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    Tales from the sun chaser.

    1. Not up to snuf

      by , 03-27-2013 at 01:52 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I don't know what was going on, but my SGTs were made at me about something. I ended up getting my ass handed to me. I was wearing glasses, and they broke them. The next day they took mem to get some more. I was pissed off and sad at the same time. Just felt horrible.
    2. memory is coming back

      by , 12-20-2012 at 05:00 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember playing this game that was like starfox at my house. Instead of a joystick and buttons, it operated with two joysticks. The one on the right controlled firing, and the one on the left controlled the plane. It was pretty awesome except that my nephews were over there and they had some really annoying kid with them.

      Eventually I stopped playing, and someone was asking a guy if he wanted to bring in a large cat.. Dude agreed, and he came back with something I've never seen. It was white and it came up to about my chest, but it didn't have any real length to it.. Apparently it was a female, because she stared rubbing against me. She even started doing some sort of sign language. I was trying so hard to understand what she meant, and then someone explained that she was asking if I knew anyone who would hire her as a model in New York. Obviously I didn't know...and slowly, she started becoming more human, until she was a girl and talking. I asked her if a dog ever tried humping her on the leg in her human form and she said no. Oh well, at least I got a laugh out of it.

      We were on some bus, and I remember some general was talking to us about all these various attacks, and they would flash in my head. This was going on in American soil though.
      While riding, I noticed a cement mixer type vehicle, but it was super small. It looked like a large RC car. I was just telling someone how weird it looked, and when I looked back it was full size and someone was in it. We got out and started walking.

      And there were all these injured soldiers getting treated by nurses in training. Everyone had on WWII type clothing, and I noticed all the nurses were females. I kept walking, and I was trying to see if there was anyone I knew. I made a mental note that there were so many redheads in the crowd, and most of them were cute. Wherever they were stationed at, I wouldn't mind taking a visit. Eventually we stopped at some tables, and I started talking to the cat lady again, but I don't know what it was about.
    3. Order in the court, we have a problem

      by , 12-12-2012 at 09:11 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm outside, in BDU's and I'm securing a parameter. I can see some scientist looking at something right next door. This other guy and I are guessing what could it be. We sort of come to the conclusion that it could be radio active. I jokingly state that if it is, I'll go next door and grab something to eat since the fridge is probably lined with lead.

      My feet are hot, so I take off my shoes and socks, and eventually some other soldier calls me over. I told him I'd walk over when I got my gear back on, and he made some response about being a lazy LT.

      I'm at some huge congressional meeting...I think it's all democratic, and the speaker of the house is there. She opens up the floor, but for the most senior people. After someone speaks, all the people in the crowd have mini uproars like they're a bunch of yes men. Meanwhile someone asks me to do a multiplication problem. It was something in the 400s maybe times 80. I want to say 450 x 80. Anyways, I couldn't figure out 8x4 for the life of me for some reason, and just asked another DC. She was like "81" and I said it can't be, because 8x10 is 80. I asked another one, and they said "45", and I did the same thing. I was so mad that I forgot the number when I woke up.

      I'm in a hotel in Vegas. Some military people are with me, but I'm not in....we're just relaxing. My room mate bursts into the room, and I said "hey, you better be glad I wasn't jacking off!". Some other guy enters, and I head off solo. There's an AVN awards show going on, and I show up. (fun fact: I showed up to the hotel where this was going on in RL before and was like WOW ALL DEM FAKE BOOBS, but I didn't recognize any of the girls) I sit down, and they announce the winner for some scene, and her name is "Miss J" or "Dr. J", or something. Anyways, she's this one softcore porn star that I never caught name. Black hair, green eyes....nice rack. That sort of thing. I was happy that she won, and I tried to remember her name. I walked off after that.
    4. randomness

      by , 11-22-2012 at 02:19 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Apparantly I'm back in the military, or got extended or something. Man...it sucks, but I like it....working at the hospital again and that sort of thing.

      Someone starts testing me on the bones of the body from the patella all the way up to the mental foramen. I have no idea what it was all about. Also I get on the phone with this one chick i had a crush on back in elementary school. (I think I had a crush on most them all actually...maybe I was one of the rare people who realized kids were adorable before growing up and having one of my own or something). Anyways, I told her I needed to go.
      Tags: military, phone
      dream fragment
    5. 90% of the time, it never works

      by , 10-21-2012 at 11:28 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm leaving one store and going into another, and some guy is asking everyone in the store if we've seen some dude. I tell him no, but the guy just keeps looking at me. I asked him what he looked like, and he describes a black guy....and I got that "oh great, I know where all black people are all the time" thought in my head. I leave, head outside, and see a combination of old army friends and some college guys.

      They say they're going to some club and they want me to go. I told them yeah, and went up to my room. I came back down, and realized that I had school the next day and I told them I couldn't go. They were all like "common". I realized they had plenty of room so I was thinking if I carpooled, didn't drink and slept on the way back, I would be fine.

      I realize Desire isn't in her parking spot, and there is a really old Model T type car and MPs came up and said something about how dirty the parking lot was, and then some other chick in BDUs came with some other soldiers and told us some speech that said she knows we'll be able to clean it up because we're 120% better than what we were or something. It made sense, and we started cleaning up.

      There was some open stair wells that had these devices that we could ride up and down between floors, and I did some parkour moves through some stuff, and ran into ST. (the first girl I ever asked out. She said she'd think about it, and it took her all the way to the next day to say "I'm sorry Wade, but no".) I started talking to her...gave her a hug, and was just catching up a bit, and I asked her if she had a boyfriend. She said no....so i tried working my magic, and she tells me about how she's been in terrible relationships. The girls around her even tried saying "hey girl, you should date him, he's a great guy". No dice. She just wasn't that into me. And the way she looked even better than she did way back then made it a bit worse.

      I headed off trying to salvage what little pride I had left, and some lady had my shoes on a counter and told me my shoes stunk. I was trying to figure out how could that be because I wash them a lot.
    6. oh my freaking knee

      by , 10-07-2012 at 01:06 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm looking at some girls legs because she was complaining about a rash, and it looks like the bulk of it is on her feet and lower calves. I asked the the usual questions like "any changes in soaps, foods, or clothing", and she said she bought the sandals she was wearing the other day. I tried telling her that it was probably from that, but she didn't want to listen to me, so eventually I just said "well I don't know what it could be from". I went off to wash my hands an when I was finished, I noticed my right knee was locked up. I couldn't bend it and it kinda hurt. I tried walking around a bit to see if it was just stiff or something, and it didn't get better at all.

      I rubbed the area to see if it would help and noticed it was swollen. "Crap there's probably fluid on it". I was thinking I was going to have to drain it, so I went to see Cpt P. and he was like "yup, you're right". I asked him what should I do about it could we take care of it here, or did I need to go to the ER...and he started giving me the old "well you know what to do....tell me, it's quiz time look". I told him we'd need a catheter, syringe, and basin, and he told me to get two 1k cc bags of saline. I thought the last part was weird, but started looking for everything.

      Once I had most of the items together, I noticed the pain was about gone, and I was walking normally...maybe draining it wasn't such a good idea.

      There's something else related to this dream...like I was done with school for the day and I wanted to shadow an RN at the emergency room.....oh there was some kind of swimming event in this super shallow water.
    7. More than what it seems

      by , 07-04-2012 at 06:27 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm at this church and there's this lich up there saying some cazy incantation.

      (quick edit I had a dream about working at the old hospital and meeting up with someone I knew before this dream).

      I have no idea what this skeleton guy in purple and gold is talking about but I head up front to kill him. One of his guards swing a long spiked mace at me, and I grabbed it and took out the guard with it. I hit the lich with it, and he shrugged it off and said some garbage about how he was too powerful to be destroyed. Then I thought about love, and focused that energy into the next swing....totally destroyed him. I broke the mase in a way that it became a four section staff and went to work on the rest of the guards and woke up.


      I'm at a hotel and I think I'm about to change clothes and go out, but I end up spilling everything into the toilet. People show up and I hear that's it's J I lock the door and then wait a second and he comes in. Magically, everything is cleaned up. I started watching a show about how some woman died, and her daughter (who looked exactly like her) didn't want to go to the funeral because it made her think of her own death.

      I'm walking with that girl now and I get her a drink and myself a coffee (the drink had a really wierd name to it and it came in a green bottle, and I never drink coffee). It didn't have a straw, so I went into the store right next door and swiped one while telling the owner.

      I'm in some cave (same one from a dream today that I didn't write down) and some grey guy gives me a kill request. It's some lich who's at the end of the cave. I head down there while dispatching theses shadowy fools in black cloaks and when I turn around I see the guy I need to kill, but its the gray guy. He quickly transforms back to the gray guy so I don't fuck him up. I'm confused, and partially lucid at this point when the grey guy starts explaining things.

      He starts talking about rules of the Dreamworld and how nothing around me is what it seems. The woman who died showed up along with her daughter. They were disguised as well. He said he needed test me to see if I was worthy, and went on explaining the differences between the real world and the dreamworld. Everything faded and I wished I could go back to sleep
    8. death

      by , 02-09-2012 at 09:26 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember killing someone....and feeling soooooooooooo bad about it. I kept thinking that friends of his were going to get revenge. I had a few wbtbs after that, but nothing as strong. Eventually I found myself in my old room when I was in the military. My old room mate was there, and two girls were actually occupying the room. We went to some sort of ball/party and I recognized some guy who died his har from blonde back to black.
      Tags: military, sadness
    9. 17 Jan 11

      by , 01-17-2012 at 01:36 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I just wanted to sleep...been dozing off all day. Last night was the first night in a long time I remember not randomly waking up.

      I remember something about trying to get a device fixed in an office, and because I didn't file the report, it obviously got worse. There was something else about Rocco Botte and zombies. The part I do remember however....

      Involved me at some bar. I was sitting at a table with AM, and I was trying my hardest to hook up. From the looks of the table, she's had like five rum and cokes, and there's no telling where I'm at, but I have a feeling the place is going to be closed soon. I went in for a kiss on the cheek, and got denied. "Oh no, I just saw you as a friend", she explains after pushing me away. I got up and headed towards the door. I needed some food because I don't know how drunk I thought I was. This one guy had pizza on his table, but all of it had been half eaten. I head outside, and it's daytime.

      Not only that, the cannon goes off, and I have to salute the flag because it's going down. I see some people in airforce uniforms walk off while the flag is still being lowered and I'm just shocked. There a group of people who also start walking before the song ends. WTF is up with these people? Anyways, I need a pencil and there are a bunch on this stair case. Some woman starts talking to me and ask me about myself and what not. I tell her that I'll be getting out of the Army in a few days, and getting into school. We go back and fourth about my choices as far as my curriculum is concerned. I don't know if she's just hating on the fact that I'm trying to better myself, or just happens to be a negative person.
    10. Firefight with a side of nastiness

      by , 12-19-2011 at 06:06 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember being out in the field and taking other troops out. I don't know how I did it initially, but I ended up taking someones assault rifle and magazines after I killed them. It took me like 5 minutes to put the clip in because the clip had some dust cover that had to be flipped off in order to connect it. Anyways....more killing ensued...and I found myself in a car with Mrs R. She kept hinting at how she wanted me...and then she turned into SGT C.

      We were at a red light for minutes, so I knew it had to be a LD. I told her, we might as well do it right now in the middle of traffic. We started taking off our clothes and the sex started out pretty real and just got awkward. (for you people who never know how awkward my sex in dreams gets, I'll explain it) It was like her vagina and uterus was on the seat next to her and I was inside it, and she was tethered to it by random bloody tissue and ligaments. Anyways....I had to stop and wake up.
    11. Tara and I

      by , 12-08-2011 at 02:58 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm in the military, and working as a combat medic. I see two people fighting, and I break it up before it gets crazy. Then we head to the gym. There's a broken backboard, some guy laying on his back, and he has glass stuck all in him. I'm with Tara, and V and we have to get him back to the hospital.

      On my way over there, I was thinking about the best method to transport him, and figured that we'd need to get most of the glass out of his back and start an IV. The only problem was, I couldn't find anything to save my life. I kept pulling out super long needles when I just needed a small iv catheter. I gave up, and just started instucting Tara and V to get the items...hell, I had the most rank anyway :p
    12. Rules

      by , 11-29-2011 at 02:02 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Its earlry as crap out and the sun hAsnt even come out. I have a beer in hand and I take a swig. My head nurse from the army is there and he gives
      me a disappointed look. I take another one and toss it in some shrubs and he me....

      I remember having some conversation about the lOcation of different countries. Germany looked like it was to the south of us, but I didn't know where we were at the time.

      I'm in a white room and some.cute girl walks in and were talking when this one guy who was in my bio class walks in and sits to the left of me. He stars smoking and it blows in my face and gets on my nerves. I apologize to the girl in advanced and left.

      gets weird here

      I'm in church and this girl has her leg right on my dick and asks me why is it always hard. I told her I'd try to relax it and tried to think about anything.

      I find myself entering church again, and I'm remembering that I had a dream about my moms but I can't focus on anything else other than the fact that she's dead. Someone sends me on an errand and I wake up
    13. Frags

      by , 11-04-2011 at 03:49 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember my brother had this pickle jar and I wanted to see it next because it had a label that offered free full music software.

      I was playing or being in this game. I remember talking to this girl....and we got in her car. But the car was something like a house, and we headed through this forest, and there all kinds of dragons in it. But they were friendly.

      I remember going on a mission with the president and a few other people. We had no NBC gear, and the main guy who we had to get was surrounded by gas. Everyone fell down, and Obama wanted to retreat. Something else happens where we're all just chilling....still lying down in our uniforms but there's no threat of danger. S starts flirting with two guys, and I cursed her out and walked off.

      I was in DV chat, and someone linked a totally unrealistic scene from what I assumed was the last action hero. The thing that got me was how quickly it loaded. After that I turned it into a gif for my avatar.
    14. being somebody

      by , 09-17-2011 at 04:22 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'm at this house, that kind of reminds me of my old one, and I'm talking to this beautiful Thai or Indian woman. She wants her daughter (girl I'm dating) to take up a musical instrument. The mother doesn't recall what she took up when she was younger, but she wanted her to take that up again. She was asking me if I had any idea, and I told her I thought it was either the piano or violin. We were in her room, and I suggested that more than likely whatever she played would be in here. Eventually she left, and my "girlfriend" walked in.

      We kissed, and I playfully pinned her down for a second, and she quickly reminded me that her moms was right down the hallway. We talked about something else for a brief moment, and headed to another room. This room was my old one, and there were like three other girls there at least. They started talking about how big the bed was, and I was trying to be modest about it. One of the girls "L" started stripping for no apparent reason. Since my girl was there, I decided to turn the other way, and look out of the window.

      Suddenly I found myself marching with this special military unit. We were in this neighbor hood that was in the middle of the desert. Everyone sort of had their own specialized gear, and no soldier looked like the next one. We even had this guy who was riding a modified missile carrier

      A question for the ladies-142372.jpg

      The wheelbase looked exactly like that, but instead of the front part with the engine, there was a 80s Camaro and it faced the opposite direction. All the people in the neighbor hood walked out and greeted us, and some guy who knew me was proud that I finally maded in this particular unit. I wish i could remember the name of it, I think it was kinda badass.
    15. This is not a test.

      by , 02-20-2011 at 10:29 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Technique: DILD (unintentional due to ISP)
      Dream Control: 9
      Dream Length: loooong
      Recall: Above Average
      Vividness: Excellent

      So I'm about to go on this training mission, and one of my old drill sergeants is there, and she's wearing this red dress. We try to line up, but no body is doing what they're supposed to do. I look down on the ground and notice tiled floor, and say "hey, everyone toe the line". They do it, but it turns out this room is shaped weird, so the formation gets changed, and we're all crooked.

      Our drill sergeant tells us that we're just going to have to go on that mission right away. I said "don't worry, I'm going to kill everyone for you", and she said "no, don't do it for me, do it for you". She started crying, and said that she wasn't going to be there anymore, and this silly 80s rock music kept playing over the loud speakers.

      I left and found myself in my front yard with N, and two other girls. I was flirting with them as usual, and I noticed N had stripped panties. I was going bonkers. All of a sudden, all the girls were down to bra's and panties. We started walking down the driveway, and I started noticing how everything was. It was so foggy out, but the sun wasn't even visible, but it was clearly in the middle of the day by how bright things were. There were clouds among the fog that were really low, and I said "hey, do you think this stuff looks a bit weird? Like something out of a dream?".

      The girls looked a round a little bit, and I did a nose pinch. It was successful, and I skyrocketed towards the air. I saw them from below and they were figuring out that they were dreaming. When I landed, N got on her cellphone, and started calling up her boyfriend, and apologizing for what she was doing earlier. I told her that she doesn't have to worry about it, cause it's a dream. All of a sudden she started turning black, almost melting and merging with the phone. She slushed down into a puddle of murk, and I knew it was boss time.

      I ran over to the mailbox, and said I needed weapons, and smashed it with my fist. The mailbox was immediately filled with gloves and some other training equipment. I grabbed a dagger, and smashed the mail box again, this time requesting guns. I grabbed the barrel and pulled out this short stock desert brown, m-16 carbine. It was so light, that it felt like like a watergun. I headed back over there, and got a few blows in and the boss died seconds later. I told the other DC's to wait for me next time we get some action. One of them told me it was a training program and they could always make more.

      I shot my gun a few times randomly, and some guy in a truck looking for trouble pulled up. I told him that he didn't want to mess with me at all. The guy proceeded to pull out a gun and shoot me. I grabbed his arm and the guy had a heart attack. I said "I'll make it rain bullets on you". I grabbed his gun, and shot the bullets so slow that they came out like toy bullets. They went maybe a foot in the air, arched and landed on his body. I proceeded to empty the chamber, and everyone was laughing. One of the DC's was commenting about the weird crap I do in my dreams when I'm lucid.

      Updated 02-20-2011 at 10:48 PM by 10773

      lucid , memorable
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