child. She was a blonde woman in her fifties. Shea had blood soaked eyes and was wearing casual clothes - pale brown t-shirt and jeans trousers. She held a hatchet in her hand.

      The child was a boy. He had dark hair and blood soaked eyes, and he was wearing casual clothes - a brown jacket and jeans trousers. There was a man walking on the square. Suddenly the woman charged towards him and hit him with the hatchet, killing him.

      She dropped the hatchet down, and was preparing to eat the man, but I jummped down the fence, grabbed the hatchet with my left hand, and striked her in the back of her head. The boy escaped to the swamps. The strike was enough to knock her to the ground, and she couldn't stand up.

      She tried to kick me, and I said "Try again, and I'll chop your legs off!" Then I turned around and ran away. Suddenly I realised this is a dream. I made a nose RC, and ran. But then I stopped, dropped down the hatchet and turned back. I walked back to the woman, and gestured with my left hand saying "Resurrect!"

      My voice was changed a little, and echoed all around. I looked at my hand, and then looked at the woman. She changed, her hair turned white, eyes were green and no more blood soaked, and she was much younger, like she was 20 again. The resurrection must've had a rejuvenating effect. She told me to come closer, and gave me a kiss.

      After we stopped kissing, I thought about going on an adventure, but suddenly everythin turned black and I woke up.