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    1. Zombie Aunt May

      by , 09-29-2011 at 07:28 AM
      So, a murder has happened, in a house where Aunt May lives (the one from Spiderman the animated). Me and the scooby doo gang has t investigate, and we soon find a horrible secret. It turns out that Aunt May, IS A ZOMBIEEEEE. And her best friend from spiderman (the other old lady), is ALSO a zombie. Now we gotta flee, I quickly decide that the best way to be safe, is to find a neighbor and ask them for help. So I run out f the house, and look for help. I get over to the closest house and start banging on the door. But before the door opens, I wake up.
    2. The party of the Undead

      by , 09-18-2011 at 07:37 AM
      This is a game my brain deviced a long time ago, I have tried it before, but I dreamt it last night, so I will tell about it now.
      Dream Mode
      First off I remember I was sitting on my computer, playing world of warcraft in the dream. I was reading up on some new instance that had come into the game, and I instantly began looking for a group for a dungeon called Biblioteket (Danish word for Library). Of course it took no time to ifnd a group and load the map.
      Now suddenly, I am running down a hill as a worgen, along with two others, sliding in and out of trees, avoiding them. Eventually we all get to the foot of the hill, and there is a big white marble building in front of us. We go inside, now I am no longer a wow character, I am myself, and the others are just random people.
      Inside the marble building, is a big room, with a kind of bar to our right (it's kinda hard to explain how it was formed. It was like desks formed in a square formation, with two entrances on either side, and the front of the bar going out towards the center of the room.) In the center of the room, around 30 tables are set, as a restaurant, and at each table sits a zombie frozen with their faces down the table. They are all dressed in "old" clothes. Only a few empty seats remain.
      Now comes the game:
      I have to find a way to get through (even though I haven't seen a door), and the way I need to do this, is by blending in. I have to dress up like one of them, and act like one of them. Given enough time where they don't see me as an intruder, they will all die, and a gate will open. Now I accidentally touch one of these zombies, and all the zombies in the room, start waking up slowly. I have to quickly find out where I want to be when they start walking around. I have no clue, until I spot the man who was with me from before. He has somehow dressed up as an old gentleman, and is sitting down across a zombie lady, at the corner of the room. Somehow, he has found out how to do this. So I get over to him and pull up a chair beside him. Now the zombies are up, and moving about, I watch them, and suddenly one of them looks at me, and in terror I realise, that I myself is not disguised! The zombies overruns both of us. A little while after, they are gone, and sits at their seats again. Now I look around, looking for someway to get some clothes to disguise myself in. I realise, that some servants have come to work at the bar, and apparently they are not frozen, they just act cool. I have an idea! I go towards the nearest servant, dressed in some cool black west and a shirt, and asks him to exchange clothes. He knows the game, so he accepts. I put on the shirts, buttons it, and put on the west as well as a tie. Now I feel ready, and I signal to one of my partners to start the game. I find my way to a seat, and watches while the zombies awaken. I drink some tea, to act natural. But suddenly, I understand what I just did. I'm a servant, and I'm sitting at a table drinking tea!!
      Now one thing about these zombies, is that they overrun you, if you are moving, or trying to get away from them. But once you understand the game, they will just sneak up on you, and run a cold finger over your spine. It will give you the shivers, and you have lost the game.
      I understood my grave failure, and suddenly I felt a cold finger running along my spine, and I knew I had lost the game. I let myself fall down on the table, so they know I have given up. But they kept coming, running their fingers across my spine, like they didn't understand that I had given up. I started shouting up "Stop it you morons, I have given up already!" But they kept coming, until I started to be relaxed. This stopped them. Me being relaxed, as acting dead for real. Once I was sure the zombies had gotten back to their seats, I opened my eyes.
      Sadly, I also opened them in real life... Wanted to re induce the dream, but it was too late.
      I will post a more objective walk through of the game.